What are good ways to prevent procrastination?

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  1. ezhang profile image80
    ezhangposted 13 years ago

    What are good ways to prevent procrastination?

    When I was in college, I always procrastinated for my assignments. As a result my sleep suffered. What would be some good advice to prevent this?

  2. Rochelle Frank profile image90
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    You could join Procrastinators Anonymous, but they are hard to locate because they are always postponing their meetings.

    On the more serious side, I found that when I took a few minutes each day to meditate quietly, I began to think more clearly, have more energy, and get things done without wasting so much time. I didn't understand why, but it worked.

  3. micadeolu profile image44
    micadeoluposted 13 years ago

    The part of the body one need to overcome is the 'self'. If you are able to overcome yourself and bring it under the control of the intellect, you will be happy at the end.

    Learn to achieve this and you'll soon find yourself copying and excelling much.

  4. JonLaird profile image61
    JonLairdposted 13 years ago

    Hey man,

    I can understand this, as I'm also a procrastinator. I suppose the first question might be: What makes you want to procrastinate? Is it because you dread the task? The task bores you? You have other things on your plate? Without determining this, I think that any steps you took to really deal with procrastination would be dealing with the symptoms instead of the problem itself. In fact, without identifying why you're procrastinating in the first place, you might even end up trying techniques which really do little - if anything - to help; it would be like putting a cast on your arm if you have the flu.

    Issues with not getting enough sleep can also contribute to procrastination, making it a bit of a cycle: if you're feeling tired, tasks are going to seem much bigger and more complicated than they really are, and the desire to put them off might be stronger.

    I also really suggest trying mindfulness practice. It will help you connect with what's really going on in the present moment, which will make identifying why you are procrastinating much easier.

    Hopefully this helped somewhat. I wish you the best, man!

  5. rwelton profile image61
    rweltonposted 13 years ago


    ...hmmm, let me think on it and I'll get back to you tomorrow...


  6. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    I used to be like that but have changed ever since. I now pin my todo list on the computer since I am at the computer most of my time.

    When I look at the list, I tell myself on the task - this will take me 10 minutes to do, so I just get up and do the job.

    The next round when I sit at my computer again, I will see the next task. Again I tell myself the job is only another 20 minutes, so I will go and do it.

    So, this will carry on till I have finished my daily tasks and I still have spare time to relax and spend on other stuff.

  7. ThunderKeys profile image66
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    1. Get a piece of paper and a watch.

    2. write a descriptive "work" or "task list" of the specific tasks you are most likely  to procrastinate on (i.e. homework, piano lessons, house work etc).

    3. Make a list of your most desired activities for the day, that have the least likelihood of procrastination, - "rewarding" or "desired activities" (i.e. playing video games, writing hubs, watching TV hanging out with friends).

    4. Prioritize your work task list from the least to the most desirable.

    5. Prioritize your rewarding activity list from the most to the least desirable.

    6. Set a time period for each work task on your task list (i.e. 30 minutes of math homework; 30 minutes of piano practice; 20 minutes of house work etc). 

    7. Assign a time period for your desired or reward time (i.e. 30 minutes of TV; 1 hour of hub writing; 20 minutes of video games etc...)

    8. Make your final task list for the day to guide your activity. Always start with the most difficult and undesired task first and end with the easiest.

    9. Make sure that the most rewarding activity follows the most difficult or undesired work task for the day. Make sure that the the easiest work task is followed by the least rewarding, but still desirable reward activity. Your lists from step 2 and 3 should simply align  in this way, from least to most rewarding, on both sides.

    Make sure that you take a break after each undesired or difficult task and do a desired or rewarding activity right afterword for the reasonably allotted time, from step 3.

    Doing the difficult tasks will become easier and easier for you as time goes by because you are structuring your time and because you are using rewarding activities to positively reinforce the undesired activities.

    This transfers motivation from the desired activity (playing a video game) to a less desired activity (practicing piano or doing math homework).

    Use your watch to measure and to gradually increase your time on undesired tasks and decrease your time on desired tasks (especially unhealthy reward behaviors).

    You can also experiment with shorter work and periods and shorter reward periods (20 minutes of math questions and 10 minutes of video games etc) to find what works best for you.

    Gradual increases in the time you spend on tasks you would usually procrastinate on will really help stave off the procrastination. Smaller, well reinforced changes over time are best here.

    Hope that helps,
    - Duddy,

  8. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    I have discovered a process I call Zero pointing based on Maslow's Heirarchy of needs and some Fung Shui principles. Once I complete this I make short lists until I get back into the swing of things. When I say short I mean only three things. And many times they are simple things. Then I reward myself somehow and in someway. I plan to write a hub on this process once I stop anwering questions and hubhopping , , ,two tools I use to procrastinate writing a hub - LOL.

  9. jtyler profile image60
    jtylerposted 13 years ago

    You should do everything up at first.  After you've been doing that for a while, you should start to plan more to keep a consistant amount of work during the time period.

  10. LuisEGonzalez profile image77
    LuisEGonzalezposted 13 years ago

    I just do what I need to do on the spot and get it over with, which in turn leads to more free time.

  11. kootheancheah profile image61
    kootheancheahposted 12 years ago

    Having a goal is very important to help you stay focused. Otherwise, you tend to drift and procrastinate. And always write down a list of things you have to do. Tick them as you get them done. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and prevent you from procrastinating.

  12. wrinklestudent profile image60
    wrinklestudentposted 12 years ago

    As ThunderKeys said, make sure that you're rewarding yourself for a job well done. If you know you have to finish something you don't like to be able to do something you do, you'll finish it so you can move on. Whether I'm planning to poke around online or not, I always seem to want to in the middle of a long and boring task. I just schedule internet breaks where I can 'procrastinate' without derailing my schedule and manage to get everything done 'on time'.

  13. fdoleac profile image61
    fdoleacposted 12 years ago

    Have others hold you accountable.  Coaches, mentors, parents.

  14. TIDSimon profile image60
    TIDSimonposted 12 years ago

    It is reason or results.

    Remind yourself that uncompleted matters today will become an even bigger monster tomorrow!

    So, start doing it now!

  15. profile image58
    kdawsonposted 12 years ago

    I can't say.  I usually just go with it.

  16. Chasing Riley profile image85
    Chasing Rileyposted 12 years ago

    Something like 80% of your results come from 20% of your activity. We typically spend our time on the ineffective tasks instead of the important 20%.
    My advice:
    1. Figure out what your top 3 goals are
    2. Figure out the top 3 things you can do every day to achieve those goals.
    3. Do those things first - no matter what.
    4. Don't waste time on facebook, TV, etc...
    5. Read the book - Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy. It's the answer you are looking for.

  17. Rock_nj profile image84
    Rock_njposted 12 years ago

    Start writing something or doing some work.  Even if it's not good at first, at least you have ended the inertia of doing nothing and are starting your assignment.  I use that strategy when I procrastinate about writing.  I just start writing something, and then let it snowball from there.

  18. rjsadowski profile image70
    rjsadowskiposted 12 years ago

    I'm not sure , but let me think about it.

  19. jg555 profile image60
    jg555posted 12 years ago

    I would say,....don't think about procrastinating. Just do whatever it is you have to do.

  20. oopsydoopsygirl profile image61
    oopsydoopsygirlposted 12 years ago

    Make a list. (Just don't procrastinate on making the list in the first place)


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