Do you believe high school is really the best time of our lives? Why or why not?

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  1. jenbeach21 profile image69
    jenbeach21posted 12 years ago

    Do you believe high school is really the best time of our lives? Why or why not?

    I hear people describe high school as the best time of their lives and I never really understood it. If that is the best it is going to get, what is the point of life after high school? I would love your thoughts.

  2. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    High School, seriously?  No, absolutely not for me.  In high school you are a kid, with no power, no freedom and no resources. I would say the best time of my life was once I was out on my own, with a job and making my own choices.

    When I look back high school was a good time, no huge responsibilities, friends, fun weekends, dating, clothes - being fit and feeling good. That was all fun, but not the best time of my life.

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There were some good times, but I would not like to repeat those years again.  Too much pressure to deal with: popularity, fitting in, friendships, etc.

  3. Mom Kat profile image75
    Mom Katposted 12 years ago

    ugh! are you kidding me?  I hated high school!

    Being a mom has been, hands down, the best part of my life.

  4. algarveview profile image75
    algarveviewposted 12 years ago

    Really? The best? That is very strange, because I think the vast majoriy of people would say exactly the contrary, actually... I think it's an awkward time... It wasn't the best at least to me, I had a better time during college, after college and now, I mean, now I know what I want, how to get it and I fight for it and get it... During high school people are too young to know what is really important, what matters, they are too absorbed with things that really don't matter... High school was just a time, it was just okay... and if it's the best one can hope for, I think that's really too little to hope for...

    1. jenbeach21 profile image69
      jenbeach21posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree. I had overheard people talking about this subject and saying high was the best 4 years and I couldn't believe it. I'm glad I am not alone.

  5. Weekend Reader profile image71
    Weekend Readerposted 12 years ago

    You jest. High school wasn't the best time of my life! Too many hormones, too much uncertainty, too many people who were as confused as I was. Exciting, perhaps. Fun, certainly. Best, no way.

    I'd put "best" on the broad range from 25 to 40, when the body is still young and generally healthy, when the world is still fairly new and you have the energy to enjoy it. Of course, if you have no opportunities and little enthusiasm to participate in the adventures of life, then no age will be "best."

  6. FatFreddysCat profile image83
    FatFreddysCatposted 12 years ago

    I didn't enjoy high school very much and never understood why it was supposed to be the "best time of my life." I preferred college.

  7. Riverfish24 profile image80
    Riverfish24posted 12 years ago

    Yes, you often hear people say –“college or school days were the best times of my life.” Even when we were in school, adults said, school days are the best times of your life. But the reality is- every phase in life is as good as you make it... read more

  8. pinkpencil profile image60
    pinkpencilposted 12 years ago

    High school was the worst for me. It's when my friends grew up into... you know what.  College was the best for me. I met genuine friends during college, so for me it's the best of the best big_smileD

  9. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    I despised almost every moment of high school. I had a speech impairment and look like the typical nerd, bad teeth, curly hair, glasses, etc. I was not the favorite of any teacher, had very few friends and had to endure the agony of being the least athletic person in gym class. I asked one girl out on a date. She declined, but told all her friends the next day, who giggled when I walked near any of them. No, high school was certainly not the best time of my life. Furthermore, for the record, I only took two courses that have served me well. The first was typing. Back then, not too many guys took typing--that was for girls who would become secretaries. The second was one year of Latin, which helped me to make sense about some of the obscure grammar rules you had to learn in English class.

  10. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    That's a big NO for me!  College was definitely better. The older I get, the more comfortable I am in my own skin. I wish I were as thin as I was then, but the rest : uncertainty, shyness, jealousy, awkwardness, homework. . no thanks!


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