Think making fluffy dumplings for chicken and dumplings is hard? Think again. Follow this simple recipe to have perfect fluffy dumplings every time.
A song about a poisonous relationship
An Original Song written for my husband to his father
This is an original song about loss.
This is an original song written by me. It is meant to be sung by a man. I write songs not only from personal experience, but also from envisioning certain circumstances.
Learn how to make a simple white gravy recipe with no bacon or sausage grease or drippings. It tastes great with biscuits!
This is a quick and easy fluffy biscuit recipe. In my family's opinion it is "The Perfect Biscuit". It is made with margarine or butter. If you are looking for simple and fluffy, you found it.
Some ideas that a groom could give to his new bride on their wedding day.
You say that you have changed That your ways are not the same That you must have been blind To leave our life together behind You ask how I can just walk away And say, "There is nothing left to say" Well, it was your lies So many...
Lord I ask you for the motivation And for the drive to succeed I ask for your guidance For my children will follow my lead I ask you to bless our marriage, Our family, our life And never let him forget How much I love being his wife ...
A very short original poem about love, loss, and faith.
There are a lot of recipes out there for flubber, goo, slime or whatever you may choose to call this substance, but this is my favorite. It is simple, quick and fun to do. It does involve borax so make sure you are not making it with a young child...
Mango pico de gallo history and recipe. Also a video of my daughter and I having some fun making it.
A quick, yummy, fun and healthy breakfast idea.
Making Easter different each year.
Sometimes there is a simple solution to a huge problem. Brushing long hair has been so much easier since I bought this silly chair.
A few household hints that can make your life a little easier. From opening a jar lid to making the perfect pancake, you may find what you are looking for right here.
This clay is for cutting out shapes to harden for ornaments, etc. 2 Cups Cornstarch 2 Cups Baking Soda 1 1/4 Cups Cold Water Food Coloring (Optional) In a saucepan, combine cornstarch and baking soda. Gradually add the water until the...
A simple recipe for putty using baking soda and cornstarch.
A short story and a little history about St. Patrick's day and the tradition of pinching and wearing green to prevent it.
The second part in my true story, "My Mother Was Taken From Me". This story is written as I , my sister and my cousin remember it. Part three is a work in progress. Thank you for your patience.
This is a true story about how my mom was taken from me. This story is as me, my sister and cousin remember it. This is part one. The link to part two is below.
I see the light through the window As I sit alone here in the dark I’m thinking about how it used to be And how this is tearing me apart You left me here all alone Trying to hold onto your heart I should have known it was too...
An original song about loss and a husband leaving a wife alone with a baby to raise without him.
I never thought things would turn out this way And all that I wanted was for you to ask me to stay Cause’ all I’ve ever known is to love you And all I’ve ever wanted was to hold you In my arms, so tight Please don’t say goodbye,...
A poem about lost love.
A short poem written by me about a broken heart.
A poem about lessons in life
This is a poem thanking God for all the gifts in my life. I also had this poem printed on our wedding invitations.