Do you cringe when you hear thunder?

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  1. KeithJK profile image60
    KeithJKposted 12 years ago

    Do you cringe when you hear thunder?

  2. Cherrietgee profile image68
    Cherrietgeeposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely! Especially if the thunder is violent. I don't mind rain, but thunderstorms keep me up at night. I'm not sure why this question is in "Religion and Philosophy", though.

  3. Nights Dream profile image60
    Nights Dreamposted 12 years ago

    No. I love the sound! The more violent the storm, the more beautiful I find it. Nature is at her most beautiful when she is deadliest.

  4. teaches12345 profile image78
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    Yes, especially when they are almost sonic boom type. I am not scared, but the noise and lightning is a bit much to handle at times.  A gentle rolling distant thunder is some times pleasant.

  5. point2make profile image61
    point2makeposted 12 years ago

    I am bothered by thunder but it is lightning that scares me the most. The funny thing is I acquired this fear after I became an adult.. As a child I was always fascinated by a good thunder and lightning so much.

  6. profile image0
    janikonposted 12 years ago

    I absolutely love the sound of thunder, I am not exactly sure why but I lay awake in bed listening to the sound of thunder and rain and feel calm.

  7. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 12 years ago

    Yes! It's like it takes me by surprise each time I hear the sound. Even though I know I am safe, it is still frightening to me.

  8. profile image0
    Hubert Williamsposted 12 years ago

    I love the sound of low, rolling thunder. Having said that, here in the Philippines there are occasions when I am not even aware that a storm is in the area, especially if I am engrossed in writing something. Suddenly, a giant clap of thunder sounding like someone fired a cannon next door explodes in the room. Thunder like that tends to cause a stain.

  9. ALL4JESUS profile image77
    ALL4JESUSposted 12 years ago

    I love thunder - always have. Recently I have learned that thunder creates ozone and ozone is a natural sanitizer.

    I enjoy the sound of thunder because it reminds me who is really in control in this life - not me, not the media, not humans, the real control is from above.

    I have no fear of thunder, have never had a dog who was afraid of thunder. I love nature and thunder is simply a loud reminder of the creator of nature and an immense God that is wonderful and strong.

    Thunder, once I understand ozone, shows me how hardship strengthens and cleanses me to be closer to Jesus.

    Love God and all God's creations.

  10. Angelme566 profile image61
    Angelme566posted 12 years ago

    i hate the sound of thunder , it like breaking my eardrum and its like telling how sinful are we people and our God is angry

  11. ipen profile image60
    ipenposted 12 years ago

    No as a child i used to be scared , now i understand nature and absolutely love the rainy season,the thunder, the lightning , the rain etc .. i loe this seaon a lot.

  12. Sparklea profile image60
    Sparkleaposted 12 years ago

    No, thunder is so awesome, a sign of God's power.  What I love about thunderstorms is that they PASS through...sometimes the sun blazes before the end, which creates a glorious rainbow...then I'm outside with my camera.  I LOVE the scent of the air afterwards.

    However, one of our cats does NOT like it.  Martha runs and cowers under the cellar steps. 
    Blessings, Sparklea smile

  13. DeanCash profile image60
    DeanCashposted 12 years ago

    Not quite but if its like a grenade thrown near you then their is no reason you should not be surprise. I like the rainy season than the summer. When I was a kid I used to play with my brothers and cousins in the rain but when it thunders, I am the only one left behind. In reality it is not the sound that is fearsome but it is the flash of lightning.Light travels much faster than the sound. So when someone get struck with lightning it will be too late to cry for help.

    It's a good idea to stay indoors when it rains.Thunder is a warning.

  14. SidKemp profile image73
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Note that every answer seems to be one of two: Either I love the sound, or I cringe. Thunder has a powerful effect for everyone. Personally, I love it. I like the sense of things being swept clean, and the power of thunder and lightning.

    For those who cringe, if you'd rather love it, try this: Breathe into it. Anything that creates an intense reaction in the body will generate cringing if we do not breath - and excitement if we do.

  15. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    If it is over head or very close, I might not cringe on the outside, but inside, yes I do.  It makes me uncomfortable.  I don't mind it in the distance, it is kind of comforting -  very distant.

  16. donnaisabella profile image73
    donnaisabellaposted 12 years ago

    Yes, especially when it is too close. However, my mother taught me that the thunder I should fear is the one I do not hear after a flash of lightning because then it could be hitting just where I may be! There should therefore be no reason to fear thunder,especially the rumbling type.

  17. Dee aka Nonna profile image60
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    I actually love the sound of thunder.  I do get very quiet and cringe a little if it is accompanied by a harsh electrical storm.

  18. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Nowadays, lightning and thunder can be quite frightening as I had witnessed a few times when driving close by along the seaside as the lightning and thunder sound very close by & extremely loud.

    I saw the sea water that sparked with sort of explosion. Luckily, it did not hit on my car as I believe I would have been fried.

  19. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago


    " thunder" is the noise
    that announces the coming storm.................

    I am able, either to withstand the storm, OR to succumb to it's massive power.   Which is, ligtening.............

    no, rumbles and thunder, they do not frighten me........

  20. farmloft profile image68
    farmloftposted 12 years ago

    Not usually. Thunderstorms are fascinating to me. I cringe if I hear the lightening strike something and it crackles. I always figured if I hear the thunder, then I must not have gotten hit by the lightening.

    My dad taught me how to tell how far away lightening is by counting from the time I see the strike to the time I hear the thunder. "One one hundred, two one hundred, three one hundred" would mean it was 3 miles away.

  21. profile image0
    Deb Welchposted 12 years ago

    I as well love the sound of thunder - lightening is usually close by and that I don't mind as long as it is in the distance.  When I was a little kid - I always said God and His Angels are bowling in Heaven causing all that noise.  Now - it sounds like a powerful show of who is Boss.

  22. heavenbound5511 profile image66
    heavenbound5511posted 12 years ago

    No, but my dogs bark. When it starts thundering I know rain is on the way and I love to sleep during rain and thunderstorms because it relaxes me. So if I am tired and can lay down I do! smile

  23. Sage in a Cage profile image74
    Sage in a Cageposted 12 years ago

    No, I love it! Mostly I love my dogs' reactions to it. The larger dog cowers under the kitchen table while my tiny dog demands to be let into the back garden to confront the 'attacker'. You have got to admire that kind of bravery! wink

  24. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 6 years ago

    Not at all, thunder is somehow calming, don't you think?


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