Hub banned as duplicate

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  1. katiem2 profile image60
    katiem2posted 13 years ago

    I just had a hub banded as duplicate content.

    I wrote this myself in a very casual format discussing a product I like. I copied nothing from ANYWHERE, nor did I post it any place other than hubs.

    I took out the product brand name that I had mentioned a few times as this was the only thing I can imagine was found on a similar site.

    Instantly I got the second email that this hub was flagged as duplicate.

    I can't spend time rewriting something flagged as duplicate I myself wrote.

    What's the deal, Please, Really, As If!  Is the automated procedure that flags such hubs broken?

    1. WoodsmensPost profile image63
      WoodsmensPostposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Post the first paragraph, lets see if we can help you, someone has copied your work, possibly another DCMA will get your work back

      1. katiem2 profile image60
        katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Here's the link; … er-sandals

        Really I'm shocked it is truly in my own words about a product I love!

        My shoe hubs have been doing so well I thought I'll add this.

    2. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That hub contains a large "related topics" section, that also appears on some of your other hubs.  That is the problem.  I'd suggest either removing those altogether, or paring them way down.

      1. katiem2 profile image60
        katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ah I see, thank you very much smile

        Paul where oh where have all your hubs gone and why?

  2. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 13 years ago

    Since we can't see the hub, it's difficult to comment on it. But I will say that "duplicate" doesn't necessarily mean copied word for word. Did you maybe reword a product description found elsewhere? It could be that it was just too similar.

    1. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I did mention the product name as listed on Amazon and thought that might be the problem and yet once I removed it and resubmitted it the hub was instantly flagged again, I went from submitting it again to me email tab and that quickly received another flag email.  Hmmmm really quickly.  I'll look for anything else and post a link.,


  3. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    Well you know.... some people have got really gnarly toenails yikes
    As well as matching attitudes when it comes to stealing...
    I think a few scumbags have stolen your work... have you googled your content to find out who belongs to those toenails? hmm

    1. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      No I hate to knowing your right.. scumbags indeed!

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    What really perturbs me is when a hub is stolen and then google indexes the stolen copy above the original.

    1. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yep... that's WHY you take the thieves down and you have to write 50 times to Goggles to drop their stolen articles from the cache!

      It's a profitable exercise for goggles
      - IF everyone Thought about it - goggles have twice as many impressions going for them at any given time....
      it is a Win - Lose situation for the authors, as the thieves and us are both monetized.
      If the thief gets pinged.. google profits more from the clicks on the thieves, when they suspend the account payout. They Don't refund it to the advertiser, or compensate us for the loss! Yet in the interim, they have ads on our pages as well... A double Whammy! hmm

      Watch what they are doing with sucking up ALL Available Ad Income with the Goggle TV deals!
      If Ever World Domination was on the Cards... Goggles expect to win the race and will potentially crap on everyone who does not fall into line with their plans! Perhaps THAT has something to do with the Slap around the ears at HP... No body will admit that will they! hmm

      I Think the whole thing is BS.. I would rather sell my own ad space personally, to businesses I know, rather than have every other bustard earning from my personal efforts!

    2. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this


  5. seanorjohn profile image70
    seanorjohnposted 13 years ago

    Wow, did you notice pauldeeds now has just one hub. Maddierudd must have done a ruthless job moderating his work.

    1. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh My I had not noticed.

    2. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I saw where she said she had moderated even staff members. lol

      1. katiem2 profile image60
        katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I read that too, there is just so much to moderate it seems some really junk publish on hubs falls under the radar and its that stuff that really harms our standing.  It's amazing the stuff I flag, but who can do that full time?

        1. Michael Willis profile image68
          Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If just what I have seen in Hub Hopping is any indication, I feel for them having to go through so many hubs.

          1. katiem2 profile image60
            katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            This is true, maybe we could get a job helping out smile

  6. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

    What a shame the information Paul gave wasn't provided at the onset of the procedure.  The only hub I've had unpublished so far required further questions to staff before the reason was finally given. 

    Although I disagreed with the lady mods in their interpretation of a normally male subject, I quickly adapted the hub and it was republished.  But why is it so difficult for staff members who unpublish hubs to give a concise reason for the action?  It seems this causes more time wasted by both writer and staff if both have to converse several times before the problem is pointed out.

    In other words, why didn't the moderator merely say the same thing to Katiem as Paul just did in the post?  I can understand if it is a new unproven member with lots of spammy hubs, but not in a case of a known loyal member.  I know, new greenhorn staff and all, but the writers aren't the ones who hired these folks.

    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly point! Would save time for all involved.

    2. katiem2 profile image60
      katiem2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very well said Randy and that's exactly how I feel.   Who has the time for guess work.

  7. WoodsmensPost profile image63
    WoodsmensPostposted 13 years ago

    Oh what did I miss , reading back


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