by Simone Haruko Smith 11 years ago
Business and society are undoubtedly entwined, but many business leaders (not to mention members of society at large) don’t take time to consider this complex relationship. This week, I challenge you to break that pattern and provide your insights and advice. Specifically,1. What do businesses owe...
by Simone Haruko Smith 12 years ago
Like it or not, we all have to deal with insurance (or a lack thereof) at some point or another. What have you learned about selecting, using, going with or without, and switching various types of insurance? Consider sharing the lessons you have learned with the world at large.I’ve done some...
by Dave Powell 12 years ago
I again everyone! I wanted to suggest another Weekly Topic of Inspiration about "Taking the Offensive Against Hackers." These days, we all know that we should use updated antivirus and firewall software to help keep "malware" out of our PCs. That's a given. But what ELSE are we...
by Christy Kirwan 11 years ago
Good morning, Hubbers! Calling all bibliophiles...Oprah’s Book Club ran for 15 years on The Oprah Winfrey Show promoting literacy and writing. Just last year, Oprah launched Oprah’s Book Club 2.0 on her popular website with a focus on digital media. Oprah’s endorsements of books carry so much...
by Jason Menayan 13 years ago
Happy Monday, everyone! (and a Happy Memorial Day to American Hubbers)You might have read in our blog about the new incarnation of the fantastic HubMob program which was run by Princessa, rmcrayne, wyanjen, and ...
by Christy Kirwan 11 years ago
Howdy y’all! I’m Christy, the Topic Queen. I’m delighted to meet you and very excited to be the new Weekly Topic Inspiration leader. I can’t wait to see the awesome Hubs you write for me!From now on, the Weekly Topic Inspiration will be based on the latest and greatest new Topics on HubPages. This...