What causes superstition in superstitious people?

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  1. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 13 years ago

    What causes superstition in superstitious people?

  2. nidhi.singh profile image59
    nidhi.singhposted 13 years ago

    maybe because of religion or upbringing. i remember as a kid the elders used to say don't cross the road if a black cat crosses before you or if someone sneezes before you are going for some important work its suppose be an omen.
    i dont really believe in such things but when anything like this happens i do tend to give it a thought !

  3. misty95 profile image60
    misty95posted 13 years ago

    There thoughts,  there mind sees something to fear,  you either fight past each fear, or get stuck in the thoughts that surround it.

  4. profile image0
    marellenposted 13 years ago

    In my situation it was the way my Mom was raised. Her Mother, my Grandmother, was extremely superstitious and so was her Mom...Who knows how far back the generation goes.

  5. NateSean profile image67
    NateSeanposted 13 years ago

    I don't think religion has all that big a part in supersitition. Mostly I think superstition is a way of trying to explain why good or bad things happen to people.

    Of course you can say it's all in the mind, but you'd be surprised how powerful the mind is.

    For example, my favorite superstition is the Macbeth curse. Whenever you say Macbeth before a performance on stage, the play goes horribly wrong and/or someone gets hurt.

    I once upset my entire theater class by dropping Macbeth every other second on the opening night of Diary of Anne Frank.

    Well, sure enough, not only did all hell break loose, but the girl who played Miep nearly broke her neck tripping on the "stairs" off stage.

  6. PK2010 profile image65
    PK2010posted 13 years ago

    Superstitions prey on the minds of people. We create superstitions because we want to create fear in people and control their minds. It is also a way of  keeping people in check or preventing them from going against rigid societal norms.

    Superstitious minds are controlled by the fear of unproven facts. The truth of the matter is that the mind is so powerful that it can actually manifest a superstitious thought into reality.

    When I was young growing up in Ghana, we were told never to whistle whilst bathing or put your hands on your head when crying. I think some of these superstitious thoughts are just ways to encourage good behaviour although some can be extremely ridiculous.

  7. RoboMarketMachine profile image60
    RoboMarketMachineposted 13 years ago

    I believe that a superstitious person would be more prone to superstition simply because of the fact that they may have been exposed to a superstitious person or persons in their upbringing.

    Therefore, a person's upbringing would more than likely lead them to have a prior mindset of superstition which causes one to be superstitous! 

    But that's only my opinion and you can take that with a grain of salt!

  8. CWanamaker profile image93
    CWanamakerposted 13 years ago

    I think people tend to create there own superstitions.  If an individual had a particularly good day for example, they may conclude that it must have been because of the clothes they were wearing or the penny that they found. Humans have an inherent need for everything to have an explanation or a cause, especially when it is seemingly unlikely.  People also tend to believe people who have the appearance of being credible. Take a baseball team for example.  If there is a good home run hitter that always says "I love peanuts and daisies" before he bats, I'm willing to bet that his team mates will take on the ritual in hopes of batting better.  After all, what do they have to lose?

  9. saanj H profile image59
    saanj Hposted 13 years ago


    I think superstitions are more or less connected to the exposure of  a person. If a person is exposed to certain superstitions then he will constantly follow the same. its all in the mind.

    i think superstitions are the outcome of fear.

  10. livingsimply profile image61
    livingsimplyposted 13 years ago

    I think perhaps a lack of trust.  If they can't quite trust themselves to make the right judgement they get very bound up with superstition and even destiny.  I can understand it as perhaps a prop to support wishes but I think time is better spent learning to trust yourself and your judgement skills.  That said, maybe we all need a prop sometimes.

  11. kafsoa profile image65
    kafsoaposted 13 years ago

    This is related to culture of the family and friends around us, and what we read or watch. Some people like to attribute the bad things that happen to them to any thing but not themsleves or things they have done. For example, a student doesn't get a good mark relates that to an evil eye and not to his lazyness.

  12. FranYo profile image61
    FranYoposted 13 years ago

    Fearfulness of living in the moment.

    I hope you'll read and comment on my Hub (just added last night) called Superstitious Me.

  13. profile image57
    ASupertrampposted 13 years ago

    I think it's the fear of living something and the need to find an answer to an unresolved question.


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