What are your questions regarding the i502 - Legalization of Marijuana in Washin

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  1. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    What are your questions regarding the i502 - Legalization of Marijuana in Washington?

    I have read through the initiative and there are some questions left unanswered. I want to know what YOUR questions are that have yet to be answered.

  2. hazeleyes88 profile image60
    hazeleyes88posted 11 years ago

    I really think that the only reason why the president legalized marijuana is because he needed the votes. There was a good reason why is was not legal. It does more harm them good. Instead of legalizing marijuana, he should be worried about all the dumb people talking on their cell phones while driving. Or teenage pregnancy. He is repulsive. And now we really know what he will do to stay in office. Studies show that it kills brain cells and make you feel paranoid. Not to mention hungry. Doesn't he know the we already have enough over weight Americans.

    1. ThompsonPen profile image65
      ThompsonPenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He actually didn't legalize it. Just Washington and Colorado legalized it. On a federal level, it's still illegal.

    2. MattyJ9999 profile image81
      MattyJ9999posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ThompsonPen is correct, the president didn't legalize marijuana.  That is simply false.  Also, marijuana does not kill brain cells.  Where did you do your research?  This comment has no factual basis and is clearly politically biased.

    3. hazeleyes88 profile image60
      hazeleyes88posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not if they can walk down the street and smoke it as long as it not over an ounce.

    4. MattyJ9999 profile image81
      MattyJ9999posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is also false.  Read the initiative.  Public consumption of marijuana is still illegal!  The only way you can consume it is on private property with permission of the owner e.g. your own home, or someone else's home who permits it.

    5. ThompsonPen profile image65
      ThompsonPenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In WA it's not properly legal until December 6th, and then retailers can only sell to those who are 21 or over, and it has to be consumed out of the public eye and off the premises of the retail outlet. See my longer response elsewhere in these answe

    6. profile image0
      An AYMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have never read - or heard of - any studies which say Marijuana kills brain cells.  If you can refer me to such a source I would be very curious to read it.

  3. MattyJ9999 profile image81
    MattyJ9999posted 11 years ago

    My biggest question is not about the initiative, but will the federal government intervene with the ruling?  We've seen it in the past with medical marijuana, but if there is significant revenue produced by the initiative I think it will be difficult to ignore.

    1. ThompsonPen profile image65
      ThompsonPenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think they will try to, but I think it will cause a huge conflict, and who knows, we might get somewhere. I'm going to be doing a bit more research into it, and that will go into the hub I'm working on next

  4. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    Hazeleyes88 - actually, marijuana is the least of the harmful things which comes into our bodies in our modern world. When looking at all the damage that flu shots can do to children and elderly, what side effects most medications do, the damage coffee and alcohol do, microwaves, preservatives and coloring in foods which - all of which can cause cancer, and here we have an herb that can potentially cure cancer, or be a very functional answer to the cancer problem. Coffee makes me more paranoid than marijuana does, and marijuana causes no more hunger in people than do the preservatives and addictive chemicals which occur regularly in common processed foods such as canned soups, instant, flavored rices or pastas, creamers, frozen dinners, etc.
    The point that those who want it legalized are trying to make is that it is a plant, and there is no reason for it to be illegal. Sure it is a mind-altering substance, but so is coffee which is legal, and so is spray paint and glue if you're dumb enough to huff it. It was made illegal because of the cotton and timber industries. Hemp is so diversely used for fuel, nutrition, clothing, paper - things that cotton and timber can cover and charge more for. So it became illegal. The Constitution was written on hemp paper.
    Obama did not legalize marijuana. It was just the two states which had the people vote and the people voted to legalize it to bring in taxes which would help the state with the economy. Is the initiative perfect? no, far from, but it is certainly the steps needed to be in place for the right direction to happen.

    I have a review of the initiative in a series of four hubs because there was so much of it to cover.
    Here is the link to the first one. Don't let the title of the link fool you, it started as an opinion piece but as I started writing it, I changed the entire thing to a review.
    http://thompsonpen.hubpages.com/hub/Leg … nion-Piece

    1. hazeleyes88 profile image60
      hazeleyes88posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I still don't find it to be a good idea. There is going to be a lot of problems based on just this one thing. There will always be people against it and different people for it. What about all of them drug dealers who put more I. It then just the nor

    2. MattyJ9999 profile image81
      MattyJ9999posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think a lot of the negative feedback coming from this is a direct result of a lack of education on marijuana.  The drug dealers who are receiving money from marijuana are the ones who need that same money taken away from them to reduce crime.

    3. hazeleyes88 profile image60
      hazeleyes88posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That may be so but I never had a to have a reason to know about it. Yes I have smoked weed before. I also remember what it felt like for me. I don't know if it effects everyone the same way. But I can safely say that I will not support this.

    4. profile image0
      An AYMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I just here to disagree with you about microwaves and flu shots!

      Marijuana is not physiologically "bad" for you, I fail to see the problem.

    5. ThompsonPen profile image65
      ThompsonPenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Im against eating meat, but I'm not going to tell every one they should illegalize it because I think it's not a healthy personal choice.

  5. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 11 years ago

    My first question would be: Is the intent of the law to surpress the sale of illegal marijuana on the street or is it intended to lighten the burden on the courts?  Surely there must be a reason other than to just accomodate the recreational aspect of the use of it???  If you sell on the street and you in within the allowable amounts in possession...can you be arrested?  Will it be retailed in smoke shops and licensed or just essentially ignored now that there is some level of legalization?  If it is illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence, how will that be tested and proven?  If it is legal to use and possess in the stimulated amounts, is it legal to use in public?  ~WB

    1. ThompsonPen profile image65
      ThompsonPenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is meant to generate funds. It will generate a lot of money. There are three separate licenses to obtain depending on if you're growing, processing, or distributing it, each costing $1,000 each year to maintain. plus there's 25% tax on each level

  6. rodelmore profile image62
    rodelmoreposted 11 years ago

    How will the state get around the Federal Law?


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