Which has the better system of education, the public or the private system?

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  1. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 12 years ago

    Which has the better system of education, the public or the private system?

    If you have an option would you rather enroll or enlist your children to a public or public school. Which system is the best in the overall development of your children, physically and emotionally, is it the private or public school?

  2. Alicia Rebischke profile image56
    Alicia Rebischkeposted 12 years ago

    I'd say private, though it depends on the schools.

  3. Becky Katz profile image81
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    Definitely private school. Your children are not stuffed into a classroom with 30 or more other children. They are in a class with usually 15 or less. The teachers have to do a good job of teaching or they will be fired.They care about your child learning and their development as people. Character and emotional stability are watched and carefully nourished. They do not like to accept children from the public school system because they have not been taught to obey or think for themselves.
    Public schools teach to the test and do not worry about if your child is keeping up or needs extra help.  Public school teachers are very hard to fire. They not only do not care about the emotional and character development of your children but with many of the laws and rules that they follow, they discourage. 
    I homeschool my children because I could not afford private school and had problems with too many teachers in public schools. I took two of my children out of school because of bad teachers. You generally cannot change teachers. We had one teacher that was a bully and called our daughter names.
    We had one that lost our son's homework and gave him a failed grade. The assignments were in his pack, he said he turned them in and why wouldn't he? When he turned them in to the Vice Principal, she lost them also but he was given an A for those. They could not fire her because she had tenure. Over half of the kids in his class that year failed. It was not them, it was the teacher and the parents allowed it.

    1. Charity Squid profile image63
      Charity Squidposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I had a teacher lose my papers too and told my parents I never handed them in.  My parents saw me do the homework and went to the Vice Principle, but did nothing to the teacher.  I've also witnessed teachers teasing other students.

  4. Sunshyne1975 profile image83
    Sunshyne1975posted 12 years ago
  5. rocknrollcowboy profile image59
    rocknrollcowboyposted 12 years ago

    Most likely the private, however, none of our kids have ever gone to a private school. I will say though, our kids have attended 2 public schools and both have been excellent. The 1st was Kindergarten thru 8th grade and only had between 30 - 60 students depending on the families moving in or out or kids graduating, therefore, there were only 5 - 15 kids per class depending on how many were in that grade that particular year. We wanted the kids to stay in this school for all 9yrs so that they would have a sense of stability and structure but we had to leave that school due to government closing the school because of budget cuts. The 2nd school is also K - 8th and has about 90 kids with classrooms averaging 10 - 20 students. Both schools have always been high on the states academic list and the 2nd school has always been within the top 10. The main reason for the population is due to both schools being in the foothills.

  6. jdrury profile image56
    jdruryposted 12 years ago

    I went to a private elementary school and a public high school.  Later I taught for four years at a public high school.  Now as a parent I will do whatever it takes to be able to afford private school for my children.  Private school generally has a higher academic standard.  There are smaller class sizes in a private school and generally more accountability for staff and students.  Finally I feel like in a private school environment I wouldn't have to worry as much about the hidden curriculum that I saw being promoted in the public system.  It's not an easy decision, good luck!

  7. Peggy W profile image98
    Peggy Wposted 12 years ago

    I can answer this from a personal perspective.  I attended a very small Catholic school which even had several classes in one room and nuns were the teachers.  When my parents and grandparents moved from Wisconsin to McAllen, Texas in 1960, I entered a public junior high school.  Practically that first entire year was a repeat of what I had already learned.  In fact, my science teacher would grade my papers first and after my usual 100 score, he would let me help him grade the other student's papers.  The next year in high school, they offered major work classes in some subjects which were a bit more challenging than the regular classes.  I am no genius by any means...but certainly noticed the differences.  The McAllen school system was rated highly at the time...so it was not a factor of it being a bad school.

    A generation later, my niece attended several private religious based schools and I think that her education far outshined the public schools teachings at the time.  In fact, she was in public school and we (her family) thought that the education was lacking.  They had among other things "Fun Friday" which was primarily a play day.  And this was in a top rated elementary school!  It was at that time, (I think it was 3rd grade) that we had her moved to a private Christian based school.

    In addition to receiving a better education, things like respect towards others and manners were taught.  Proper clothing attire was also expected.  Learning things like those are also valuable.  It creates a basis of how to interact with people and sets the stage for success in life.

    All in all...my vote would go to private schooling over public.  That is sad to say because our taxes pay for our public schooling and we should be able to expect that our children learn many important things there in addition to what they learn at home from their families.  Not everyone can pay the additional costs of private schooling.

  8. letstalkabouteduc profile image97
    letstalkabouteducposted 9 years ago

    It's usually private because decisions are made at the school site, not Washington D.C. Public schools are now under the control of bureaucrats -- most of whom have never taught a thing to anyone. Teachers are losing more and more autonomy in their classrooms -- reduced to reading scripts, giving standardized tests, and then giving parents the results of those tests. The whole child and her development (mind, body, and soul) is woefully neglected. Public schools have reduced the focus of teaching and learning to an extremely narrow scope. Kindergarten children are expected to all develop in the same way, same pace and, if they don't, teachers act as if there's something wrong with them (e.g. ADHD, socially immature, disruptive). This is especially true in poor inner-city schools where so-called rigorous learning is making young children aggressive. They get frustrated with too much teacher-directed learning and just hate school. It's so sad!


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