Should homeschooling replace public education?

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  1. evelynsaenz profile image71
    evelynsaenzposted 13 years ago

    Should homeschooling replace public education?

  2. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 13 years ago

    That might be like the blind leading the blind. It might work in some households where the parents are educated. But I think it is cruel to a child's mental development to withhold biological facts, like fossil records or DNA, which disprove creation theory.

  3. MazioCreate profile image67
    MazioCreateposted 13 years ago

    I have to agree with Old Empresario on this point.  Attending school is a lot more than having access to classes where children are offered the opportunities to learn a myriad of facts from a variety of subject areas.  This is the time of their lives when they develop their social skills and unless homeschooled children also have a full "social program" then they are missing vital life skills.

    Homeschooling on the other hand may be the only means for a child to gain access to formalised learning, such as we have in Australia with School of The Air assisting parents on remote properties.  However, when children are homeschooled because their parents have certain beliefs and feel their child/children will be damaged goods by hearing both sides of an argument, then this is a Draconian practice.

  4. profile image0
    Indigitalposted 13 years ago

    I find if everyone was homeschooled, especially in this day-and-age, we'll have an even more dull and lifeless society. We have all noticed more people getting annoyed at teenagers being unable to communicate with a community like the elders do; image if they've never experienced proper socialisation - we'd have such an undeveloped era of adults it would be horrifying.

    Imagine the water cooler conversations!

  5. profile image51
    Uuhsmamaposted 13 years ago

    From a homeschool perspective...

    No, I don't think it should replace public education. Being a homeschooling parent requires certain things that not all parents are equipped for or willing to do. You have to be able to invest time in your kids. You have to care about their education more than just wanting them to get good grades and going out for pizza at report card time. You have to consider their strengths and needs, their interests, and create a learning environment and experience unique to your child.

    Some parents are just too lazy or busy or caught up in their own lives to put that effort in. Those kids need public education so that they have a chance to succeed in life.

    Public education definitely has a place in our society. I just wish that it wasn't considered the standard. The truth is, an education tailored to fit your particular child's needs and altered as needed to continue to do so is much more conducive to learning than the public education system's rigid, test-score driven, trying to shove everyone into the same mold, factory-like style.

  6. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 13 years ago

    For educated parents, that would be preferred. The "one-size-fits-all" mentality in the school systems is nuts.

    Imagine teaching your toddler to walk. Oops, too late. You didn't learn in the prescribed time limit. You fail!

    That's nuts.

    Besides, the Rockefellers have evil designs on promoting women's liberation to steal our kids into the hands of governmental "care." I guess George Orwell was right after all.

    Now, it seems the Rockefellers want to implant chips in everyone so that commerce is  only done through their "mark of the beast." All to feed their greed. What a lovely monster that is.

  7. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    Yes and no. Some parents are not fit to teach their own children. Upper class parents would pay tutors while lower class adults would simply ignore their children. We would lapse into a time when society believed breeding won over education. It would be a horrid time. Yet most children that are homeschooled are highly educated because their parents care enough to see they know all they need to know plus a bit more.

  8. delaneyworld profile image79
    delaneyworldposted 13 years ago

    No it shouldn't.  I think it's great as an option for those families homeschooling fits, but for those with both working parents, single parents, parents who are uneducated, parents who are not driven nor do they have the skills to help teach the kids - not a great idea.  Also, there is a social component that is missing in homeschooling that kids get every day in public or private school.  There are opportunities to socialize with homeschooling, but it takes extra effort on the part of the family to make it happen.  Public education and homeschooling are so different.  It takes a lot to homeschool properly and in a way that benefits the kids.

  9. Momstalk profile image59
    Momstalkposted 13 years ago

    I was home schooled for a few years myself so I will answer this with personal experience. I loved and hated it. I butt heads with my mother very badly which is why I only had three years of homeschooling. I excelled so much having the one on one teaching from my mother. My test scores with the Iowa state testing was top notch. I think I had a slight case of ADD so for me it truly worked. 
    With the whole socializing aspect of it, I was the oldest of four girls, we went to church, we even occasionally went to a home schooling group.  But we also had neighbor kids to play with. I also was able to spend more time with my grandparents and aunts and uncles.  They each could teach us something different. Like twice a week grandpa would give us computer and typing lessons. I knew my grandparents so much better and have such great memories due to these times.
    As for blind leading blind, there are curriculums out there. Books work books that explain and teach. One of the hard parts is finding the right set for the child and parent. Also I know that my mom had to take a test that all teachers must pass to teach.
    These are some of my thoughts and personal experiences.

  10. profile image51
    alanhughesposted 13 years ago

    Actually, the statistics demonstrate that homeschooling parents, regardless of educational level, do no worse than certified teachers. Most do better. Check out the research of Dr. Brian Ray. On the topic of creation theory, the data actually fit the creation model far better than the evolution model. Check out Ken Ham's information at Answers in Genesis. What is cruel to a child's development is to put him or her into what has become an environment where only politically correct answers are considered acceptable. Where is the academic freedom there? Give a kid some interesting books and projects to do and you can't stop him from learning on his own.....

    1. HSAdvocate profile image59
      HSAdvocateposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There is no data that fit the creation model... Creationists rely on trying to create doubt in data that supports evolution (which is all of it). Please point me to molecular data(DNA and proteins) that refutes evolution in support of the special cre

  11. advocateforchild profile image61
    advocateforchildposted 12 years ago

    There should be a choice. One might fit one child and family better than another. There is no simple one fits all answer.

  12. kschimmel profile image71
    kschimmelposted 12 years ago

    Ah, yes, the tired old "socialization" argument.  First, kids in school are sitting at desks not interacting most of the time.  Second, kids only get to interact with the teacher and with a group of kids within a year or two of their own chronological age.

    Kids who are homeschooled by functional families learn to interact more naturally and normally with people of various ages--just like we adults do in the workplace.  My friends range from 15 to 90.  Although I was publicly schoooled (homeschoolers were jailed when I was a kid) I spent a lot of time with my great aunts and learned more from them than from any lame textbook. 

    Homeschooling is a commitment that should be undertaken only by those willing to do the hard work.  For those willing, however, the results are amazing.

  13. HSAdvocate profile image59
    HSAdvocateposted 12 years ago

    I feel public school is necessary as a public service that all should have access to. However, I do think public school is going to change significantly in the coming years.  Public school in the home or virtual schooling will see a surge in the coming years and individualized learning modules become the prevalent model.  This is not homeschooling though, rather it is school at home and the distinction should be clear.  Many homeschoolers do not have issue with where school is taught, but rather what is being taught and how.  Delivering the same message with similar techniques is not going to win over people that are upset with the politicization of the  public school system.  Here is an interesting article about the necessity of public schools. … necessary/


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