When will people come to the realization that socioeconomic wealth is a good thing. Wealth means a better quality of life for one & one's family. It also grants more opportunities for one's children. It means greater access to superior medical care & nutrition. It is influential in having an overall excellent quality of life. However, wealth is oftentimes demonized by some & certain religions as evil & that wealthy people are considered to be materialistic.
What people REFUSE to acknowledge that it IS socioeconomic poverty, not socioeconomic wealth that is evil. Poverty decreases the quality of life for one & one's family. It stunts children emotionally, mentally, psychologically, & even psychically. Yet, it is deified by some religions as being more pure. There are even some who proclaim that poverty "builds character". Really? It is poverty that causes crime & other degenerative acts. Impoverished areas are far more dangerous than wealthier areas. Poverty is influential in crime & violence. No, poverty hasn't been & isn't a good lifestyle although some religions declare it is. It isn't wealth that is evil, it is.......POVERTY. Your thoughts?
At the root of all life is the simple fact that all we have, either for ourselves or to give to others, is our time. Nothing else - just our time.
We can use that time to gather wealth in the form of dollars, cars, food or anything else, and we can share that wealth with our children or anyone else.
BUT. If that gathering of material wealth is too costly in terms of time required, we and everyone else (particularly our children) are the loser. When that happens, and it happens far too often, it has become evil, not good. All the toys, all the parties, all the private schooling become nothing when Mom and Dad have no time left to give and children are stunted far beyond what missing a few meals or helping to weed the garden can ever do.
The best compromise, then, is to provide for a comfortable life and leave as much of the only real resource any of us have - time - to share with others. Plus, of course, our children must learn that nothing in life is free. Giving them everything rather than forcing them to work for it is a gross mistake that nearly every parent makes if they can.
At times, yes. Greed, coupled with laziness, has produced most of the increase in productivity per labor hour that we've seen over the last century or so. And that has benefited us all.
Most times greed is the worst virtue on earth.
I agree and greed is what drives capitalism. Funny how many wealthy people tend to be less content than many poor people.
Big difference between Capitalism and Corporatism. Ron Paul corrected Moore's movie : Capitalism the love story: on that fact.
Nothing wrong in making lots of money. When it is dishonest and harmful like most Corporations, it is not profitable and healthy for most of us.
Well, I suppose there are those who have made lots and lots of money without taking advantage of others and /or ripping people off. I can't name any at the moment, but I believe you are right.
Todays American culture has taught too many of YOU that somehow there is less virtue ,no honor , less dignity or obviously no moral construct in the poorer person or family , It has taught you that there is less happiness , positive family structure and strength of character in the poorer family . Undoubtedly for TOO MANY of you - poverty could teach you many positive lessons that you lack in your apparent affluent upbringing in life.
I think back to a time in my life when , today would be considered even extreme poverty , BUT even with the many limitations of my parents and family , I learned the gift of positive powers of good character FROM the lessons of being "poor ", Too many of you today look for or towards the promise of the entitlement as the solution to poverty . I don't care where or what the "solution " today is , be it an abortion , free food stamps , a free education or economic welfare , the solution and answers to the all of the unending challenges of life ISN"T necessarily economic wealth , but the education , promotion and advancement of good character .
To the wealthy ; Personally , I would not trade the things poverty taught me about life and about myself or about the value of family for any of your "wealth." Because true wealth is in the smile of an elder teaching you a life lesson , It's in the gathering of, YES even a large family at thanksgiving where each "poor ' sub- family group brought a portion of the greater meal and where even in a poor neighborhood then ; everyone was poor !
"Poverty" today is more likely to look like this , all too often consists of a giant flat screen T.V .bought with a welfare check , Three hundred dollar "sneakers " , kitchen cabinets full of packaged starches and fats for the little ones , everyone in school having an I pad and smart phone by the time their eleven years old , Chrome rims and skinny tires on the family mini-van or S.U.V. , a five hundred dollar leather jacket for Queen mommy , daddy has an apartment across town because him and mommy are having a tough time , Grammy's in the nursing home instead of being in the spare bedroom .
Wealth is Good -Poverty is Evil ? Only in some minds thank God.
Greedy is more evil than too poor.
Sharing with love makes a person grow financial, intellectual, socially, physically and spiritual .
Unless your Trump
He will build a needle so huge a herd of rich men jetset on Camel's will fly their way into the heavens.
To me, socioeconomic wealth means myriad educational opportunities for oneself & one's children. It means savings & investments for the future & my future generations. It means having the best medical care, education, & nutrition in addition to living in safer neighborhoods.. To intelligent people, socioeconomic wealth is positive & beautiful. It means never having to worry about living paychecks away from more poverty, even homelessness. Yes, wealth is ALL GOOD.
Did you know that socioeconomic poverty & being poor registers at a 60 consciousness level. Poverty & being poor is equivalent to hell. Being impoverished & poor doesn't build character. It is numbing, stultifying, & even paralyzing. Poverty leads to stunted emotional, intellectual, mental, psychological, & even psychic growth. It leads to emotional, mental, psychological, & psychic impairment. It is the cause of crime & other degenerative acts. Most criminals in jail are from poor or impoverished families. Struggle & lack doesn't build character. That is inverse logic or as some would say a Luciferian inference in which the negative is elevated to the positive. THERE ISN'T ANYTHING POSTIVE IN BEING POOR &/OR IMPOVERISHED. I suggest that you read some sociology books on the effects of being poor &/or impoverished on children, neighborhoods, & society. Being poor & impoverished is analogous to being in hell. Intelligent, smart, & educated people want & strive to be socioeconomically wealthy or at least solidly middle class.
P.S. THERE IS NO HONOR IN BEING POOR & IMPOVERISHED. Poor & impoverished people (in America) are that way because of the unintelligent & uneducated choices they make. They really don't care about improving themselves educationally nor socioeconomically. They are analogous to the damned in hell. Only a certain kind of person wants to be poor &/or impoverished & such a person is to be........AVOIDED at all costs.
"To me, socioeconomic wealth means myriad educational opportunities for oneself & one's children. It means savings & investments for the future & my future generations. It means having the best medical care, education, & nutrition in addition to living in safer neighborhoods.. To intelligent people, socioeconomic wealth is positive & beautiful. It means never having to worry about living paychecks away from more poverty, even homelessness."
Nowhere in this is anything about interpersonal relationships. Nothing about family or love. Nothing about anyone but the person attempting to gain material wealth. That's sad, as such wealth is a lot of fun but takes the back seat of the bus when compared to what is available from other people. Mankind is not a leopard, living a life of solitude, but a wildebeast, living a life in a community of other people.
"Poverty leads to stunted emotional, intellectual, mental, psychological, & even psychic growth. It leads to emotional, mental, psychological, & psychic impairment. It is the cause of crime & other degenerative acts."
I would point out that the "poverty" of the US today is richer (economically) than middle class of a century ago. Yet those people did not exhibit the symptoms you describe at all; rather they were happy, well adjusted families with love and caring for all. Wealth is not necessary to gather what is important, and true wealth usually manages to destroy those things rather than grow them.
This sounds exactly like its coming from someone either poor and wishing wealth , or wealthy and extremely conceited too ! How exactly do you believe that America evolved from the poverty of it's beginnings , from basic agrarian homes , farms and people who worked first , read in their spare time and built America into what it is today ? Your conceit is so evident as to show exactly where our elitist pseudo- intellectual leftists have so destroyed our government , our culture and education systems to begin with . Your very intellectual and affluent brilliance has our education system somewhere near the middle level of the rest of the worlds.
"There is no honor ..........blah blah blah ", seriously ? How immature ! I know more honorable people who've never made more than a lower income in their entire lives , why ? They worked hard , went to church every Sunday , raised their kids to be more intelligent than them , with more opportunities . Obviously, you believe that somehow the Clintons , Trumps , the Soros' and the Koch Brothers are better , more honorable , more liked , loved and listened to than the guy down the street that picks up garbage for a living , You believe THESE idiots and socio-political- manipulators of our entire culture , better people ? .......I'm disappointed in you G.M. , How many brilliant rich people are we witnessing in the media today ,in Hollywood ,even in Washington DC.? That have absolutely NO scruples whatsoever ?
I suggest you put the laptop aside and go down into the real crowds at the street level and get to know someone who, Yes , maybe lives in poverty and raises their family filled with love , positive growth , education and character ! You could use it .
No thanks, I'll stick with my solidly middle class compatriots. Yes, I was solidly middle class all my life, in the latter part of my life-upper middle class. I have dealt with poor & impoverished people & they aren't the kind of people I wish to interface with. Poor people are vastly different. They have different priorities than the solidly middle class. They are raised not w/love but w/brutishness. They don't raise their children w/hope & to achieve-QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Nope, HAVE NEVER BEEN SOCIOECONOMICALLY POOR NOR IMPOVERISHED, THANK GOD or rather thank my parents for being smart enough to raise themselves out of poverty through education, strategizing, & choosing smart, lucrative careers. Yes, my parents were born into impoverished Black families & worked smart in order to become solidly middle class. They did this at the time where there WASN'T Affirmative Action or governmental handouts.
What I am elucidating is that there is NO EXCUSE to being poor in America. If my parents who were Black in the area of Jim Crow(for my mother was a Southern Black), there is NO EXCUSE to be poor in the past 4 decades, c'mon now. Many times, poor people have a lackadaisical attitude toward life & don't care about their circumstances nor that of their children. They don't think but act on a very primitive level. One must THINK before one ACTS. If this was done, poverty would be reduced 60-90%. Yes, I am a Liberal but I don't believe in welfare, handouts, handups, & other governmental assistance. I believe in smart planning, strategizing, & work. I also know that in order to succeed, one must make sacrifices. Many poor people AREN'T about to make sacrifices, they would rather complain that they DON'T have that good life yet REFUSE to remedy their situation. They want what the middle & upper classes have & expect to be SUPPORTED in that fashion either through their more affluent relatives or by governmental assistance. Also, the wealthy classes are, on average, infinitely smarter than the poorer classes. I am speaking of those who are self-made. One can do what one will- it is either heaven or hell. Most poor people would rather be in hell by their unintelligent choices. I suggest reading some sociological books- education is a GOOD thing you know.
Some people are allergic to $$$$$$$$! More, the WORSE! Thats why they want EBT cards. It also explains why they hate wealth and the wealthy.
Yet, they want the government to write them checks. They never see the filthy $$$$$$, I guess.
The Governments take in more taxes and other benefits than you pay in food and rent. Many people are dependent on their checks because they have been screwed out of basic living cost and jobs.
The Greedy sits on their tuffs and laugh at all these fool. You will be force to kick their tuffs as the abuse continues.
+1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!! Wealth is beautiful. Did anyone know that poverty is calibrated at a 60 consciousness level. This translates into being poor & impoverished ISN'T a good thing like some people are fund of proclaiming. It is being poor & impoverished which should be seen as negative, not wealth. When will people wake up & SEE THIS.
People are wealthy because they are highly intelligent, industrious, creative, & have an unlimited/abundance mentality & philosophy of life. They also make intelligent life choices. People are poor for the most part (in America) because they make unintelligent life choices. You see such unintelligent life choices all around you. They don't value education nor achievement. They believe in indulging in immediate gratification w/o thought of the ramifications of their negative behavior upon future outcomes. They indulge in mindless behaviors. If people thought & acted more intelligently & w/forethought, impoverishment would be lessened significantly. Wealthy people are mindful & think before they act-poor people are more instinctive & act before they think. Let us say that wealthy people are the A-A+ students in life while poor people are the D-F students in life.
Like choosing a rich Daddy advice or a poor Daddy advice.
The Jewish tradition is to create wealth for oneself, loved ones / family, neighbors ...
and be able to help the unfortunate.
Making money is not a bad thing.
Breaking monopoly laws, crony capitalism, bailouts, back room deals is.
Freedom within ...
The Golden Rule
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
in fact, wealth is a positive thing which enhances and elevates one's standard of living? Do these people realize that wealth means more socioeconomic choices? When will they realize that being poor and struggling is an abnormal way of life, existing from day to day? ...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 4 years ago
middle, upper middle, and upper class parents wouldn't think of doing to their children in terms of their children's socioeconomic success, education, and future achievement?
by promisem 6 years ago
In my experience, they are more than they are not. Science backs it up. Your thoughts?https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/spe … 503c1fe516
by Brian L. Powell 10 years ago
What is meant by the word "poor" when referring to people?The topic has been flying around my circle lately, and while the word poor is a very common word, I get the impression that people have very different views of the meaning. I am hoping for some clarifications of different...
by Sophia Angelique 6 years ago
According to Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers, the answer is no.Gladwell showed repeatedly that whether people who succeeded or not, depended a great deal on how much wealth and education their parents had. For example, children who have the benefit of a private school learn a lot of things...
by Christian L Perry 6 years ago
What is the root cause of poverty in the world?
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