What Aspects of Where You Live Do You Love and Hate?

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  1. talfonso profile image83
    talfonsoposted 12 years ago

    I have a love/hate relationship with Florida, where I live, and that's OK. I particularly live near Brandon, a city near Tampa.

    First of all, there are setbacks to living here. The hurricanes, thunderstorms (I moved from the Northeast, North Jersey to be precise, and storms are slightly less common than here.), and baking heat even in the fall are some thorns. I have scoliodentosaurophobia, which makes me shudder every time I see certain lizards, in particular anolis. I'd freak out especially when it's in my house. My part of Florida doesn't see much change of foliage in the fall.

    But where I live has a lot of benefits, in particular where I wanted to take a vacation. When the gas is high, I have absolutely no problem taking a staycation there. Most of Florida's famous attractions are less than 100 miles away, in particular the Orlando area. When I wanted a Walt Disney World trip, I'd drive to the hotel near it (or in an onsite resort) and do even a weekend getaway. And the beaches are within my reach!

    So what are the upsides and downsides of your area? Is it something you want to remain there or is it something that's worthy of moving out?

  2. profile image0
    screamingposted 12 years ago

    Not fond of the heat here in Georgia or the gnats. Actually considering moving to the Tampa area.

    1. talfonso profile image83
      talfonsoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, can we be neighbors as long as I live here? Well, be prepared for the thunderstorms and extra humidity! But other than them, you'll not be too far from Walt Disney World and the beaches!

  3. Shanna11 profile image74
    Shanna11posted 12 years ago

    I love the scenery and mountains where I live in Utah. There's a lot of streams and waterfalls up in the mountains and the hikes are gorgeous. I really like the wide array of outdoor things to do.

    I reallly dislike the self-righteous, somewhat snobby people that live here and I dislike how there are a TON of really bad drivers. I've nearly been hit (and it would have been a terrible accident) countless times by stupid drivers.

  4. Stacie L profile image85
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    Moving to a rural region after living in metropolitan areas is a challenge.The mountains,valleys and lakes are wonderful for a photography and nature lover. I live near Lake Cumberland KY but there are times that the solitude can be quite boring.
    On the other hand, the traffic is very light and the only thing I need to watch out for are tractors.lol

    1. talfonso profile image83
      talfonsoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow - it's good that you are moving somewhere where the traffic headaches are less of bears. I would love to move to a rural area , but I may or may not get broadband or any other kind of Internet that doesn't have dial-up. That's one thing that people living in such areas face. But let the tranquility outweigh the problems. Peace to you.

  5. Kennedi Brown profile image76
    Kennedi Brownposted 12 years ago

    I live in Appalachia. I love the big, beautiful mountains covered in pretty green trees. It makes for great poetry inspiration, and I can always take some pretty sweet photos. I can't stand the exclusiveness of small town culture, however, and I desperately wish the population was at least big enough for some decent stores and things to do.

    Of course, there's always the judgmental atmosphere of a small town to deal with, along with the fact that it isn't exactly the perfect environment for liberals or non religious people.

  6. BrianMI6 profile image60
    BrianMI6posted 12 years ago

    I live in Michigan and it's really beautiful here, but the winter season is very long.  From the time the leaves fall off the trees until the time they come back seems very long.  I have family down in Georgia and their trees are full of green about a month before ours.

    Also, most people don't know this but Michigan has the greatest number of moquitto species of any place on the planet.  I thought this nutty considering the fact that there are places like the Amazon but it appears that those places have a lot of the same type of mosquitoes while Michigan has a lot of different types.  It has something to do with Michigan being a giant swamp with a lot of varied temperatures because it's a northern state which induces a lot of changes to the basic mosquito over time and stuff.  In any case, they really suck.

    1. talfonso profile image83
      talfonsoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And I thought Florida, as well as so much places in the Southeast, has a lot of mosquitoes! But thanks for sharing the downsides of Michigan. Also, which part of Georgia does your relatives live? What do they love and hate about it?

  7. FatFreddysCat profile image96
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    I've lived in New Jersey for my entire life. It's not too bad as long as you don't mind insanely high property taxes, corrupt local government, and the occasional discovery of illegal toxic waste dump sites in the surrounding areas.

    1. talfonso profile image83
      talfonsoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well put, since I was a New Jerseyan myself. I wouldn't mind the insanely high property taxes so much because I'm working at a lucrative business. As long as I live below my means and live in a modest house (or apartment, if I'm very frugal), I'd survive NJ if I move back!


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