Why do you believe so many natural disasters are occurring?

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  1. Edoka Writes profile image61
    Edoka Writesposted 13 years ago

    Why do you believe so many natural disasters are occurring?

  2. Donna Suthard profile image61
    Donna Suthardposted 13 years ago

    yes! I would believe it. We will have more devastating earthquakes  tsunami's, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, and hurricanes..Its been predicted by Edgar Cayce and others. All thoughts put out in the world come about on some level..At some point  a nuclear device will be set off in the future. it will be a lesson in forgiveness..

  3. Alexander Pease profile image61
    Alexander Peaseposted 13 years ago

    Approx. every 15,000 years seismic activity in the Earth's crust and mantle accelerate. This caused climate changes and other, various effects in the world. Tectonic plates can be responsible for many natural disasters, for many disasters happen near and around fault lines.

  4. n.pady profile image58
    n.padyposted 13 years ago

    it is common for disasters to occur. we have no control over them. a planet without disasters has not been seen till date.

  5. profile image0
    writeronlineposted 13 years ago

    I think the answer lies in your question.

    It's a 'natural' part of life. Ours, and the planet's.

    Because it's natural, there's also no way of telling whether the number of disasters we're seeing, can accurately be described as 'so many'.

    Who knows, there may be so more to come that we look back on this period as one characterised as having had 'so few'.

    I certainly hope that's not the case.

    Like many other people living within the area of a recent disaster, but not directly affected, I count my blessings every day; but at the same time, can't help wondering what's next....

  6. saanj H profile image56
    saanj Hposted 13 years ago


    Natural disasters are bound to happen. No one has a control on them. The only things that are within the control of mankind is the man made disaster (global warming). We as human beings can preserve the nature and curtail the pollution that causes the global warming that puts the living species on earth on the verge of extinction.

    Natural disasters are occurring as a result of disruptions in the earth's atmosphere. and its crust too.

  7. profile image0
    Erik S.posted 13 years ago

    Well, I'm not trying to turn this all religiony or whatever... Because they are "natural disasters"... I'm just throwing this out there really as another point that I myself find interesting.

    Jesus mention a couple of the signs of when he would return:
    Nation shall rise against nation (Libya) and there shall be earthquakes (Japan), famines, and pestilences. These are the beginning of sorrows.

    I can't claim to understand God's will, but I think we can expect more of this stuff in the near future. But that's just me.

  8. kakamano profile image59
    kakamanoposted 13 years ago

    coz dooms day is near...there are many signs that climate will change and it will eventually destroy the earth .

  9. Larry Fields profile image70
    Larry Fieldsposted 13 years ago

    Good question, Edoka. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but natural disasters can only happen in areas where there are people to experience them.

    Before people came to North America, for example, this continent had earthquakes, and the coastal areas had tsunamis. Moreover there were huge volcanic explosions that were hundreds of times more powerful than the PiƱatubo eruption in the Philippines in 1991. Two locations for these huge volcanic explosions: the Long Valley Caldera in Eastern California, and the Yellowstone National Park region. But we count them as events, rather than disasters, because they did not harm anyone.

    Because the human population has increased dramatically during the current interglacial, a larger number of people are experiencing natural disasters than before. Of course, it all gets reported in the mass media. And because there are so many of us, it's not practical for everyone to live in relatively safe areas. In choosing where we want to live, it's necessary to take some calculated risks.

    If the human population was smaller, and everyone made wise decisions about where to build their houses, the probability of some particular family being touched by a natural disaster would also be somewhat smaller.

    Interestingly, the worldwide frequency of hurricanes has declined since Katrina.

    Side note. I don't expect the recent disaster in Japan to affect decisions about nuclear power in inland areas. The reactors in Japan went into an automatic shutdown mode, just as they were designed to do. However the original design did not take tsunamis into account. There will undoubtedly be stronger safety standards for nuclear power plants in coastal areas of the Pacific Rim. This region is very prone to earthquakes, and especially to the tsunamis that they spawn.


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