During which months do the days start getting shorter (less sunlight), and when

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  1. nmdonders profile image76
    nmdondersposted 12 years ago

    During which months do the days start getting shorter (less sunlight), and when do they get longer?

    Which month, or day of the year, starts to see shorter days with less sunlight and which is the month when days begin to get longer.  I know they only somewhat coincide with daylight savings.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      In late July, the days start to get shorter.  However, in August, the days becomes noticeably shorter- it becomes dark around 8 p.m.  In late December, the days start to get longer & around March to April, the days gets noticeably longer.  Yes, we all know that the shortest day is December 21 & the longest is June 21.  I was stating the nuances of when days get longer & shorter.  Note: read the sunrise/sunset charts & observe the days & nights.  Although days get shorter after the summer solstice, it doesn't become noticeable until late July & in August, it is extremely evident that days are getting shorter.  Same with the winter solstice, days start getting longer after the solstice; however, it doesn't become noticeable until March.

  2. michiganman567 profile image73
    michiganman567posted 12 years ago

    Days start getting longer on December 22.  December 21 is the shortest day of the year.  The length of the day will grow until June 20, the longest day of the year.

  3. Vitallani profile image79
    Vitallaniposted 12 years ago

    The longest day of the year is the 21st of June. After that, the days start getting shorter. The days start getting longer again after the 21st of December.

  4. bankscottage profile image88
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    In the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day of the year occurs on the summer solstice (when the northern pole of earth's axis is tilted toward the sun).  The sun is in the highest position in the sky as seen from the North Pole.  This occurs between June 20 and 22 each year.  The hours of sunlight each day gets progressively shorter each day until the winter solstice (the shortest day of sunlight). On this day the sun is in the lowest position in the sky (closest to the horizon).  It occurs between December 20 and 22 each year.  A solstice is not actually a day, but a moment of a day, the exact moment the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky. From the winter solstice, the hours of sunlight gets progressively longer each day until the summer solstice.
    The opposite occurs in the Southern Hemisphere.
    This change in position of the sun relative to the horizon changes the location of the place in the continental US that is first to see the sunrise.  You can check out my Hub on this.

  5. profile image53
    skyfallingyetposted 7 years ago

    Humans have been tracking the length of the days, essentially time, since prehistoric times.

    The length of a day changes daily. It is like the earth is sitting on a ball. Every day the we move in little increments around the orbit of this ball (our path around the sun)

    The reason the days are not equal is that this orbit we travel around the sun is not exactly round in shape. It's squashed.  Here on a link to wikipedia it shows our orbit around the sun
    and the shape of it. 

    The shortest coming as I sit here and write, is December 21 2017. Each day will will add one minute of daylight for 17 days.  Then it increases daily in tiny increments,  by January 7, we will have increased to 2 minutes a day until the longest day, which will be next June 21, 2018.

    Since the winter solstice is coming up, I am including a link to winter solstice music.


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