Satellite Changing Our History of Egypt
Dr Sarah Parcak, an American Egyptologist from the University of Alabama, has claimed to have found 17 new pyramids, 2 cities and 1000 tombs inEgypt.
Using powerful infra red cameras in satellites orbiting 700km above the Earth, scientists can detect solid buildings beneath the softer sands. To this date, at least 2 of the 17 pyramids have been proven to exist by archeologists on the ground.
How can this change our history?
First we must ask ourselves, “What is ancient history?”
The answer to that question is: Archeologists and scientists find “clues” at different monuments {pyramids}, tombs or buried cities. These clues are like dots, they try to join the dots to form a picture. That picture is then our history as taught in school.
OK, so how can our history change?
With the finding of these new pyramids, tombs and cities, as they are excavated scientists will find more clues [dots]. When they place these new dots along with the old dots, they will once again try to draw a picture. With the extra dots a clearer picture could appear, one that is different from their old one. The picture will become our new ancient history as taught in schools.
This new history could be a lot different. It could show Egypt having links to the Americas, perhaps through the Antarctic. It could show proof of the existence of the legendary city of Atlantis or it could even prove that the ancient Egyptians had contact with aliens.
This is speculation but the facts are that there will now be enough work to keep, a whole new generation of Egyptologists busy and history books, if they don’t change, will have to at least have additions made.