Can article submission bring more traffic or backlinks for hub?

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  1. PierrePierre profile image60
    PierrePierreposted 14 years ago

    There are many websites that allow you to post an article which can be reprinted by others and meanwhile your link will be included. So as a result, more backlinks are created for you. Isn’t right?
    Dose the hubpages allow hubbers to submit hub in some article submission site, e.g., ?

    1. goldenpath profile image66
      goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To my understanding no.  In order to maintain the integrity of HubPages all content should be original.  I'm sure copying takes place and it may be a quick way of obtaining rank and backlink but the best way is the slow way.  Original content as the page states when submitting a new hub is the best counsel.

    2. sidpoudyal profile image58
      sidpoudyalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To your first question, yes, although you have to write a really spectacular article in a very popular category for many webmasters to want to syndicate your article on their sites. It seems like most who use article directories such as ezinearticles and articlesbase do so for the backlinks from those high pr sites, anything else is just a bonus.

      For your second question, the answer is... another yes. As far as hubpages is concerned you can publish your content on other sites as well. Some directories do not allow you to immediately republish your work elsewhere, they require that they can be the only source for a period of time, whether it is a month or a few months or even a year. Hubpages, however, has no such requirement and you can publish your content on ezinearticles and articlesbase.

      Keep in mind that sites, especially ezinearticles, will want you to publish your content there First and sometimes it can be difficult to get your articles approved, again, especially at ezinearticles, if they see that the same content has already been posted. It is not that they do not accept already syndicated content but they may just not have any idea that you are the original author of the content. I found that it helps to have the same username (author name) at all the sites you want to syndicate your content so that your case is easier to prove when it comes to copyright.

      Feel free to ask more questions here or via my profile page. I may not have as high a hubrank as others but I do know my stuff, I am just new Here. Also it seems like some of the other replies may have not answered your actual questions or got caught up in other ideas or may have not understood what you were thinking, of course, that is what I first thought but then I realized that I (emphasis on the 'I' but its already capitalized so you can't tell) could be the one who misunderstood.

      Let me know either way, I hope I can help.

      1. PierrePierre profile image60
        PierrePierreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you! Detailed explanation! Once I submitted one of my hub in, but this site refused it.....
        Although article submission may bring lots of traffics, I think i would like to spend time writing new hubs, rather

  2. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago
    1. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this
  3. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    You dont submit copies of the same content that you are trying to boost to such services.

    You create a new related article instead, some also use spinner software to make more related copies.

    To be clear: You would not be submitting your hub! you would submit a new piece of content that has a link to your hub.

  4. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    I dont get it, neither of those links are about article submission sites.

    Am I missing something?

  5. MPG Narratives profile image61
    MPG Narrativesposted 14 years ago

    I write related articles on ezine but they don't allow links. I have placed a note in my profile that I write on hubpages. If ezine finds an article too similar to one you want to post they will not approve it.

    Hubpages still seems to be the best site when it comes to writing and being paid for it. That's my experience anyway.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What's the point of writing articles on EzineArticles if you don't put a link in them?

      You are allowed up to two links in your resource box - and they recently changed the rules so they accept non-original work, too.

    2. profile image48
      1AffiliateNetworkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well on ezine you can also put links in your actual article as well..

  6. rminela profile image67
    rminelaposted 14 years ago

    In you are allowed to have up to three links. But they must be positioned in the resource box and they should go to separate sites other wise you'll repeatedly send readers to the same site. Yes you can have one or two in the body of the article, but they must not be self serving.

  7. m920621m profile image67
    m920621mposted 14 years ago

    Yes you can get traffic from article submission sites. The way I do it is just write a brief article about a new hub I've just published. It's not copy pasted but it does contain some stuff from a hub. It's like a sales page preparing customers to buy a product.
    In terms of backlinks, not all sites allow do-follow links (the ones that you need). You can get a list of sites that you can get backlinks from here
    NF means that links in a site are no-follow and they do not count as backlinks.

    1. PierrePierre profile image60
      PierrePierreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know that don't allow do-follow links.

      1. sidpoudyal profile image58
        sidpoudyalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Actually the links in the resource boxes are NOT nofollow (at ezinearticles), meaning search engines WILL index them and pass link juice along to the site you are linking to.

        Also, that list's title, the list on, can be VERY misleading, especially the alexa ranking ranking. I think the only really useful information on the list could be the column for nofollow links. Everything else needs to be individually tested depending on what exactly you are using article directory submission for.

        In response to TerryGI, I agree that those other sites are very valuable, however, article marketing is far from being obsolete. I made my first money online from article directory submission and met three of my buddies that started the same time that I did and made their first money with article directory submission as well.

        Of the four of us, I still use article directories but only for PR (not page rank) and prospective investments, one of my buddies does not use them at all anymore and the other two teamed up and now post THOUSANDS of articles each and every single day, I haven't heard from them in a while though so it could be TENS OF THOUSANDS of articles per day now. And yes, it is their sole source of income but let me tell you this, they were earning, together, FOUR TIMES  what they were pulling in before internet marketing (and their part-time jobs made BANK).

        Dang, I mean, those two were the ones that once they caught onto something they couldn't stop themselves, when they teamed up they became truly unstoppable. Ha, nostalgia.

        Anyways, there is a reason why "everyone is doing this", it still works and provides real results.

  8. TerryGl profile image60
    TerryGlposted 14 years ago

    Think outside the square.

    Give article directories a miss and achieve some startling results.

    Use sites like scribd and docstoc dot com for powerful dofollow links and high page rank. Google loves these sites.

    Take it one step further and turn your article into a slideshow and put it on slideshow dot com for huge pr and dofollow. Use the free version of camstudio and upload a video of your slideshow to YouTube etc.

    Article directories are coming obsolete as everyone is doing this. Stand above the crowd and use more productive and different techniques to achieve a stronger outcome.

    1. JerryDavid profile image61
      JerryDavidposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I wan to ask how to creat backlinks with scribd and docstoc dot com? thanks

  9. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    Somehow I got a feeling that this thread was created to promote sid as a seo expert...

    Which he may be or may be not, so far his posts didn't prove it conclusively. smile

  10. Peter Hoggan profile image68
    Peter Hogganposted 14 years ago

    Article syndication definitely works. The content you syndicate needs to be different from the page you are linking too and wish to gain rankings for otherwise the page you want to rank could fall victim to Google’s duplicate content filter. I also syndicate articles to provide links to previously syndicated articles to boost the reputation of those pages and the link juice that flows through them.

  11. JerryDavid profile image61
    JerryDavidposted 14 years ago

    I hold the opinion that rewriting is also very time consuming and there being insufficient time to submit my spin articles to those directories.


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