Are you planning on hoarding on gasoline before the prices go up even further?

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  1. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    Are you planning on hoarding on gasoline before the prices go up even further?

    Volatility in gasoline prices: Give your prediction of peak gasoline prices for March 2011
    Last week I filled up tank @ $3.12 and in 7 days it's now $3.25. The prediciton was a peak price of $3.24. I predict $4 in March for the Tuscon area.

  2. gator strong profile image60
    gator strongposted 13 years ago

    Yes, and  it's time we start drilling for our on oil needs and stop relying on OPAC countries.

  3. kgormley1960 profile image61
    kgormley1960posted 13 years ago

    Hoarding won't get us anywhere. If everyone stood together and not drive anywhere for a week or two the gas companies would lose so much revenue that they would be forced to lower their prices. We all need to go without driving long enough for the gas companies to change their minds on prices. People complain about gas prices but nobody wants to sacrafice for a time to make them come down to a more affordable price. All hoarding will do is continue to give them their revenue. They don't care if they get 3.25 or 4.00 but they would care if they got nothing for a time. Just my personal opinion. You can take it or leave it.

  4. barbergirl28 profile image78
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    Hoarding isn't going to be the answer... imagine the money that you have to spend in order to get all the gas containers needed to even make a difference. If you have a 5 gallon gas can (which is priced out on Amazon at just about $20) and you need 15 gallons to fill up your vehicle, then you have to spend at an average of $3.50 per gallon (which is about what we have here in California), filling up your car just once will cost you $112.50!!!

    So, unless you already have a ton load of gas cans just laying around... filling up a 15 gallon gas tank at $4 sounds pretty cheap in comparison!

    By the way, that is $112.50 per time filling up. I know I go through about one tank of gas a week. And hoarding the gas will be more expensive then just getting the gas at the price it is. The only benefit... if everyone hoarded enough gasoline to make it so they did not have to purchase gas for at least a month all at the same time... then, like kgormley said, then they might be forced to lower their prices! But, once people start purchasing gas again, those prices will go right back up!

  5. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    nope. you can only hoard so much and it will become a fire hazard. i'd rather pay more , then make my home unsafe.

  6. NathalieB profile image61
    NathalieBposted 13 years ago

    No. Hoarding is not the answer here, like the others have said. When there was a gas shortage here in the South East (which interestingly no one reported on until a week later) people were hoarding like crazy, and all it resulting in was there not being enough gas for everyone. It's better to cut down on gas consumption when you can, and like someone else said, to try and cut down on their revenue. To hoard now is to just provide more revenue, and more demand, which could drive the price up.

  7. Jangaplanet profile image59
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    I believe that if the government were to cut taxes on gas it would be affordable again. I know it won't happen , but this is the only way to bring it down. Has for hoarding ,well that would only achieve a short term effect.

  8. Mr.Moonlight profile image60
    Mr.Moonlightposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I am. I am going to fill up a whole bunch of plastic gas cans and stack them up in my apartment, right next to my gas stove top. I may even fill up the bathtub with gasoline and bathe in it!

  9. safiq ali patel profile image66
    safiq ali patelposted 13 years ago

    No. I have no plans to hoard gasoline at all. I had a bolt of wisdom in 2008 when my income dropped sharply. I took my car off the road. And since then I have planned my movements to get the bus. I have no regrets about this move. Yes at first it was hard adjusting to having no wheels. But I am coping. The price of petrol can only go up because of the crisis in Libya and Egypt. I just refuse to go bankrupt for the sake of having a car and burning up petrol. I have restricted mobility because of health problems. I miss getting out and seeing all the places and faces my car used to take me. But nevertheless I comfort myself daily knowing that I am saving a small fortune by disposing of my car and not having petrol to pay for each day or week. I also feel good because while I am not burning up car fuel my carbon footprint has dropped too. I'm not saying getting about is easy. But the saving I make each day, week and month from not having a car, insurance, hp or fuel to pay for are quite a sum. If you can handle not having a car and relying on taxi or public transport then I would highly recommend this.

  10. profile image56
    rieomposted 13 years ago

    I work from home so my gas consumption is not high.  However, I will try to keep the tank filled before gas prices go up.

  11. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 13 years ago

    Nope, no hoarding. I can't help but feel like as if it'd be a fire hazard. If you can, try and get a gas efficient car or maybe even a hybrid in the future so you can minimize your carbon footprint. Plus, it'd save you the worry when prices fluctuate.

  12. robie2 profile image74
    robie2posted 13 years ago

    I'd buy a Hybrid before hoarding.  Hoarding doesn't work for the long haul-- I suspect gas will go to $4.00 a gallon.  I intend to drive less, carpool more and keep my fingers crossed that it will go down again sooner or later

  13. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    all great answers. Yup, unless you have a 50 gallon barrell stored outside away from the house - hoarding is not an option. Beside gas goes stale after a year

  14. Alt_Writer21 profile image60
    Alt_Writer21posted 13 years ago

    Hoarding is probably the last thing I would do. Everyone has presented good points as to why you shouldn't and even alternative measures that can be taken. I'm betting gasoline prices will rise above $4.00 within the next two months or so. Until then, I'm going to invest in a bike and carpooling.


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