EVERY person is created God's image. Every person has value, every person has worth. God cares enough about our identity to create us with unique fingerprints. Don’t peel off our fingerprints!
Tips of must-haves for moms planning to breastfeed their infant. Nursing is a beautiful part of motherhood, these pointers will help mothers have a successful experience.
Nausea was my first indicator that I was expecting - unexpectedly. Fatigue had risen its ugly, energy-sucking head for a few weeks, but I waved it off as summer heat and busyness with five energetic kiddos. One morning on the way to the movie...
A peek into my personal life - the reason for a prolonged absence from HubPages.
One of the goals for my family is for my home to be welcoming to my husband, children, our family and friends. Author's Image - copyright HJD 2009 - Author's Image Anything in life worth having is worth investing effort. Family doesn't just...
I do not claim to know everything about God or the Bible -- how could anyone? These hubs are simply my way of sharing what my understanding is after much study and meditation, and personal application of discovery. I hope this hub is helpful and...
This hub was not meant to be a dig or judgment on anyone. Rather, I wanted to share my thought process about the sure-to-be blockbuster, Magic Mike. My facebook wall has been inundated with status reports of women friends - single, engaged and...
Choosing a good reputation by having good character is more important than great material riches.
Cheese grits are hearty and can be served as a side or main dish. Author's Photo When I lived in New York, the suggestion of grits was seldom met joyfully. I soon discovered why when I ordered a side of grits at a diner. I eagerly opened my mouth,...
A wise servant will rule over a disgraceful son and share an inheritance among brothers. - Proverb 17:6 This verse requires little explanation. However, I believe the statement necessitates consideration. Consider yourself in the shoes of the...
All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD evaluates the motives. - Proverb 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. - Proverb 16:2 KJV I included the King James Version of this verse because...
Keys to living a fully satisfying life.
An evil man is trapped by his rebellious speech, but a righteous one escapes from trouble. A man will be satisfied with good by the words of his mouth, and the work of a man's hands will reward him. -- Proverb 12:13&14 Eternal laws work...
Live a life worth celebrating.
With Google's recent algorithm change, we've all experience drops in our numbers. When you are done reading this hub, please, visit the following two hubs for more insight on how the algorithm has affected hubbers, as well as how to get your...
The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence. - Proverb 10:11 The word "righteous" in this verse is from Hebrew word "tsaddiyq" (prounounced tsad-deek) and is also translated "just". Just means...
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. - Proverb 9:10 The foundation to any true knowledge is to acknowledge a Creator. People often scoff at the bible, saying the Bible is...
Learn to be shrewd, you who are inexperienced; develop common sense, you who are foolish. -- Proverb 8:5 Sounds a bit harsh to be called "inexperienced" or "foolish". But in reality, calling something what it is is not harsh - rather, helpful. To...
Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverb 7:3 Tie what to your fingers? The author is quoting his father's instruction to him, to tie "them" - his Father's commands - to his fingers, to write them on the tablet of...
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, and your poverty will come like a robber, your need, like a bandit. -- Proverb 6:10-11 The Lord promises to prosper all to which those who honor Him set their hand. He does...
"...so that you may maintain discretion and your lips safeguard knowledge. Though the lips of the forbidden woman drip honey and her words are smoother than oil, in the end she's as bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet...
Don't abandon wisdom, and she will watch over you; love her, and she will guard you. - Proverb 4:6 How can wisdom watch over you? When you don't turn your back on sound wisdom, "she" will speak to you from your heart. There is conventional wisdom,...
Conveniently, there are 31 Proverbs - one for each day of the month, no matter what month! The hub covers not the entire proverb, rather a bullet from the chapter.
Seemingly, my children are often hungry. I can just finish cleaning up from breakfast and they're ready for a snack! I don't like to serve pre-packaged foods often because of hidden ingredients. But, I try to create foods that are quick,...
My second from the youngest child is my pickiest eater. He claims only to like bananas, carrots and apples out of all available fresh produce. What's a mom to do? Get creative! I know he still needs nutrition from the many other fruits and...
When I went to college, I was surprised how many young adults did not know how to prepare a hot meal, grocery shop effectively, or do even wash, dry and fold laundry. My philosophy is to teach children to prepare food according to their personal...
Grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite sandwich, and are arguably a memory of most of our childhoods. Teaching your kids how to make grilled cheese with various flavors will help stretch this classic as well as their ability to prepare an...
Alicia is in the hospital with cancer. Do you know any more about it? A friend from my hometown had inboxed me via Facebook about a dear family friend, Alicia (Ay-lee-see-ah). I did not. I could not get in touch with her or her daughter. The small...
I cannot explain why occasion stirs desire for melancholic retrospect -- but it does. The slow droned guitar chords, perfect harmony of singer's voice with instrument -- create a powerful platform for lyrics reflective of societal challenges...
Preparing snacks and meals is a great opportunity to spend quality time with my kids. I have five children, and the busy-ness of life challenges me for time. Inviting them to cook with me teaches them how to prepare healthy foods for themselves,...
The importance of a father's approval. The significance of feeling good about oneself -- especially in adolescence. She stepped into the silky material, Carefully, one leg at a time, Unsure of herself, Working the delicate sheath up her body,...
Developing healthier recipes for my family is a hobby, I suppose one could say. My latest recipe challenges have been to develop lactose-free treats. I was in a life-long friend's wedding recently and both her daughter and step-sister are lactose...
Please be sure to scroll down as there is a little more text as well as a place for your comments & remembrances of Davy Jones. Thank you for reading! :) I did not grow up in the era of Davy Jones crazedness, but I remember watching Monkees...
At the beginning of 2012, I decided to partake in a Daniel Fast - no meats, no yeast, no white flours, no white sugar, no dairy *gulp*, minimal salt, no fried foods, as much raw produce as possible. Within three days, I felt amazing. And, pounds...
July 31, 2013 would have been the Princess's 52nd birthday. A heroine in the eyes of millions across the globe, this coming August 31 will mark the 16th anniversary of her untimely, tragic death.
Should we blame God for tragedy? Isn't he in control?
Whether your father has been a part of your life or not -- you have a father. Hopefully, your father was a loving, accepting Dad. Those are the Fathers to whom this hub is dedicated. Happy Father's Day! The Dress - Feeling Pretty for the First...
Courtney was a bright, vivacious, joyful teenager. A compassionate soul, her peers describe her as "someone you could always go to about anything, because you knew she would care." Almost sixteen, Courtney was at the top of her class academically,...
My boys have been in martial art instruction for a year now. I have witnessed development in each of them physically and mentally. When I began seeking a school, I wasn't sure what I needed to look for in a school or instructor. After talking with...
If you've read any of my recipes, you know I endeavor to maximize nutrition without compromising flavor when preparing food. Here is a cookie bar I make for my family and keep for an alternative to high fructose corn syrup filled granola bars or...
Does anyone remember the sitcom, The Facts of Life ? Its theme song is running through my head right now, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have, the facts of life..." As a parent, we have the joy of teaching...
I believe in enjoying your food without sabatoging your health. Too often desserts are overly sweetened. Through trial and error, I have learned ways to reduce sugar levels without compromising taste. Sometimes recipes came out too heavy,...
I by no means claim to be a financial expert. Rather, I just want to share simple methods I use to help save money. Whether your motive is the thrill of a good deal, stretching a tight budget, or putting as much money into savings as possible,...
Cost was not the concern. Providing a need, relieving a pressure for others was my focus. Removing the need to think about anything was my motive. The three-dimensional dragonfly balloon caught my eye. I opted to invest the $7.99 in hopes of...
"A thankful heart is a happy heart." -- Veggie Tales, Madame Blueberry
Being hospitable comes naturally to me. I simply enjoy hosting people, caring for them. I love to entertain - whether a play group, dinner party, holiday celebration, birthday party, baby showers -- you name it, if preparing food and serving others...
Vigilant defenders Empowered by Tremendous patriotism, duty, love, & honor. Each of you deserve Recogniton, remembrance, restitution America owes her freedom, may we Never forget, and never fail to show gratitude. I Salute you. Look for...
We will all be better citizens when voting records of our Congressmen are followed as carefully as scores of pro-football games. -- Lou Erickson Victory is Ours only when we Take time to Educate ourselves and others in Suffrage. Make your...
Many of us have felt the effects of a rather sluggish economy and are seeking ways to reduce bills and overall cost of living. Others are looking for opportunities to earn more money. I thought writing about a program I researched would be helpful...
I love to eat. I love to use every taste bud on my tongue. I also enjoy eating healthy foods. In an endeavor to cook life-giving foods for myself and my family, I have perfected this recipe over the past few years for delicious, wholesome banana...
This is my top ten "feel good music" for the soul. I believe I am a spirit - which lives forever. I live in an earth suit - which happens to be made of skin, bones, etc. (nice, huh?). Then, what is my soul? It is what makes me me: my mind, my will,...
“Did your father,” Mom paused, glancing at her hand as she reached for Amber’s. She tenderly clasped her daughter’s fingers within her palm. “Did he, um, tell you why he’s...ah… been...” Mom’s voice cracked, “gone?” Mom’s...
A Voice For Our Time Eight months pregnant, I lowered myself to the bed to put on my knee high pantyhose. The summer months in Florida were already hot, but being pregnant in the stifling heat was exponentially torturous! Hence, the knee-high's. I...
OK, OK... so I chose a relatively volatile subject - healing. Forgive me, and continue reading. I am fairly confident reading this hub will be worth the investment of your time. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, and combat disease....
Our bodies are designed to fight invasion, whether in the form of disease, viruses, or bacteria. When our immune systems are weakened, they are unable to identify and fight disease effectively. Our bodies become weakened. Signs of a compromised...
With an aggressive health care industry, pharmaceuticals for every symptom, why bother boosting your immune system? Isn't it easier just to pop a pill, take an energy drink? For me, no. Easier may bring immediate ease of burden/symptom, but with...
My breath is shallow. I catch myself holding my breath. Waiting for ... for what? My oldest - and my only girl -- begins her middle school career next week. My sister tells me I am experiencing bottled & suppressed emotions from when I was my...
This hub is not a comprehensive tutorial in copywriting. I was inspired to write after being ticklishly horrified at a real estate ad. I think we can all appreciate the clever genius of the Chic-Fil-A cows, the Geico Gecko and AFLAC's goose (or is...
If you legitimately owe a debt, and your creditor is simply making a reminder call, that is not harassment. Harassment is when your mail and voice-mail are inundated with correspondence demanding payments, leaving condescending remarks, calls to...
Maybe I'm a little over-precautionery, but when I am in larger cities or traveling, I am not content keeping my identification, atm/debit/credit cards, or cash in my purse. Not at all. I like to hide them... where they are accessible to me in...