Help with non starter please

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  1. WHoArtNow profile image82
    WHoArtNowposted 15 years ago

    Hi guys, I was hoping for some criticism on the below hub. I've written a small series on the subject and the others do well (by comparison!)

    Its been online for almost 2 months, and I've only had 5 pv! I want to edit it before I go off and do some promoting for it.

    Any tips, criticism and ideas would be massively helpful. Thanks in advacne to any help. Andre … meone-Else

  2. thranax profile image72
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Wow Buddy, I have to say this is a difficult one =S.

    It has a basic flow to it:
    --> Explanation/Introduction of why you need the Hub
    -->Main Points:

    It has an accurate text to image ratio, with the images labeled.

    I personally don't know enough about Canvas Art to suggest anything to add. Maybe you could add a video? But of course...what kind of video could you put on that?
    I would guess, maybe if your capable of making or finding videos you could try to make something like demonstrating the skills you suggested. Like taking a say light blue wall and have 3 options, show the 3 then select the one that looks best in the way you suggested to pick them out to add a good feeling to the room.

    Because of my lack of knowledge of Canvas Art etc, I'm going to say this is what you should do, in a way you can understand it, almost like a blank puzzle where your the only one who has the pieces to the real colored one!

    Here goes nothing:

    I really hope that helps, I'm sorry I can't give something specific. Just how I expressed that to you, you must express your message to your readers.

    Oh, yes, try something new with your sentences and how you start the Hub, don't make the title start the first sentence etc, remember try something that you might not have tried before-it might make all the difference!

    Your new friend,


  3. Marian Swift profile image59
    Marian Swiftposted 15 years ago

    Good Hub!  Can only think of 2 areas for potential tweakage:

    1.  TITLE:  You might want to make it scream 'art!' for the non-art-oriented.  Maybe try referring to "painted canvas" or "canvas artwork."  Or, beginning the title with, "ART: ."  Or something like that.  Maybe.

    2.  TAGS:  Your tags are good, but there aren't a lot of them.  Tags can be tough to dream up, but there is a Suggested Tags function right under your Tags list.  But beware -- some of the suggested tags are just plain silly.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Julie-Ann Amos profile image64
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 15 years ago

    I think it's the title.  I'm an artist (albeit a bad one) so knew wha the title meant.  I asked 3 other people what they thought the article was about, showing them just the title.  My Mum thought it might be something to do with tents.  My Dad KNEW it was about weatherproof covers, and the other person said "nothing interesting".

    1. thranax profile image72
      thranaxposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      True, I did find the cover a little challenging if you didn't know what he was talking about, UNLESS you read his profile, then its clear!


  5. Kika Rose profile image68
    Kika Roseposted 15 years ago

    Hey hun!

    Your hub's kind of short, with not much of a backstory. That's what I always look for. Can I really get into what this hubber is telling me? Can I relate with the hubber? If I can't, I have a hard time reading their work. That's why I take so much time on my first capsule, to make sure it's got all the eye-popping glory I can think to put in it. You've also got to keep the reader interested throughout the rest of your hub. You have some good information, but not much for glamor. Another thing to consider, like Julie-Ann and Thran said, is your title. What kind of canvas are you talking about? What about canvases are you going to tell me? Do you write your own summary text? That right there will help draw in more readers.

    The last thing I can say is, keep in mind who your audience is, and how big it really is. Not many people are big on buying their own canvases. It takes a truly dedicated artist to put that much financing into their work, and trust me when I say canvases ain't cheap. I was just shopping for some good watercolor ones the other day, and nearly died of sticker shock! Anywho, the "customer base" isn't going to be very high, and even if you're using AdSense, it's going to be a long and grueling road for your hub. Try adding more tags with common words used in the hub and words that help describe what you're talking about.

    Would it help if I said I liked the pictures? big_smile

  6. WHoArtNow profile image82
    WHoArtNowposted 15 years ago

    Wow, thanks for the advice!

    @ Thranax - you might not know about the subject, but you have given me a lot to think about for my future writing, thanks a lot!

    @ Marian Swift - I hadn't even noticed the lame title, thank you for pointing it out! Yeah the tags are a little thin on the ground, I used the new tag suggester (there are some very silly ones!) on my top 5 hubs (due to lack of time) and I keep forgetting to go back and do all of them, thank you for reminding me.

    @ Julie-Ann Amos - The title is weak and will be changed in a few minutes. Lol, I can definatly say its not about waterproof covers! I would also like to say that no artist is a bad artist! And even if you believe you are bad, at least you still call yourself an artist! Remember, some of the greatest artists of all time were classed "bad" in their day, who knows, maybe your the next Piccaso!

    @ Kika Rose - I always seem to get paranoid I'm writing my hubs too long, its only been recently I've come across some monster hubs and realised I need to lengthen my future hubs. Glamour is not my thing, but I shall work on it!  How bad was the price? I admit the customer base is not that big, but you'd be surprised by how many people are buying them these days (in England anyway!) and we sell 4 or 5 a week for America or Australia! (Image the P&P on a 6ftx3ft canvas!!) And yes it would help saying you like the pictures, some of them are mine!

    Thanks a lot guys, I think I have some editing to do!

    1. thranax profile image72
      thranaxposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Your Welcome, I was thinking that would help out!


  7. WHoArtNow profile image82
    WHoArtNowposted 15 years ago

    Thanks a lot for all the help guys. The hub in question is now my 3rd most hit hub and its also my highest rating big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    Plus I took your advice into my next hub, but I only published a few hours ago, hard to tell yet!


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