I just screwed up...

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  1. Em Writes profile image72
    Em Writesposted 15 years ago

    ... and mis-clicked right onto an Adsense ad on one of my own hubs. Are bad things going to happen? Will the sky fall? Will big guys in sunglasses show up at my house with ball bats? Worse, will they banish me to the land of the adless and take away my hard-earned $13.20?

    1. AEvans profile image75
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No accidents happen , don't worry you will not be banished smile

    2. profile image0
      SirDentposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think they only break one thumb for mistakes such as that. It isn't like you need both of them anyway. tongue

      1. Em Writes profile image72
        Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Crap, you mean I'm going to need to learn to twiddle just one thumb?

        Thanks for the reassurances. big_smile

        1. profile image0
          SirDentposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          'fraid so. lol

    3. Eaglekiwi profile image75
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      what?? and heres me waiting for a big fat check after 3 hubs..lol..( writers sure need a good sense of humor huh)....lol..)
      seriously Im afraid to think of what Ive clicked and who I linked what too, I just hope they bring me back a cheeseburger...this baby food from the $1 store aint cuttin the mustard........lol
      all the best to ya ,im off to read your hubs....

      1. Em Writes profile image72
        Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Ahhh... a true starving artist! wink

    4. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This is a true dilemma-- 
      I know you are not supposed to click on your own ads-- BUT if you write about something you are interested in, ads tend to show up that are within your realm of interest.  I've been tempted to click on some of mine, but know I shouldn't.
      Fighting temptation is easier when you remember the guys in sunglasses... at night.

      1. Em Writes profile image72
        Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I've caught myself a couple of times getting interested in an ad and nearly clicking... this particular flub, however, was a straight misfire. I had a smaller window open and was aiming to copy and paste something, but clicked right off the edge of it onto an ad in the window behind it. Perhaps more hubbing and less Shiraz would be a good idea. smile

    5. BDazzler profile image77
      BDazzlerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You made $13.20???  I'm jealous!!!  I do admit, though, that sometimes I click through on a lot of my favorite hubbers adsense ads, even if I'm not interested in the ads.  Well ... not a lot ... but some of them.

      1. Em Writes profile image72
        Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, I had a particularly active day somewhere around week 3 where I earned a whopping $7 and change. The rest has come in a verrrrry slow trickle. Glad it wasn't my primary reason for getting into all of this!

        Oopsie! Careful with this! I've read (granted, I don't know if it's true), that Adsense has sent the big guys after account owners for this. Very generous of you, though! smile

        1. ajcor profile image60
          ajcorposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Seriously $7 is very good for 1 day - is it not? more shiraz is needed I think.

          1. BDazzler profile image77
            BDazzlerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            It really depends. It is better than $0 and not as good as $10, you know what I mean?  Honestly it's very good for an article site. I just had some good Shiraz last night.  shiraz is one of the wines that if it's good,  I like it a lot, and if it's not I cant stand it.  It was Fat B*st*rd - yeah, that really was the name of it.  I think 2005. Anyway. It was good.

    6. compu-smart profile image84
      compu-smartposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      If in doubt and are worried, i would email Google and tell them the time and place the accidental click occurred to be on the safe side!


  2. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    I'm Not sure -- I think Shiraz promotes hubbing.

    1. Em Writes profile image72
      Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Shiraz promotes many things... most of them fun, hubbing included. big_smile

  3. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    Feel free to click mine. I think I had over $11. last time I checked.

  4. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    Seriously, Em-- that's a good point.  (Please click mine discretely.)

  5. profile image0
    SarahPalinposted 15 years ago

    Don't you worry about a little old click. One click does not make you a criminal. I read the terms of use. It takes more than one click to send you to prison.

  6. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    Im sorry but I wouldnt believe anything Sarah Palin says - keep a lookout for those men in dark sunglasses

    1. agvulpes profile image87
      agvulpesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      btw who is that holding Sarah Palin? cool

      1. ajcor profile image60
        ajcorposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        good one lol

    2. Em Writes profile image72
      Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I will... I always thought there was something very fishy about her. big_smile

      I thought about that, but it doesn't appear that the click actually registered, so I think I'm safe. Or, at least, I hope I am. smile

  7. sunforged profile image75
    sunforgedposted 15 years ago

    If it didnt register than it was prob in the 40% served for Hub, so you didnt break any rules and helped out your sponsor.

    (not that im stickler for rules) I think they may red flag a sudden change in traffic like 50 clicks in one hour from a source that averages 2 a day, and then notice a IP connection - even google isnt powerful enough to notice and discern the issue of a single click. I hope.

    I thought this was a tongue in cheek post - but now I think you were serious?

    1. Em Writes profile image72
      Em Writesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I was serious in that I did click, but not so serious about being worried. smile

  8. compu-smart profile image84
    compu-smartposted 15 years ago

    Even if you dont email them, I would not worry about it! Google is very fair and very smart and knows all wink

  9. margaretjd profile image61
    margaretjdposted 15 years ago

    In case Google is watching, so I'll concur that they are "very fair". That said, I've accidentally clicked on my ads a couple times, even on my own site, and have experienced no repercussions.

    What I'm wondering is, does SarahPalin know people at Google, and does she know how I voted?


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