3 of my hubs flagged down all at once

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  1. CrystalSingleton profile image59
    CrystalSingletonposted 14 years ago

    By means of substandard quality? One of which has almost 700 views on it. These three hubs have been on here for over a year and are now being flagged although they generate comments and daily reads. I don't understand if they were good enough for the last year and a half and now aren't? Please help explain on how this process works, thanks.

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Don't feel bad Crystal, I just had one unpublished that was published back on April 17th, 2010 and has had 14,301 views.

      And last week I had one get the Ads disabled by a Mod review, and when I asked why, they checked and said they could find no reason why they were disabled and put the ads back up.

      Anyway, I e-mailed the HP Team and I'm sure I will hear something back shortly.
      Did you e-mail HP?

  2. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    I'm surprised that in the two years you've been on the site that you've never taken the time to read the FAQ and learn how the site works.

    Hubs are not evaluated in detail before they are published.  There are automated filters which catch egregious violations of the TOS, but part of the reviewing on this site just comes from fellow site users, and it can happen whenever someone reads a Hub.  A Hub can be flagged if the reader thinks admin should review the content as somehow skirted the filters, or if it seems to be of poor quality.  Admin will then review the Hub, and if do find something wrong or lacking, it gets moderated.


    If you read the list of reasons linked, I'm sure you can figure out why admin moderated your Hubs.

  3. Maddie Ruud profile image68
    Maddie Ruudposted 14 years ago

    Some hubs do not come to our attention for a while, and then either someone flags them or a new report or filter we institute does.  You can just hit reply to the email you were sent when your hub was moderated, and ask for clarification on why it was unpublished.

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      LOL...I think I am kinda following two threads at once here, when one would do.
      I mentioned in the other thread that I didn't get an e-mail, I don't know about Crystal though.
      I went in and did the "contact us" on the Hub.

  4. anujagarwal profile image35
    anujagarwalposted 14 years ago

    Same thing just happened with one of my hub. Published from more than a year and today received a mail that it needs a revision and is an overly promotional hub. Although, it contains only 1 backlink. Well, I have sent a mail to HP, lets see what they will reply.

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Last time they got back to me in less than 24 hours which I thought was pretty good.
      I still haven't gotten an original "unpublished" e-mail about the Hub though and that kinda makes me wonder.

  5. AEvans profile image71
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    HP is quite busy , give them time to respond and they will lok into it. Be patient and hang in there. smile

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know, and I do realize they have a ton of things to keep up with and not many people to do it with.
      The thing is like I said, it was my third highest trafficked Hub yesterday when it was unpublished, so that means I'm losing money while I'm waiting to find out whats wrong so I can correct it and get it republished.

  6. CrystalSingleton profile image59
    CrystalSingletonposted 14 years ago

    For relache, although I joined a few years ago, I dont hang out here. I write short articles here from time to time. I like to come and check it out once in awhile. I also dont spend time reading through and checking links and ads and urls. I write because I love too. Nothing else. That is why I am shocked to find out i just had a 4th hub that was flagged for malicious links when in fact I have no knowledge of linking or how to on that matter. I just think it is wierd that articles that came out 2 years ago are just now being flagged. My score continues to rise and I have almost over 5000 reads so it just seems confusing is all.

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Writing HubPages is not the same as blogging.  That's why they monitor the content and try and uphold certain standards. 

      And given that you keep saying that you don't understand terms used on the site (like substandard or malicious link), it would be worth your time to read over the FAQ.

      1. CrystalSingleton profile image59
        CrystalSingletonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        i have but i dont understand too much about computers. I use my netbook mainly for my books and scripts that i write. I have a google adsense account that i set up when I very first signed up for hubpages. That is my only known link, and the url hubpages link they gave me. which I have yet to see do anything. Google pays me but havent seen anything come from the hubpages link. how would you know if their is a malicious link, where do you go to check that stuff????

        1. profile image0
          Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You can see a list of all of your hubs in your control panel under "my account." If there are any malicious links, these should be marked with the symbol that is shown at the buttom of that screen. Then you can edit the hubs, check out the links.

          1. Aficionada profile image75
            Aficionadaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I was going to ask the same question - so thanks, WE, for your answer.  One more detail - is there any other way to check without waiting to be notified on the My Account page?  Or can I assume that whatever HP software checks for links will be as up-to-the-minute as possible?  I mean, if I can be proactive in checking links, that would give an additional option, but I realize this may not be possible or even desirable.  Just askin'

    2. profile image0
      Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Are you saying you have no outbound links at all? What may have been a sound link when created can turn malicious later on. You, as the publisher, would be responsible for getting rid of such links in your hubs.

  7. bojanglesk8 profile image61
    bojanglesk8posted 14 years ago

    I got a Hub flagged once...

  8. profile image0
    Website Examinerposted 14 years ago

    Aficionada, there are free online link checkers and some rather good programs that will check every link on a website. How to configure it to work on your hubs (as opposed to HubPages' entire site) may present a bit of a challenge. I wouldn't take HubPages' not notifying you as a guarantee that all links are valid.

    1. Aficionada profile image75
      Aficionadaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I guess that was what I was trying to indicate. [Sometimes I need to write in order to know what I'm trying to write, know-what-I-mean?]

      Should I simply google "free online link checker" to find one?  Is that the best route?

      Thanks again. smile

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Check out LinkExaminer by AnalogX. It is light, free, and safe to use. A Google search for "link checker" and "online link checker" may also work, and there is a Firefox plug-in. There are online website quality checkers, which also may include checking for links.

  9. bobskeyboardz profile image58
    bobskeyboardzposted 14 years ago

    flags are unexpected! I hope I dont get flagged.

  10. sabrebIade profile image77
    sabrebIadeposted 14 years ago

    Well it's been almost two days since that Hub was unpublished and I still haven't heard anything from HP on why it was unpublished, or gotten an e-mail telling me it was unpublished in the first place.
    I have e-mailed twice with no response so far.
    (No response from HP after 24 hours is unusual for me..maybe I'm just spoiled)

    Should I just let that Hub go, chalk it up as lost and move on to other projects?

  11. sabrebIade profile image77
    sabrebIadeposted 14 years ago

    HP wrote me back just now and told me what the problem was, so I corrected it, and sent it in for republishing.
    So everything should be cleared up now.

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      And in a little over an hour it was republished!

  12. anujagarwal profile image35
    anujagarwalposted 14 years ago

    Well my hub is republished now, but with a drastic drop in Hub Score. Earlier, it used to be more than 80 and now it has come down in 60s. But thats ok, the big problem is somebody has copied the whole content of my Hub and put it on the website. Do not know what to do now...

    1. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      File a DMCA.
      I cant find the link I have here at the moment, but contact the HP team and I'm sure they'll give it to you.

      1. anujagarwal profile image35
        anujagarwalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the info sabreblade. I got the link and reported the issue to Google. The site has AdSense enabled. I hope content will be removed soon.


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