Home school or Public School?

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  1. tgopfrich profile image67
    tgopfrichposted 13 years ago

    Home school or Public School?

    I haven't ever thought about this until today. Now it's all I can think about for my little 5 month old Liam! What are every bodies thoughts?!

  2. wychic profile image82
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Having been both homeschooled and public-schooled, I'd have to say homeschool, hands-down. That said, it depends a lot on what your education strengths are, how much time you can devote to your kids' education, what resources are available in your community, and so on. I wrote this hub comparing my thoughts on home vs public:

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Homeschooling-B … nd-Rewards

    But also have a hub on things to consider when you're thinking about homeschooling (and yes, I'm getting ready to homeschool my own kids too smile, my daughter is four months old), and one detailing some of my personal experiences as a homeschooler. All I can say is -- don't let people slap the stereotypical "won't be socialized enough" on you, because all it takes is a little bit of effort and your kid(s) will probably be even more social than public school kids, and with people with a lot wider range of ages and backgrounds. One of the things I hated most about public school was how much it cut into my social time -- the other was how much it cut into my learning time.

  3. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    Homeschool. For most of my life, I went through homeschool. While the child does miss out on a few activities considered "normal", they learn to work around it. Not everyone is normal, yet not everyone should be treated entirely different either.
    There are three ways of homeschooling your child. Two exist in the home and one outside of. Most likely you will combine at least two ways if your child will be homeschooled for a few years.
    One, by you. You are the mother. Who best to teach your child but you? This way their knowledge is under your thumb. All the classes, homework, tests, and schedule in under your control. However, the child might feel you control them too much and revolt. Also this method is very time consuming but does best in the early years of schooling.
    Two, by a teacher with or without the aid of electronics. A teacher adds another factor into the game. This way you have more time. However some of these teachers desire to meet an hour away from your home and charge $25 per class. It can be very expensive. Most older kids will take the teacher more seriously than a parent and will actually focus more on the subject.
    Three, a teaching video. There are quite a few home teaching videos than tell you what is expected for your childs age. Each grade they have each class planned: tests, homework, etc. Your child has a teacher and just watches the tv all day surrounded by school books. If your child is intelligent, he/she can finish the homework while watching the video.

  4. ThunderKeys profile image64
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    In either case, home or public school, make sure to really study direct instruction (DI). You can very comfortably bring a child through 2-4 grade levels across multiple academic subjects in just 1 school year. And this is with the highest possible grades and knowledge retention according to over 40 years of research. Don't make the mistake of leaving out one of the evidence-based components (i.e. the standard celeration sheet), or it can't work properly.

    You can guarantee your child's access to scholarships for college based on their tested performance and IQ will measurably increase in most cases.

    - Duddy.

  5. livingsimply profile image61
    livingsimplyposted 13 years ago

    Now as a home schooler I am going to say home school.  I am a qualified teacher in the UK who has lost all confidence in our education system.  All we seem to care about is testing and standards.  All I care about is the quality of the learning experience and the happiness of my children.  As a family we adore home schooling.  We have grown up together and learned together and these experiences will stay with us forever.  With my eldest about to go to university I can't help feeling a little sad that her learning will now happen somewhere else.  That said, I am so proud of what we have achieved together and I know that she sets sail into adulthood a well rounded, grounded and exceptional individual.

  6. Tracy Lynn Conway profile image90
    Tracy Lynn Conwayposted 13 years ago

    Home schooled children always seem more at ease.  I think they develop at their own pace and are not exposed to peer pressure which creates a lot of anxiety. I would have loved to have been home schooled.

  7. LeisureLife profile image68
    LeisureLifeposted 13 years ago

    This is a debate I have been following lately.  I myself attended a private school.  My question is: are home-schooled children more prone to have issues moving out own their own?

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Leaving-Home-fo … rspectives

  8. breathe2travel profile image73
    breathe2travelposted 13 years ago

    LeisureLife - regarding your question about homeschooler being ready to leave home, please consider the following.

    I have many friends who have successfully homeschooled their children.  Not only are their graduated children in college (many with full scholarships), but seem to have a better grasp on what their life purpose is and how to pursue it successfully.

    I have homeschooled my children and had them in public school.  My experience is my children learn a lot more in a lot less time when taught at home. Hence, I recently pulled them out of school in January and began homeschooling again.

    I don't think there is a blanket answer for every home.  Parents must consider all angles and make choices.  I have one friend who homeschools one child, and the other is in public school.  That decision was based on the personality and individual responsiblilty level of the two children.

    I have five children (11, 9, 6, 4 & 2).  The older three are taught daily, the younger two at different times throughout the week.  We run our business from home -- so there were a lot of hurdles/challenges.  Bottom line for me, my husband and I both strongly felt homeschooling is unquestionably the better option for our family during this season of our life.  Because of our conviction, I am willing to work through the challenges, inventory life and adjust as needed to make homeschooling a success.  Having said that, we have not closed our minds to future attendance in a public school.  But for now, we plan to keep their education in our home.  Has been fun, fulfilling & challenging. smile
    My kids interact well with peers and adults.  They are involved in extracurricular activities - sports, music.
    Warmest regards~

  9. soniafernandez profile image60
    soniafernandezposted 13 years ago

    As parents we feel like we need to provide the best and the safest environment for our kids to grow up in. Liam has plenty of time, and you could home school him during the early years if you like. However the more exposure he gets to things in a proper school environment with teachers and students, the better it will be for him to grow and learn.

  10. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I believe that homeschooling can be very beneficial -if- the teacher/parent has the ability and knowledge to teach.  We are not all qualified to teach.

    Years ago, I worked in a bookstore and a gal came in that was going to begin homeschooling.  She was ordering a number of books for the kids, including Ferdinand the Bull.  She could not pronounce Ferdinand.  I was worried about those kids!

  11. profile image0
    mommyloves2writeposted 13 years ago

    I may be in the minority here, but I was a public school teacher and am a big public school fan.  I do not dismiss homeschooling as a choice-forsome families it is the right thing and for some the one-on-one is the best choice for them.

    When I taught public school, some kids were pulled out for homeschooling, only to be returned a few months later.  These moms could not handle homeschooling, thier kids missed school, and in one case, the child had an IEP and the mom simply could not meet his special educational needs.

    Personally, I could never homeschool my kids.  They would drive me crazy!  Plus, we live in a diverse community.  I consider that a bonus, as they have freidns from different cultures and are comfortable with chidren from all kinds of backgrounds.  WOuld you be able to do that within a local homeschooling community?  Just food for thought.

    Your son is way too young to even be thinking about this.  You have time to investigate the public schools in your area, as well the local homschooling support groups.  WHatever you choose for your son, good luck!

  12. tenordj profile image67
    tenordjposted 13 years ago

    With the state of our current school system I would have to say homeschooled. It gives you a better chance to focus with your child on what they struggle with the most and lets them develope at their own pace. As far as missing out on the normal stuff I was one who was against home schooling for this reason, but I believe that you can compensate for this and your child have just as "normal" of an experience as any other child and in a much more controlled environment.

  13. profile image0
    ellie.wposted 13 years ago

    I think it really depends on the kid!  He's so little now, but as he grows, you'll be able to get a better sense of his personality, his likes and dislikes, and his need for companionship/attention.

    Personally, I went to public school and absolutely LOVED it.  It was 100% the right decision for my family and for me!  I was much shyer when I was a kid, and I needed that school experience to help me branch out and become more confident in myself.  Others would say the opposite--that homeschooling gives kids more self confidence--but again, it really just depends on the individual kid, and you will know best for your own kids.

    No matter what your decision is, it's important to make sure that your kids get "socialized" properly--either through school, or through fun activities like sports, dance, etc.  Likewise, it's important that parents take an active role in their kids' education, regardless of how they are schooled.

    Lastly, finances are definitely an important consideration.  Because I went to public school, both my parents could work, and as a result, they were able to pay for my college education.  If you're going to be sacrificing long-term goals like college, retirement, etc. then you might want to plan how you can budget better to help your kids out in the future.

  14. Zazuzu profile image72
    Zazuzuposted 13 years ago

    Public School usually (or even Montessori School), but it depends:

    First, I think there is a bias in these answers towards home school since parents who can home school tend to be at home and hence on Hubpages.

    Anyway, I'd say most of the time public school is a better option. School isn't just about learning material, its also about learning how to socialize with other kids. That includes how to deal with peer pressure and bullies. If you do home school, make sure you child is always active in out of school activities (especially over the summer).

    Parents should provide support for their kids so that they can overcome these social challenges and reap the rewards of this social immersion.

    On the other hand, if public school is not pushing your child academically consider supplementing your child's education with some homeschooling. I think its a more graduated process than all or nothing.

    Anyway, best of luck!

    PS- If you worried about pace not being sufficiently tailored to your child's needs, consider Montessori school.

  15. theseus profile image69
    theseusposted 13 years ago

    Public school.
    Having been publicly-schooled myself, I find satisfaction in knowing that I not only learned academics but I also learned how to deal with other people and gained friends in the process.

  16. oceansnsunsets profile image82
    oceansnsunsetsposted 12 years ago

    Teaching our children is a huge responsibility and privilege.  The decision on how to educate them can be a hard decision to make.  Here are some thoughts we have in our family, and our experiences on the subject. read more


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