180 hubs, one recent hub moderated as substandard, suggestions please.

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  1. humagaia profile image57
    humagaiaposted 14 years ago

    I have just found that a 3 day old hub has been moderated as substandard and I am having difficulty understanding what needs to be addressed.
    None (in my view) of the 'common reasons' for moderation seem to fit.
    I have read the FAQ and Maddies hub about the issue but none of this helps. Before I e-mail Hubpages I wondered how others had addressed this issue when experiencing 'unpublishing', particularly whether e-mailing to ask for help had been effective and help had been offered.
    I am particularly interested in getting the hub republished as it had already gained high ranking in serps with Google, Ask and 'search.' sites and was generating 50+ views daily (rising).
    PS I am not asking for suggestions about actual changes (as you cannot see an unpublished hub) but rather suggestions as to how best to obtain assistance from Hubpages so that the hub can be adjusted in a timely and efficient manner to limit both my time and that of the person that would be required to re-moderate (more than once if I do not address the specific prob)

    1. caltex profile image59
      caltexposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for asking.  Your question prompted me to look into this subject. 

      I found out on the help section that you just might need to make some changes to your hub.  It might have been flagged as substandard if you have some links or videos that are not working.  You can also try changing a few things and resubmitting it for publication.  Goodluck!

      1. humagaia profile image57
        humagaiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for telling.
        I have already checked out the FAQ and the hub specifically written for this subject.
        None of the 'common reasons' fit.
        I have no videos and all the links are valid and viable - there would be a flag against the hub if there were any broken links - there are not.
        It is not a 'test' or otherwise unfinished hub.
        It has over 1000 words so cannot fit the 'very little content' reason.
        None of my other hubs is poorly-written so I do not think this one is either.
        The content is not produced elsewhere (either on hubpages or on the Internet) for this subject. It would have been flagged as duplicate content.
        It is not a heavily saturated topic.
        No broken links and the links are not to low quality sites (unless Google is a low quality site)
        I think I have been accurate with my link text - certainly not deceptive.
        No links to dubious products or offers.
        No videos.
        Photos are screenshots that I produced myself in a normal manner - don't think they have watermarks and are not pixelated.
        Not copied from anywhere else - my own investigation into how to achieve something.

        Beyond the above I am at a loss.

        All I wish to know is where lies the problem.
        If it is worth addressing or not.

        Basically, I could change, and am willing to change, any and all aspects of the hub. But it could still be modified as sub standard.
        Without knowing what is to be addressed I could be wasting both my and hubpages staff time.

    2. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I feel your pain.  I had to contact staff about an unpublished hub not long ago.  I will tell you this.  No matter how much you disagree with the reasons given for the removal of your hub, your protests will not be worthy of consideration.  Either leave the hub unpublished or change it.

      It violates some part of Googles TOS or is feared to do so by HP staff.  Booga booga! smile

      1. humagaia profile image57
        humagaiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You may be right that it violates some part of Google TOS. But since it runs adsense I would not violate their terms on purpose. As far as I am aware I follow all Google TOS.
        If it is that I violate one of these then all I need to know is which one and I can change it easily.

        However, I am not looking for advice on what to change.

        I am looking for advice as to which is the most effective way of finding out what the actual reason for the substandard moderation. This I ask of those that have been able to address the issues raised against their hub.

        I am quite happy to change anything. I am quite happy to drop the hub altogether - although it took time to produce and 3 days so far to promote.

        I just want to know how to deal with the situation in the most efficient way. If I change something that is not the problem and then resubmit, a hubpages staff member will be required to review. If I have not changed the actual problem then their time will have been wasted. I want to know that the changes I implement will address the issue, in order that my time and their time is not wasted.

        1. arthurchappell profile image41
          arthurchappellposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Totally agree - to un-publish a Hub should mean a human reading it and they should be able to pinpoint exactly what the problem is rather than expecting us to figure it out from a general list.

  2. humagaia profile image57
    humagaiaposted 14 years ago

    Update - I received a reply to my e-mail to the Hubpages team. It was an apology for their mistake in unpublishing the hub. I am thankful that it has been republished. I am less thankful that the hub was unpublished at the exact time that it's readership was increasing and just after I had placed the hub in search engine and directory lists ready to be searched and read for inclusion. I am sure that some directories found that the hub was not available.


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