I am working on one of my new websites - and I want to link back to my hubs here. How many times is this OK to do on a website page before it is overkill?
Why not link it in your profile so it will be seen more than individual hubs? I think that's what you're referring to?
Hi Stacie, I do need to add my website link to my profile. The site is so new I'd thought I'd wait till I have more content in it.
I think what you mean is "Why not link it to your profile..."
A widget or RSS feed might also work in that event.
From what I have read, multiple links from a site back to the same domain will simply not count - so you may only get credit for a few links no matter how many you use.
Thanks I think I'll just backlink when it's natural to do within my site - that feels right to me somehow.
I was thinking about this comment, and I think it is per url, not domain. Different urls within the same domain can have different PRs because one is linked to more than the others. So it shouldn't matter how many times you like to the same site so long as you choose a different url each time. I think!
Izzy, it's about the base domain not the pages on it. That's why Hubpages got ranked so fast when new authors created new pages - because they were ON HP. Except now they're kind of not which is why some people without plenty of backlinks are having issues.
But it's all about the root domain. Which is why HP bans more than two external links to one site per hub...
Two per hub, therefore each page on the whole subdomain must count.
So if you have a site you want to promote, you have 50 hubs and 15 of them relate directly to your site, then you could put 2 links on each hub to that domain.
Same two links across all 15 hubs if you want and they all count.
Personally I only put one on each hub, but I could put two, to two different pages on the site I want to promote.
I think we agree on that...it was the bit about Google discounting links from the root domain. Different pages on that domain hold equal weight.
Generally speaking, having multiple links across 1 domain linking to another place is not a bad thing. They do count. A lot of them won't count as much, but they definitely do count and do make a difference. And as you said, they need to be on different pages within the same domain.
Yes, I have tested this.
If you have indeed tested it, could you not be more specific and give some concrete figures? Also, it would be of interest to hear about your testing methods.
I noticed on another thread recently that you seem to be doing all kinds of testing, but it would be helpful if you were more specific about your findings.
I don't know about Garrett, but I have a keyword-in-title site targeting a very highly searched term.
I really haven't built this site up to what it could be, that is being honest, I have a lot of work ahead of me.
I linked to it (or even just individual pages from it) from my HP account, over several hubs.
I also created a feed and submitted it to several feed submission sites.
I on-page optimized the site, but have done very little by way of backlinking, maybe to a few social networking directories.
It's currently #4 in Google. I'm like..wow!
The point it, that the only sites with PR pointing to it are from my own Hubpages account, so surely that says something?
I think you're right, Izzy, but I also think it depends how you do it.
A lot of Hubbers set up a blog to promote their Hubs, then virtually all they do is add a blog post for each Hub, with a link to each Hub. Because the blog isn't a "real" blog, they don't promote the posts much if at all - meaning that none of the individual blog posts have any page rank. So all they get out of it is a front page displaying multiple links to HubPages - only one or two of which will count.
Your example of Hubs is different, because most people do promote your individual Hubs so they do have pagerank in their own right.
Thanks Marisa
I can see if someone set a blog up just for backlinks to HP, the whole setup not working very well, and Google discounting most of them, if they added the links to the sidebar.
It would work better if they put up posts, and linked a hub to each post.
Each post would have to standalone articles of maybe 150 - 300 words, on a topic directly relating to their hub.
Each post has a different url.
Vice-versa, if you want to link out from HP, one from each hub should do the trick.
I know Lissie is now writing posts over 250 words and some blogs require at least 300 words (or 200 words plus video), because anything under that is much less likely to be indexed.
When my pointe shoes Hub got Panda'd, I had a few 150 word posts - I combined them into bigger posts and next Panda run, I recovered. I suppose I'll never know whether that was the problem or not!
As WE says, Google discounts more than one or two links from the same domain, so just do it when you think a real reader will find the link useful.
I think you would be better linking your site to your hubs.
You get 100% of the revenue on your site, so you want to promote it more than your hubs that already have a huge number of links, thanks to the way HP is set up.
Definitely put a link to your site in your profile, and if any of your hubs are on similar topics, put a link in each one that relates to a similar post on your site.
If you do it this way, you will give your own site a huge boost in the rankings.
Don't then link from your site back to HP, because Google apparently doesn't like 2-way links.
But of course it is up to you. Maybe you only started your site to boost your hubs, in which case, do it the other way round, but don't put a link to your site in your profile (2-way link).
Did you mean "you would be better linking TO your site FROM your Hubs?"
I am working on making my websites my main revenue stream. That means all my "revenue sharing articles" point to my websites.
Why? Because I fully own my website. I don't own Hubpages or Wizzley or Infobarrel. And because I don't own them, I don't see the point in making them more popular by linking to them, when my own site needs links far more.
i believe this could revert back to how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Charms Blow Pop.... or how much wood can a woodchuck-chuck, if a wood chuck , could chuck, wood. sorry Dorsi Im about as useful as gills on an eagle...or breasts on a Bull...etc etc
You guys (and gals) are so awesome - that's why I love HubPages. The great camaraderie and help here. My goal with my name website is to highlight my art, photography, short stories and online writing adventures (some of them) I would rather drive traffic TO my site. On my site I will have my own Zazzle products, relevant Amazon capsules and am thinking about adding YieldBuild through HubPages. I'm not even sure I'm going to put Google adsense on it yet. Any advice is helpful to me. Thank you so much everyone.
Sounds great. Izzy is giving you good advice - if you see your website as your primary target, then link FROM your Hubs TO your site, and do not link back the other way. As Wry says, you also want diversity of links TO your site - so also write articles on related subjects at Wizzley, Infobarrel and other rev-sharing sites, all linking back to your website, which raises its profile.
Wow thanks everyone for the great conversation. I am learning alot. So it sounds like I need to figure out if I want links TO my website from HubPages or links from my site to my hubs - that it's not good to do both?
Hi Guys and Gals,
so do we:
A. Place a link at the bottom of our Hubs back to our main website
B. Write a post in our main website and link it to our Hubpages
C. Do both and create a Link Loop?
Two way links are frowned on by Google, so no link loop.
You want to link to your website from Hubpages, and the best way to do it is with an in-text link.
Anchor text, as they call it, tells Google what words to rank you for.
So if somewhere in your hub you use words that also appear on your site url, title or post, then those words are the best ones to create a hyperlink to.
If your site is called "moon phases" for example, then you want to have those words in your hub somewhere, that you highlight and insert a hyperlink back to your site. You may use other related phrases like "waxing moon", "waning moon" etc. Google will get the message.
If your hubs is all about how to change engine oil, and has nothing to do with moon phases, then don't link the two of them.
Firstly to Dorsi, do pardon me if my additional questions is beginning to sound like I'm thread stealing. If need to, I'll post up a new topic, but i really want to find out more on this topic of yours.
Anyways, if I'm allowed to continue, Thanks IzzyM for the indepth answer.
However, I just need an advise on this,
I have a hub that talks about the First Portable Computer introduced, and I place a link capsule, pointing it to my website article talking about Ultra Portables and UltraBooks.
In the website article, I mentioned the First Portable Computer and linked it back to this same hub.
So, this is the wrong way to do it?
My website is new, and I would like the help of writing Hubs to promote my site. So, for this scenario, I should just do the link capsule in my Hub articles and then cut off all link back to the Hubs in my website ya??
Thanks once again!!
It really isn't that complicated
(1) Links from your hubs to your website must be related to the hub's contents, and no more than 2 links per hub to the same domain;
(2) Two-way (reciprocal) links are not given much value, so you should use one-way links and decide which way you want them to go;
(3) As long as your Hubber score (author score) is lower than 75, any outbound links from all of your hubs are no-follow, which means they have little value to help your website rank.
I've only learnt what others taught me here, and two-way links are bad, so choose to direct your backlinks towards your site, not both ways.
Also, the links capsules, while they look better, are not as powerful, apparently, as anchor text links.
So, if I was you, I'd go back to the hub you are linking and remove the links capsule and insert an anchor text link somewhere in the body of your hub.
Oh, hmmm, after 12 months on hub pages, and just wrote my 19th after leaving it for 10 months, right, this thread has been useful, im not an expert with terminology etc.
So I have my own website, are we saying one or two links out of various hubs back to appropriate blogs/interests on my site is ok?
Also, when I complete some hubs I link an intro to them from my site to hub pages, what I don't do is link both ways on each hub, is that what is being mentioned? if so it makes sense, havent a clue how to really build up traffic but to just keep on plodding away.
Iv decided to try hard as now its looking unlikely I can return to work due to my sarcoidosis so online is a matter of seeing if it really can be done?
One or two links on each Hub, linking back to your blog is fine. Reciprocal links are bad - which means if you link FROM a Hub TO another site, it's not a good idea to link FROM that site back TO a Hub. You have to decide which one is more important.
There's a real learning curve to making money online. It can be done but you must be prepared to do your research. I recommend starting here:
Lissie started here on HubPages so she has been on the journey you're about to take. She doesn't make any false promises! Don't believe any of those other sites which tell you they have the secret to making a fortune. There are very few programs worth paying for and Lissie can steer you in the right direction.
One final important tip: if you want to make money from your blog, choose one subject and stick to it. Buy a domain name that describes your subject. A blog about multiple unrelated subjects rarely makes any money, and you make most income from people who've never heard of you - so your name as a domain name doesn't do much for you.
Great advice (thanks everyone for making this such an informative topic) I decided to work on my name website first (don't know if I can link it here but it's my first name plus my last name - Diaz) I decided to do this first because I figure my own site will be a great place to tinker around and learn wordpress. I actually am using this site to showcase my artwork, some poetry and photography. I don't know that I will make much money off this site but will only display amazon products that I have used and recommend. I highly agree about the niche topic being critical - readers need to know what they are getting and why they want to come back to a site.
I will work on my niche topic websites when I get a better handle on this web development thing. Working on my own site has been great and I am slowly learning. Thanks all for the advice!
Like my mother-in-law fondly says: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time!
And Lis is a great person to get straight advice from!
And what WE said about hubscore too. Sorry I didn't notice that your hubscore is less than 75. Still, it should come up in a few days, especially when you interact on the forums and even quicker if you write more hubs
Thanks WE and IzzyM!
Yes, I'm new. (this is my 5th day at HubPages)
and I got my first Hub flagged down because I was trying to use the Hubpage to link to one of my website, but the content was just a summary of the article I had on the website, which is against HP's TOC ..
My 2nd Hub almost got flagged down too because I tried to set up a "link bridge", to link to all my affiliate marketing links, which is against HP's TOC too..
Now, I'm trying to learn everything from scratch again, and hopefully, I could get above 75 soon..
Thanks once again.
Thanks Dorsi for starting this thread!
Maybe you should actually read the rules before you write a hub then: http://hubpages.com/faq/
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