A HubPages Calculator Tool for Estimating How Many Hubs You Need to Make Money
One of my friends was trying to make some quick bucks from Hubpages. I told him to not to expect to be a millionaire overnight. One day he came to me to know how many hubs is needed for making $500 per month. I calculated his projected income and the number of hubs needed to reach his goal. From that time I thought of building a calculator tool for Hubpages. But I thought that I’ll do it later and I forgot about it. Yesterday I this thought came to me again and I opened my laptop to build it.
HubPages Calculator
This calculator tool is made of Flash. It took my many hours to develop it. Actually, I am not a developer of any sort. It made my job difficult and time consuming. Anyway, I am glad that it is completed. I am glad that this tool might be helpful for my fellow hubbers (and also for me too).
How to Use the Calculator
This calculator tool will estimate the number of hubs you needed to make a certain amount of money each month. You need to provide input data for your current number of hubs, total views of last 7 days and your last 7 days total income. The output results will show your current CPM, that is how much you are earning now for each 1000 visitors. Note, this is your CPM not Hubpages’s. And also, the results will so total number of hubs needed to achieve your targeted monthly income and how many more hubs you shall have to write.
An Example
Let us take an example. Suppose a hubber named “ I. M. Not” has a total of 45 hubs. Mr. Not’s last 7days traffic is 6840. Let us assume that he made $14.25 in the last 7 days. He wanted to make $1000 per month from Hubpages. We shall calculate how many hubs are required for earning that amount.
So, if we put the inputs in the calculator, what will happen? The results will show that Mr.Not will have to write a total of 737 hubs to achieve his target. His income from each 1000 views is $2.08 and his per hub income is $1.35 per month. He needs to add 692 more hubs to his portfolio. Is it clear now?
Get it from Below
You can get this calculator from here. It is completely free. It is my property and I give you the right of use and distribute to anybody. If you do not have flash in your computer then you need to install flash player plug-in from here to run the application.
If you want to run it on your Android or iPhone, you need to have a flash player app in your device.
Is it Safe to Use?
It is completely safe and free of any malware or bots. It is made by me and I am not a hacker or such thing. If you I looked like a criminal to you then do not download the tool.
I shall be happy if this calculator helps you to do your calculations properly.
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