Lunatic comes from luna the moon. What effect does the moon have on behaviour?

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  1. aoiffe379 profile image60
    aoiffe379posted 15 years ago

    Lunatic comes from luna the moon. What effect does the moon have on behaviour?

    It is said that most homicides and suicides occur during the full phase of the moon.The menstrual cycle of a woman is lunar as is her childbearing even though doctors go by weeks.Just about everyone has seen werewolf movies and may have heard about le lougaru[my French spelling is poor but that is the pronunciation]. Some cultures still count by moons with reference to history or the passage of time. The moon controls the tides and so many aspects of nature. What role does the moon play in human behaviour- especially the 'insanity' that is prevalent in society today?is there any connection?

  2. profile image57
    Ripsnortaposted 15 years ago

    I read about a study on this the other day.

    The study, can't remember where I read it... sorry, was a statistical analysis of when behavioural problems occurred against the phases of the moon.

    As a general rule, the study found, that there was no significant increase in odd, or criminal behaviour, or mental illness associated with the phases of the moon.

    Don't forget that the moon is still there even when it isn't a full moon. It still has an effect on the tides, even when it can't be fully seen. The only difference is how much sunlight is shining off it.

    Is that enough to alter human behaviour? According to the aforementioned study. No.

  3. Miss Lauren profile image59
    Miss Laurenposted 15 years ago

    I think it would be quite supercilious of us to think that the moon didn't effect us...the fact that it's gravatational pull alone has such a vast effects on our tides should give us cause to think that maybe if it can effect somthing as big as that then why not us?

    I'm not saying that it is just the full moon that effects us, I believe that all the various different phases of the moon effect us.

    As mentioned above, it is pretty well known that if a woman has natural menstrual cycles (without using the pill or any other drug that affects this cycle) then it is almost 100% sure to fall around or on the time of the full moon once it has regulated itself.  Which is why you find that a group of friends will generally become synced together, as all women, generally are supposed to be on at the same time.

    Now I'm not saying that all severer episodes of mental illness are effected (or even caused) by the moon phases but I think that because of the amount of energy around when the moon is full, they just don't know how to deal with that feeling and then maybe go a bit psyco!! but then on the flip side, if the moon is waining then they might feel more depressed etc. which might tip them over the edge!

    Also, I know from personal experience with working with the public on a daily basis and with people I see time and time again, you get to find certain correllations between when people feel upbeat and raring to go and when they feel down, lethargic and generally quite blasé about things.  I have noticed that leading up to the full moon people are more energetic, full of ideas, inspiration etc. and almost buzzing, but then when it is nearly the new moon (or dark moon) phase, people tend to be a bit more down, reluctant to do things or tired. 

    Try it, next time you feel like your just bored with no reason why, just bored! or if you feel down and you don't know why....find out what the moon is doing and I bet it's waining!!

  4. H P Roychoudhury profile image41
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 15 years ago

    Moon, Earth is the celestial body. There are hundreds of thousands of celestial bodies is yet to be discovered. Though science is developed but these are nothing but the few drops of sea. The connection of Water tide only with the lightening of moon is yet to be established scientifically. There may be thousands of reasons which are not yet known to the people of the Earth. The natural menstrual cycles is related with full moon is also hypothetical assumption. There is no scientific evidence yet. Therefore the connection of Lunatic behavior with the effect of Moon (Luna) is nothing but pre-historic ideas when many great Scientists were hacked to death if something is said against apparent observation of nature without knowing the actual observation.

  5. Wytchewoode profile image61
    Wytchewoodeposted 14 years ago

    The answer to this depends on whether you are a scientist or a pagan smile. Each of the examples cited, abnormal behaviour, menstruaton, werewolves, and tides are not directly affected by the moon in any way.

    There is no statistical evidence for an increase in homicide or suicide rates associated with lunar cycles, menstruation is not naturally in sync with moon phases, werewolves are the stuff of mythology, legend and folklore, and tides are caused by a combination of the rotation of the Earth and th gravitational forces of the both the Moon and the Sun.

    The relationship between menstruation (menses) and the Moon is etymological, deriving ultimately from Greek mene or moon and to the Latin roots of the english words for month (mensis) derived from Greek. This simply indicates that both have a regular 28 day cycle. Period!

  6. nadp profile image75
    nadpposted 14 years ago

    Most of the women in my family suffer from migraine headaches - my mother, 2 sisters, my daughter, my niece, and myself.  We have all noticed that we tend to get a headache during the full moon cycle more often than at other times.

  7. Aussieteacher profile image65
    Aussieteacherposted 14 years ago

    I know that, as a psychiatric nurse way back, we noticed that some patients were more unruly during the full moon.  It was something that we were aware of at that time.

  8. John B Badd profile image60
    John B Baddposted 14 years ago

    I do not think their is scientific proof saying it has any affect but i am sure thier is some either deep rooted psycological effect or possibly even a physical effect as the moon can affect the tides.

    personaly i like to howl at it

  9. eternitydoyle profile image61
    eternitydoyleposted 14 years ago

    a theory on the influence of lunar activity on human behaviour is that as the moon controls some of earth's magnetic fields, during the full moon said fields can effect hypersensitive individuals. it is hypothesised that these magnetic fields can alter the brainwaves of such indiviuals, creating a condition somewhat like insanity.
    hope i helped smile

  10. phoenixgbr profile image59
    phoenixgbrposted 13 years ago

    statistacally there are more car accidents on a full moon!!

  11. Druid Dude profile image61
    Druid Dudeposted 13 years ago

    Ahhh, the purvey of the Druid! I like this question. Got your seatbelts on? The moon, as do other polar bodies with their varied magnetic fields, effects our planet and the life upon it in so many ways that Man's inability to fully comprehend it, is totally understandable. We have been "predisposed" to solving bigger problems, like, how many blades can one fit on a man's razor before it becomes ridiculous. Tidal influences have long been noted, and the science behind it is undisputable, but, we fall flat when we try to determine these effects and how they translate to organic life. We are, after all, over eighty percent water. Same substance that is effected by lunar transit around the earth. This particular magnetic field even produces the bulge that is around our equator. Venus is rather sedate sitting in the next orbital path. Further, there are minerals, including iron, whose magnetic properties are also long been known, and they exist within us. All of these things are influenced by Luna, and our overlooking, and outright ridicule of any store of knowledge or supposition on this matter, is a travesty. We are, collectively, IDIOTS.

  12. Dubuquedogtrainer profile image59
    Dubuquedogtrainerposted 12 years ago

    Well, I am not sure about the scientific basis of the effects of the moon on behavior but it seems reasonable to consider that there may be one...certainly worth exploring.

    I do know that as an emergency nurse and critical care nurse it was common in every U.S. state and every institution I worked in over the course of 3 decades to ask, "Is there a full moon out tonight?" when we received a wave of bizarre cases or things just seemed to totally go crazy.

  13. Hannah Oge Isaac profile image53
    Hannah Oge Isaacposted 11 years ago

    I will say YES! Moon do have effect wit 1ce brain

  14. frogyfish profile image75
    frogyfishposted 9 years ago

    Speaking in an experiential manner, it is statistically known that more babies are born when near-due at full moon; that lunacy of both serious and pranky type are more prominent at full moon; and a higher rate of accidents occur during full moon.  Personally, I had a physician purposely delay my elective surgery until it was past full moon. (Yes, many years ago.)
    The celestial bodies in our solar system all have their own gravity, their specific types of chemical/mineral make-up, and thus would have to exhibit the innate magnetic frequencies of that formation.  Seems it would be feasible to say then, that each one would have its own 'disruption' sequence as it entered or left our earth cycle.  Hmm-m. I think I do see that connection...


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