What was your favorite novel in high school or college?

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  1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    What was your favorite novel in high school or college?

  2. profile image0
    supreme upbeatposted 11 years ago

    A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have never heard of that one, mine was probably a tie between the Scarlet Letter and The Great Gatsby

    2. profile image0
      supreme upbeatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is a novel written by James Joyce  is a semi-autobiographical novel   The story describes the formative years of the life of Stephen Dedalus, a fictional alter ego of Joyce and an allusion to the consummate craftsman of Greek mythology, Daedalus.

    3. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You know I have never read anything like that in my life, and it sounds very interesting!  I will have to check it out, did it impact your life in any way after you read it?

    4. profile image0
      supreme upbeatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do not know.But certainly and passively I think. Here somethings I learn  as Epiphany ,I think you know what is Epiphany  or epiphanic moment - a moment of recognizing   something that is very crucial in your life but what you did not know till thi

    5. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I know those moments, my life has been full of them actually and I am pretty young to have had all of them I think.  That's why I think I might read it.

    6. Chris Neal profile image78
      Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's a good book but it's a little heavy. In between the priest's sermon on the thickness of the walls of hell and the stream of consciousness chapter at the end, it can get wild.

    7. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well for awhile I was obsessed with the book of Revelations in the bible and that is heavy, scary, and mysterious so does it compare to that?  I haven't read heavy reads in awhile, and I think its time I chose one again.

  3. Rosie writes profile image83
    Rosie writesposted 11 years ago

    I remember John Grisham's, The Firm.  Everyone was reading it and talking about it in college.  It seems like the movie came out much later, starring Tom Cruise.  It was a very suspenseful book, caused a lot of people to become John Grisham followers.  His new line of mystery books aimed at middle school students seems to be very popular, even among some elementary school students.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I loved John Grisham novels when I was in my early twenties and had gone back to community college when I was newly married to a Marine.  He didn't read but heard me raving about the Firm, so on drives to L.A. he would have me read it to him outloud

  4. multiculturalsoul profile image70
    multiculturalsoulposted 11 years ago

    In high school it was John Gunther's Death Be Not Proud, the true story of his dying son. It was a powerful reminder of life, not death.

    In college, I must admit an affinity for Stephen King, especially The Stand. I read that 1500-page epic three times and found new nuances each time. His entire "Gunslinger" series was fairly "literary" as well.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I will have to also check out the one you read in high school, sounds like something that I would enjoy.  The stand is one of my favorites...so is IT and many others.  I have a passion for the holocaust, slavery, and historical events like that now

  5. profile image0
    AaronHubb89posted 11 years ago

    The Lord of the Rings was my favorite series of novels.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I read the hobbit in the fifth grade..my favorite book up through junior high.  I bought a copy for my 13 year old son who hates to read for Xmas...I think he will learn that reading is an enchanting activity after reading it.

  6. miscellanea profile image62
    miscellaneaposted 11 years ago

    It's Dorian Gray, A portrait of a Lady, Moon Tiger, Heart of Darkness. But the best of all was Dorian Gray and Wuthering Heights.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My dad is currently reading Wuthering Heights for the first time, I never even saw the movie.  That is one I added to my list for next summer.  As for the rest I have never heard of them.  You all have me intrigued to the ones that are new to me

  7. J. Biaza profile image62
    J. Biazaposted 11 years ago

    I loved reading Mark Twain.  He wasn't too heavy of a read, had humor, a lot of symbolism, and he had some really great stories.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are you kidding??? Excellent choice.  Maybe not comprehension on a basic level a heavy read but there is a lot of analysis that can go into Twain.  Love the humor, always laughed through it and imagery I would add as well.  Great choice I am impresse

  8. Chris Neal profile image78
    Chris Nealposted 11 years ago

    The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. To this day, the story of the lonely, patient old man who (proverbially speaking) bit off a bit more than he could chew has struck a deep, deep chord within me.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Never read it but just the way you describe it and what I am going through lately, it already hit a chord.  I have never read much by Ernest Hemingway and I am ashamed to say that actually.  I have to probably add one favorite is Edgar Allen Poe

  9. StephanieBCrosby profile image79
    StephanieBCrosbyposted 11 years ago

    I know you asked for either high school or college, but how is a girl to choose?

    So for high school it would have to be Disappearing Acts by Terry McMillan (sp?). It was not an assigned book, but rather one a classmate got from our dorm leader (yes, it was a boarding school). Each of us vied for a turn with the book and then would stay up past lights out reading as much as we could. It was a true page turner for us at that age.

    For college, it would have to be William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. I can't get enough of this shorter novel of his (as you can tell from some of my hubs).

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Both I have not read and indeed plan to add to my evergrowing list of winter break reading.  I used to read in high school through probably the end of my first marriage in my late 20s a novel a week at least...now its only if its hmwork I am so busy

  10. Donna Kay Bryan profile image70
    Donna Kay Bryanposted 11 years ago

    In high school I fell in love with Carlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre.  I admired Jane's character very much and hoped to grow up to have her quiet strength and resilience.

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In high school I liked it, I just read it in Women's LIterature again this semester and I didn't like it as much anymore.  I think its due to how I have evolved but in five years I want to read it again so I am keeping the copy I had to buy for class

  11. Frank Atanacio profile image74
    Frank Atanacioposted 11 years ago

    To Kill a Mockingbird has to be my favorite of all time.. I enjoyed it in High School...  but  even after that beyond college and  just reread it again this past summer...

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Def two thumbs up on that choice.  I loved that book, read it my freshman year of high school. We have two copies in my home actually and I am going to have my oldest, 13, read that next month when he is due for a new novel.  Wonderful book

  12. oceanuniverse profile image60
    oceanuniverseposted 11 years ago

    SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS, love that series, there was a movie made out of them. But the books are so much better then the movies, I still watch them, but the books have so much more detail in them that the movie does not have or they leave out.

  13. Pavlo Badovskyy profile image76
    Pavlo Badovskyyposted 11 years ago

    The catcher in the rye. I loved it. There were other novels as well, but this was my favourite!

    1. abbykorinnelee profile image58
      abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Everyone I know has read that and I never have.  I have to say another one I just remember was Flowers for Algarnon.  The movie I think was called Charly.


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