What happen in US today?

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  1. albc profile image59
    albcposted 13 years ago

    What happen? is a day off?

    Lowest traffic ever..

    1. rebekahELLE profile image84
      rebekahELLEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's mid month when a lot of bills are due. hmm money comes, money goes quicker!
      Even in Florida, we had high electric bills for Jan. I thought $200. was high, it would really hurt to pay out $600. for 4 weeks.

      1. albc profile image59
        albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        now i got it, this is what nelle tried to tell me too, that is why no traffic and no sales...

  2. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    I just paid a $600+ heating oil bill for 4 weeks. That's put a damper on any expenditures of mine for a while.

    1. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      in the place i used to live if i paid that much of money for power, then i dont have to pay anything for 2 years

      power costs only around $30 per month

      (plus if i have your kind of online income i cant live like a company general manager!)

    2. profile image0
      ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's the good thing about living in a small one bedroom apartment, my heating costs me $80 on a bad month. That said, negatives include having to hear the man downstairs whenever he decides to play music.

      That heating cost seems very high, whilst your gasoline/petrol prices seem very low. Americans do have to drive much further to get anywhere though, so I suppose it averages out.

      I keep telling people that American and European earnings are only relative to costs within the economy, but they seldom listen, they all see $30,000 as a fortune but fail to see that the result is simply higher prices.

      The only real benefit to living in an expensive country is that travel to developing nations is very affordable, other than that none of us see wealth because in relative terms we are not wealthy. Earn $10,000 in most parts of Asia and you can live a lifestyle similar to that of somebody who earns $40,000 in the UK.

      I can feel wealthy if I go to Bangkok for a couple of months, or mess around in Goa, but in my everyday life I tend to feel a bit skint!

      1. lrohner profile image67
        lrohnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Gosh, I remember just a few years back when oil hit near $5.00/gallon. I owned a large, 100-year-old house at the time, and my oil bill (separate from my electric bill, mind you) was well over $1,000/month that winter. Thank goodness I worked from a home office, so I didn't have to gas the car up much. smile

        1. profile image0
          ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That just seems so high! Do you actually have to go and physically buy heating oil? We use 'gas', pumped to our homes through pipes, maybe its the same but our terminology differs. The average yearly heating bill is around $1500-$2000, I am assuming that the average British home is a three bedroom semi-detached house. I live in a small one bedroom apartment, with a heating bill of around $750 a YEAR. Electricity is around $450 a year, and water is about $600 a year (that is fixed for me, I would save money on a meter). I do have to pay something called 'council tax' though, which is around $1500 a year, so all things considered...

          Petrol (Gas to you) costs around $8.50 a gallon!! The second highest in Europe despite the British having more oil than any other European country, which is frankly a disgrace.

          1. LeanMan profile image74
            LeanManposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Even in the UK we have to buy heating oil Ryan, and it can be quite expensive! Red diesel for your heating out in the fens of East Anglia is the only way to heat your houses, the gas lines don't come outside the major towns!! Plus you need more fuel for your car to get anywhere... no wonder so many people risk putting it in their cars (only fuel tax not the exorbitant tax paid at the pumps!)
            Left several years ago so not sure what the cost is now... living in one of those third world economies where a $1000 a month is living the high life!!

            1. profile image0
              ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Lol, I live in one of the very few built up areas of East Anglia as it happens. I suppose that is a benefit to urban living smile

              I didn't realise that heating oil was so expensive to be honest, although I know somebody who still has a coal delivery lol

              1. LeanMan profile image74
                LeanManposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I used to live in a little village called Benwick not far from March, but no Gas so oil was the way to heat.. You could smell all the boilers in the town on a cold day...
                However several years ago it seemed that the cost of heating that way was cheaper than the previous gas central heating that we had in the house before.....

                However, now I don't need heating, but the AC is damn expensive to run... lol

                1. profile image0
                  ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm currently running dehumidifiers after coming back to a damp house, now they are expensive to run too it seems!

                  I have an electricity pre-paid meter, the legacy of the failure of the former owner to pay his bills, but I quick like having it so I never asked for a change. It helps me to work out what costs money and what doesn't, I can't believe how much boiling a full kettle of water costs in relation to keeping a TV on for an entire day.

                  To boil two full kettles of water uses the same amount of electricity as having my 32" LCD TV running for 24 hours, so now I boil precisely one cup of water for one cup of tea and two cups of water for two cups of tea lol

                  I'm from Norwich, by the way.

                  1. LeanMan profile image74
                    LeanManposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    A good study to do, wakes you up to how much we waste every day!
                    I know Norwich quite well, I lived in Yarmouth for 3 years and had a brief stay in Norwich for about 6 months before moving to Milton Keynes..

      2. SiddSingh profile image61
        SiddSinghposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely correct numbers!

      3. J Sunhawk profile image68
        J Sunhawkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well, that's pretty much the thing of it. Brits think this and that of Americans, while Americans think this way and that way of Brits.

        I'd like very much for my Brit cousins to join their American cousins and become one nation.

        We could name it the United States of America and Brits. Okay, you Brits could name that last noun what you want.

        We've been good friends for too long not to consider it.

        Hell, it's time to broach the subject in a hub.

        I'll name it "Hot Dogs and Chips."

  3. paradigmsearch profile image58
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    "What happen in US today?"


  4. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    But then you'd have my fixed costs. Everything is relative. My point was a lot of people in the US have had a rough winter with very high energy costs. Paying those bills will stop us from spending on other things.

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're right.
      And even gasoline for our car is over $3.00 a gallon here in Indiana;  I dunno what it is in other States....

      1. leahlefler profile image96
        leahleflerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I just filled up our truck and it was $3.31 per gallon. Luckily, we have hot water baseboard heating (natural gas), so our winter heating bills are about $300 per month. Nelle, I had no idea heating oil was so expensive - OUCH!

    2. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      i agree, high income comes with high cost..

      one thing puzzle me, my traffic today is only one third of what i had a day in last december.

      i suspect most of my traffic come from US, so, what had happened in US today that made people did not surf the Internet?

    3. J Sunhawk profile image68
      J Sunhawkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're right about that. It's been cold here in the south. The water has froze solid in the cat dish outside several times. There was snow cover for about a week last month. And a penguin knocked on the door and asked to warm himself inside.

      Rough winter indeed.

  5. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    Heating oil is $3.48 a gallon, car gasoline is $3.28 a gallon, and we have the highest KW charge for electricity in the country. That's what i get for living on a island in the Northeast with access from only two bridges. We are at the end of the distribution line for everything.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would kill for gas at $3.28 a gallon. Oh wait - we did and I still get to pay almost double that. sad

      1. albc profile image59
        albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am luckiest among you, gasoline costs only US$0.70 per liter, how about that smile

  6. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    Mark you're in FRANCE! I would kill for your food.

    I know that compared to Europe we are doing great. Luckily when you work on the living room couch, it keeps down the gasoline bill, so you can pay the heating bill.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah - the food is good. big_smile Still can't believe the crap they sell you guys. big_smile

  7. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    okay so which country do you live in. I need to know where to move to.

    1. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      you would not see me, in a small island in south east asia.

  8. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    Want to give me a hint of what your small island is near? I might have visited there in my earlier more adventurous life.

    1. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      near indonesia, our government is generous and subsidies the gasoline..

  9. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    But I bet you have to have air conditioning in the summer. From May through early September, I don't turn on the heat and I don't use an air conditioner - except for the rare heat wave. It probably balances out. I just have to be ready for December, January and February which are killers.

    1. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      it is summer everyday from january to december but air-condition is still an option rather than necessity..

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Stop it already, the jealousy is too much!

        1. albc profile image59
          albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Heheh, the drawback is it is hard to make good money here. I have a university degree and I earn around US$70 perday..

          That is why i joint hubpages (and other ways to earn online) with a goal to make $350 per month online. If I achieve this I can improve my living standard and actually I can retire earlier

          However, all of us here are very lucky considering many people in the other part of the world eat only a bowl of rice a day. Some even have to eat grass and sleep with a empty stomach is a norm

          We are all lucky and let's have a cup of tea to celebrate it..

  10. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    We actually live in a small duplex. My livable floor space is about 1,600 square feet. But we're very close to the ocean. It's the ocean, some dunes, a salt marsh, a meadow, and then our house. While we've grown a large wind break of holly trees, the frigid wind still howls in from the northeast across the water and hits us smack dab on the side of the house. The house is about 200 years old. (Actually, You can see the roof and a little bit of it in my avatar!)

    Oh well, it's a beautiful place to live.

    PS We have an oil tank and are on auto-refill with our oil company, so every two weeks they come and make sure we have a full tank.

  11. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years ago

    But you have to figure out how to make that living there. Even in the US, there are places we've considered living in because they're so beautiful, but we couldn't figure out how to make a living there. Now I'm more flexible in terms of livelihood, but there's the Affiliate sales tax issue and guaranteed health care access (which only Massachusetts has at the moment.)

    1. albc profile image59
      albcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I see US is beautiful and I envy your standard of living.

      I lived in Australia and New Zealand for several years and I think living standard in US is quite similar or even better.

      As long as we still can kick this life in its butt we would do well wink

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That is the point though, I don't know where you live right now but there are many people who are stuck earning $70 a shift in the United States too. If you can find a good job in America, a secure one, then you are laughing. Its a great place to live with money, and horrible place to live without money, much like London.

        If you were to earn $70 a day in America, which many people do, your quality of life would undoubtedly fall significantly - to the point where your quality of life is non-existant. There are probably a lot of 'survival jobs' as I call them, but you would be hard pressed finding a lucrative job in America unless you are lucky enough to possess one of the skills which they happen to be short in.

        If you possess advanced technical knowledge or are a qualified doctor or nurse, then by all means take the plunge. Otherwise, you will be joining a large number of people trying to get out of $70 a day jobs; quite the same in much of Europe with the exception of Scandinavia.

        If your short term intention would be to earn a great deal of money for an everyday job, perhaps with the intention of investing that money back in your home country, then the place to be at the moment would be Scandinavia - particularly Norway. Again, living costs are relative to earnings, but even I have considered working in Scandinavia for a few years and investing that money back into the UK property market.

        The Polish are very good at that, going where the work is whilst they are young, before settling back in their own communities with enough money to make them financially secure for life. They came to UK pre-crash, then they went home, now they have started going to Scandinavia for menial roles which pay (frankly) more than the average UK salary. You can earn the equivalent of $20-$25 an hour picking fruit in Norway, a nurse would earn at very least $80,000 a year, whilst a forklift truck driver can expect to earn over $60,000.

        If one was to look to move purely for financial reasons, with the intention of retiring early in their homeland, Scandinavia is a good bet. If you want a country with English as its native language then Australia is probably the place to be, seeing as unemployment is low, but you would have a hard time getting in without a skill that they require (Brits can get in if they are already in a sound financial position).

  12. profile image54
    sammi123posted 13 years ago

    if there happens anything in city why do we all care for it??
    i think it must not affect the crowd that who hurts or what......live your own life guys!


  13. safiq ali patel profile image68
    safiq ali patelposted 13 years ago

    What happened in the USA today. Well a great deal of concern by Washington DC was expressed about the state of affairs in the Arab World. The American government continues to lobby for a peaceful resolution to the uprising and change of leadership in Egypt.
    And it seems that the concern of Washington DC and the Whitehouse expands today because of reports coming in on the cable news network about the rioting and calls for a revolution against the king of Bahrain. The whitehouse says it is keeping an eye on the situation in Bahrain and the Hilary Clinton is due to make an address on the uprising in Bahrain later today.
    Also in the USA today, more and more people are facing forclosure of their mortgages, millions are struggling to pay fuel and energy bills and thousands more are finding it hard to cover their food bills as inflation is soaring.
    The tea party movement is continuing to expand its support as voters unhappy with President Obama protest and the slow pace of change under the Obama Government. Sarah Palin hopes to make a direct challenge for the whitehouse at the next American Presidential elections. Overall the picture in the United States of America as in the Arab world is one of discontent and unhappy civilians. A revolution like Egypts is highly unlikely in the United States. This is safiq ali patel reporting for Hubpages forums at the press bench.


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