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HubNugget Vacation

Updated on May 4, 2010

The Griswold', the HubNugget Team Takes a Vacation

Captain's Log: stardate 0330.2010

Well, your devoted HubNugget team members have been searching the cosmos, turning over every leaf and rock to discover only the juiciest, tastiest nuggets for your consideration. So, this week, while the starship Hubertise is being refitted, our trusty team members are going on a well-deserved shore leave. We would never leave you nuggetless, though. We're just not like that.

Luckily, we scrambled over the last couple of days to find you some of the finest reading material available here on HubPages. These hubs represent some of our brightest new talent. How bright, how fresh? Very!

Give the hubs that are linked below a read. After you've done that, come on back and cast your vote for your favourite one in each category. The lucky Hubbers receiving the highest percentage of votes are rewarded with exposure to tens of thousands of people via the prestigious HubPages newsletter. Oh yeah, they also get an email from one of our team members. I told you they're lucky!

If you're curious about what our delightful crew is up to while catching a little R & R, just keep reading. If not, well skip that part and move right into the hub offerings. It's okay, it's only our first vacation in seven light years, we won't be hurt or anything.

B.T.'s Family Vacation Photos

Commander Evilpants

Commander B.T. Evilpants made a good decision to gather up his family and take them on a road trip. The commander, along with his wife and kids took in lots of sights and spent time with their relatives, just enjoying each other's company and reconnecting with loved ones.

If you click on the video to the right, you'll see the family photos and snapshots that Commander Evilpants emailed to me this morning. You can just see the happiness at being together again in their shining faces.

A little tip for you - there's a picture of Ensign Hank in this collection. You'll know him when you see him, he's wearing a yellow muscle shirt and coated in sweat.

PI Sci's Camp Sing-a-long

Science Officer Patty Inglish

Patty Inglish, affectionately referred to by the rest of us as, PI3.1417hub1417hub, for short, is the ship's Science Officer. PI3.1417hub1417hub takes her position very seriously. This dedicated crew member opted to spend her shore leave in the hologram capsule aboard ship, selecting Klingon War Maneuvers Camp as her desired theme.

It's not all hard work, though. That video to the right shows us just what great fun the campers are having during their training. Why not join in and sing along?

I feel safer, already!

Take a Peak at Officer Bee's Klingon Class

Chief Security Officer, Zsuzsy Bee

Never one to sit around on her beautiful homemade cushions, our Chief of Security, Zsuzsy Bee, is also dedicating her shore leave to furthering her Star Fleet education. Chief Bee is learning a new language - Klingon. Our enterprising head of security wants to make sure that she can pick up valuable information in our never ending search for fresh, weekly nuggets. After her course, she'll be able to eavesdrop and pick up bits of information in Klingon bars - whoops! - I mean coffee shops.

Our busy little Bee will infiltrate those nasty Klingon conversations and discover what they know regarding the whereabouts of new nuggets.

Chief Tactical Officer RedElf Makes a Movie

Chief Historian and Tactical Officer RedElf

Officer RedElf is happy to relinquish her position at the console to enjoy a few days off. However, you know what they say - you can take the girl outta the job but you can't take the job outta the girl.

During her time off, RedElf plans to expand her videography skills by making a movie about the tactical practices and strategies used by other ships, fleets and cultures. As you can see in the accompanying video, she combined her flare for realism with the dramatic scenes that RedElf is famous for. The clip includes important interviews and should prove very helpful as a training video for all those up-and-coming tactical officers of the future.

*Before anyone gets their knickers in a knot, RedElf did not (so far as I know) make this video. I took creative license for the purpose of this spoof.*

Ripplemaker Givers Herself Some Time to Rest and Reflect

Lt. Commander Ripplemaker

While some of the ladies on board have chosen to spend their holiday learning new skills, our hard working Commander Ripplemaker is taking some time for herself, to recharge her batteries. I think she's recharging the HubMobile's battery, too.

Our sweet, trusty councilor is going to kick back during her time off. Last I heard, some meditation and peaceful Zen surroundings were in the plans. Judging by the video (to the right of this), there is going to be some spiritual respite in store for Commander Ripplemaker, as well.

Enjoy, Commander!

Commander Maddie Ruud and Admiral Jason Menayan

Commander Maddie and Admiral Jason, sadly, do not get to enjoy the same vacation time as the rest of us. They remain at the helm of Starfleet Command, to oversee the safe discovery, excavation and presentation of our precious cargo - the HubNugget Wannabes. Besides, they're making sure that SS Hubertise is being refitted properly, so our crew can bring readers the very best hubs by new hubbers. No sir, we won't sacrifice quality, even at their expense!

Which one of this week's Entertainment nominees is your favorite?

  • 17% Holgaramas
  • 17% I Love The Real Ghostbusters
  • 29% Radio Memories
  • 15% Spring Awakening: Teenage Angst, Self-Discovery, and Electrifying Music
  • 2% The 400 Blows: Antoine Doinel's Place in the French New Wave
  • 20% The Hottest Sitcom Babes of the 70s
41 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.

Which one of this week's Business & Jobs nominees is your favorite?

  • 8% Best Job in the World
  • 38% Why British Expats Are Selling Up And Returning Home From Spain
  • 18% Ergonomics for Laptops
  • 3% Intro to Ebay Arbitrage
  • 28% 6 Great Business Models
  • 8% Kind of Questions Asked in Interviews
80 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.

Which one of this week's Home & Family nominees is your favorite?

  • 18% Parenting A Deaf Child
  • 12% Does Your Child Have a Learning Disability?
  • 35% 10 Things We Wish We Could Organize
  • 8% The Tale of the Tulip
  • 14% Two Great, DIY, Small Bathroom Renovations
  • 14% Witchcraft In Your Garden
51 people have voted in this poll.

This poll is now closed to voting.


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