Have you seen the "Biggest losers" list of so called "Content Farms?"

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  1. Aware1 profile image59
    Aware1posted 13 years ago

    These 2 links are rather alarming with testing done to see sites hit the hardest by Google Changes.


    http://www.sistrix.com          /blog/985-google-farmer-update-quest-for-quality.html

    link above didn't show.

    Then check this out:

    This one shows a table of percentages of each sites percentage of visibility lost in indexing along with percentage of indexed keywords lost!

    http://searchengineland.com/who-lost-in … ange-66173

    According to these stats, Hubpages lost ranking positions for 102,820 Keywords (equivilant to 67% of keyword rankings

    These are early stats, so things could change.

    I also learned on another forum that "EZINE Articles links" just suddenly became "NO Follow" over the weekend.

    It is very saddening to hear Hubpages to be labeled a cntent farm. I really only pay attention to some great writers here, I suppose.

    What are your thoughts??

  2. profile image0
    ryankettposted 13 years ago


    Why didn't anybody else think to post this? I mean, it's not like half us haven't seen our traffic smashed to bits.

    It would have made a great discussion topic over the past 4 days. Oh wait, that HAS been what we have all been talking about for 4 days.

    1. Aware1 profile image59
      Aware1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have read a lot of posts complaining about traffic losses, Ryan. Though, I have not read anyone have any insight as to stats other than their personal traffic....

      I guess you already know, thanks.

      Just trying to share some insight of "figures" I came across...

      1. profile image0
        ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ok fair enough, yep these have been shared several times smile

  3. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 13 years ago

    This is news to me lol!

    1. profile image0
      ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Really? Where have you been Wayne, in a cave?

      Hows your traffic?

      1. waynet profile image69
        waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ha lol! I knew all about it really! Google always has a habit of changing things. I've been around just been busy on ebooks and my websites and youtube vids too.....

        Traffics down 500 views a day but it's stable for now!

        1. profile image0
          ryankettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          How do you promote your ebooks Wayne?

          And do you produce them on Lulu or Createspace or something?

          I intend to move into that area too. Do you make much from them?

          1. waynet profile image69
            waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I've been experimenting with ejunkie for now with the $5 a month which you get 50MB space to upload your pdf files, although I've been testing it out with PLR ebooks to test the payment processes and it has an affiliate program too which you can set the rate at which others earn too....

            Got my own first ebook out soon, a drawing ebook with original drawings and I have a plan in mind to use youtube videos to promote and also a few ebooks to help promote the paid ebooks as a viral marketing tactic....

            And I am also considering createspace too as it's links with Amazon seems to be a good move for digital distribution!

            Haven't made much so far, because it's always been on my list to do,so this is the year for ebooks!

            1. Pcunix profile image84
              Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I've been using E-Junkie since November of 2008 and have sold 258 books for a total of $3,222.10 in my pocket, all sold through my own website (except for a few affiliate sales) and I suspect that is far, far better than I ever would have done had I tried to shop this through a publisher.

              It keeps on ticking, too.

              1. waynet profile image69
                waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                That's good to know!

                I like the whole idea of it and it's easy to follow to add your files and stuff on Ejunkie.

                Nice to hear a success story with them, I know the problogger Darren Rowse uses them too.

                Been with them for a year planning my stuff and possibly wasting some time along the way drawing tattoos for people who didn't really want tattoos in the first place.....

            2. sunforged profile image78
              sunforgedposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Im an ejunkie affiliate and would be happy to spread your links and story around my art sites smile and social media.

              I do this as a fan of your content and videos not just an opportunistic git smile

              1. Pcunix profile image84
                Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I'd be happy to do it as an opportunistic git smile

                (but am also a fan of your work)

                1. waynet profile image69
                  waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Lol, ok that's great too!

                  I'm an opportunistic git too, so it's all good!

                  1. Pcunix profile image84
                    Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, in all seriousness, I do have a few pages related to art and would happily put a blurb on those - especially as it is very easy as an E-Junkie affiliate.

              2. waynet profile image69
                waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                Ebook 1 is nearing completion -  How to draw skulls, variations of skull art. followed by How to draw fantastic fantasy creatures which is 70% complete (ish) also How to draw tattoos to sell is still in the works!

                Many more in the works too....I'd probably tip the sales % in your favor as I'd want to get more subscribers to my sites, blog and YouTube channel primarily, so will let you know when it's all up and running! Cheers!

              3. lakeerieartists profile image64
                lakeerieartistsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Same here Wayne, especially as your stuff is art related.  Please let me know when it is done.  smile

                1. waynet profile image69
                  waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That's 3 great hubbers interested in flogging some of my ebooks....Cheers LakeerieArtists!

          2. Marisa Wright profile image87
            Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Take a look at Smashbooks, Ryan.  If you don't want the ability to print the books as well, it looks like a good way to go.  It produces the books in a range of formats to suit different readers, it distributes through Barnes & Noble and it's about to start distributing through Amazon. 

            I hadn't looked at E-Junkie, I assumed it was better for internet and IT related stuff.  Must check it out.

  4. qeyler profile image68
    qeylerposted 13 years ago

    I am so upset about this Google stance because it is one of those "I told you so" things. I write, I edit, I post, I see an error in spelling, edit again, and put out my best work...(yeah I know, you're all nodding your heads, cause you all do that too...)  and although the people I follow are just like that, I had a feeling there were others who were posting crap and all kinds of SEO words so as to get hits for crap.

    I kept thinking that without a human moderator something could happen...and now it did. 

    There has got to be a human mod somewhere to prevent this.

    1. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      They'd have to be a super mod to moderate all of the stuff that gets posted on here! Leap crap hubs in a single bound!

    2. White Teeth profile image60
      White Teethposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Many of the sites that took a hit had human moderators (Ezines, Buzzle, etc...)

  5. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 13 years ago

    nah - the thread is old news.. there are plenty of other open hp threads on the topic already. All with dead discussions along this line.

    Your positive non hp/non google search reliant expert based income strategy is way more interesting.

    Plus as an American, i dig the accent while watching skulls get drawn smile

    1. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah the YouTube promotion just seems to be the best thing to do and maybe I can increase the average of 4500 hits a day on youtube and double it or just gain more subscribers and sales of my ebooks and eventually graphic novels.

      As for my accent,people have mentioned that they thought I was Austrailian or something and they hear my voice and they're like whoa he's a London gangsta( and I ain't even been to London, not once!!)

  6. RedElf profile image87
    RedElfposted 13 years ago

    I have a small site dedicated to "art stuff", and would be happy to promote your books, blogs, etc., there too - PC, sunforged, waynet, lakeerie.

    1. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ahhh cheers now! 5 so far, me included! Makes me feel special, I'll be happy to up your affiliate %'s and anyone else wishing to promote them!

  7. profile image55
    SpamLeakposted 13 years ago

    Main reason why Google did this fix so fast and brutal this time is because of the pressure from media.

    If not for the negative press, Google won't do it so heavy handily. It's overkill.

    1. Pcunix profile image84
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Fast and brutal?

      They've been working on this for over a year.

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
        Mark Ewbieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You could argue fast and brutal in terms of impact.  But actually I'm not going to bother.

        I am turning to crystals to get me through this difficult time - healing mystic crystals rather than the methamphetamine sort that is.

        1. Pcunix profile image84
          Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Think of Annie:

          "Ta-marrah! Ta-marrah! The sun'll come out ta-marrah!"

        2. Mark Knowles profile image60
          Mark Knowlesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If you can't smoke it - don't bother.

          1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
            Mark Ewbieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You scatter them round the cushions, add a pentagram and take your clothes off.  Oh and draw the living room curtains first.

            I'm toying with ideas for a new hub.  Under the new Google I reckon I'll go global with it.

            1. Mark Knowles profile image60
              Mark Knowlesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah - I know.

              Go with the ones you can smoke. Really..... smile

  8. accofranco profile image79
    accofrancoposted 13 years ago

    @wayne, i am working on an article and later a book on African art drawings, i would also love to flaunt your art ebook and youtube links on my to be hubs...for a share..lol, how do you view  that?

    To mars with google...its all good, perseverence is the key to any business...have one.

    1. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah! the more the merrier!

  9. profile image0
    ryankettposted 13 years ago

    I may as well join the bandwagon and give you a little push too smile

    1. waynet profile image69
      waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A % of affiliate income has been set aside in advance!

      I'd be happy to return the favour and promote your ebooks when they are released as I have a few YouTube accounts on standby one of which deals with Ebook reviews! Cheers!

      1. Pcunix profile image84
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        With E-junkie, you pay affiliates at the end of the month.

        You do have to remember to do it though!

        1. waynet profile image69
          waynetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah I know! my word is my bond. If anyone promotes anything of mine now or in the future I will payout because that's not fair, had it happen to me with a few dodgy affiliates, so I'll not want to inflict that upon anyone else!

  10. 2besure profile image83
    2besureposted 13 years ago

    I am shocked eHow was not on the list.  My articles on eHow have not changed.  But about a year ago eHow dumped a lot of sub-par articles.  I guess they knew this was coming.  It would have been rough if two of the site I write for got hit!

  11. puter_dr profile image91
    puter_drposted 13 years ago

    I don't know, my traffic was slightly low this weekend, but google earnings were abysmal. Today for me, traffic is normal as well as earnings.

    I feel sorry for the Hubpages moderators today with all the renewed hopping activity. I am sure they have their hands full.

  12. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    For the first time ever, I earned more yesterday from Adsense on Triond than Hubpages... And I'm sure we all know how much crap is on Triond.


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