Legalize Pot?

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  1. Zaiden Jace profile image65
    Zaiden Jaceposted 13 years ago

    So I wanted to know what people think about marijuana. I know many people think it's bad but when asked they can never explain why. They go by what other uninformed people say. So I thought I would post this to get everyone's input. Do you think weed should be legal or stay illegal?

    1. TheBlondie profile image60
      TheBlondieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it should stay illegal. I know the argument against this is that it only makes people want it more, but if it were legal, it would be seen as a non-dangerous substance, which it is not.

      1. qwark profile image59
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I don't drink alcohol.

        I got drunk on beer, once, in Germany with a girlfriend at the Octoberfest.

        Made a fool of myself and passed out.

        My little Bavarian G/F with pink cheeks carried me outa the tent, put me in a taxi and sent me back to the base. I spent the night with my head in the toilet.

        I could never again stand the taste of beer

        Hard liquor? Nope!

        But I smoked a little "grass" during my college yrs...didn't do it regularly but the few times I did, it did this to me:

        1. I could eat someone outa house and home!

        2. I've never laughed so hard and found things to be so funny!

        3. Sex was incredible! orgasms were so wild (for both of us) that we'd scream...(both of us!)  smile:

        4. No hangover!

        5. Kept my supper down.

        A couple "tokes" and a few minutes and it became a fantastic world!

        I don't use it anymore.

        "Grass" is not addictive! One can become dependent upon it.

        Alcohol and nicotine are deadly drugs!

        YES! MARYJANE should be legalized!...taxed and the monies used to pay down the debt!

        If only we could keep the hands of politicians out of the profits!

        Oh, and by the way, the page paper in bibles is thin, if properly trimmed, it makes great rolling paper. Don't worry about the print. Personal research has proved it to be innocuous...errr, harmless smile:


        1. earnestshub profile image73
          earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          All true. Although I have not tried the bible as joint paper, I have used it as dunney paper a few times. smile

          1. qwark profile image59
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Motel bible paper is especially good... for,smile:

      2. vellos profile image60
        vellosposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think it should be legalized. It is less harmful than alcohol which is legal and needlessly clogs our legal system with non violent offenders.

        1. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Talk to Frank,  Government research project and information advisor (UK), find in phone book.
          The uniformed people are taking the stuff!   It causes harm, makes people irresponsible and stupid, also psychosis in mid to long term use.  People have died as a result of their added stupidity from being 'on it' including using it regularly.
              A lot of health issues really.   Be Warned!

          1. earnestshub profile image73
            earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Why don't you learn something about pot before you dis it?

            Your post is a monument to ignorance about pot.

            1. days leaper profile image60
              days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I know plenty, and if it is any consolation I am starting to wish I never took any notice of this drug adicts forum.  -Something which should be illegal in my honest view, or at the very least held under strict licence!  And where are the police who should use such sites as this to curb the passions of fools.
              I will no longer subscribe to this Pot pushers paradise; though know that I know enough and SEEN ENOUGH to know the harm it does, and any illegal narcotic leads to mental health problems, often severe.  Causes crime not because it is high cost due to it being illegal -taxes would be about as bad; besides cost to health services, and shops when people on it got bored and decided to cause trouble for the sake of a buzz! -often the people it appeals to are drawn to criminality as it is another quick buzz for them.
              Any other view would be and is a testament to blatant and persistent ignorance!
                  But go ahead, cause your own deaths, for many the highs with one drug lead to taking a harder drug.  Waste your life if you must but don't say people shouldn't be against it or/and have the freedom to say so as this despotism shows you've become a slave to it.  Drugs will become your master if you persist in taking it.
              If you still don't believe I know.  Curiosity, and a troubled life led me to try it.  So called 'friends' already on it were only being friendly while they thought they had another mug to share the cost.

              Well, now they are out of their tiny minds; as I picked up quickly that the high is a false one, there is no real satisfaction without genuine achievement that is worked for over time.  -so, to be flippant, if you don't like the cost don't say it should be legal, but get off your lazy backside and get a job!
              The End!

      3. cbl2988 profile image60
        cbl2988posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Alcohol prohibition didn't work. What makes people think that drug prohibition is different? Guess what! The Drug War is a miserable failure and has only created more violence.

        The moral point I wish to make is who decides what you can and cannot put into your body? You, or some faceless bureaucrat in D.C.?

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The difference is that alcohol is acceptable (even prized, with the right marketing) in affluent society, while marijuana is more of a poor person's drug.

      4. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        ...illegal...but not criminal....if gov't gets their hands on it who knows what it will actually evolve into......status quo...but no criminal's a herb...and gov't doesn't quite know what to do with

    2. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

      In today’s society a pot tax could single-handedly wipe out the national debt in 5 years. lol

      1. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        And cause a mental health crisis putting the debt back to square one, and not only that but leaving society worse off than ever!

      2. smanty profile image61
        smantyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        It is true. If pot was legal and regulated by the government, billions of dollars could be taxed from it, thousands of jobs would be created, and we would actually save a lot of money by keeping people out of prison. It costs the country billions upon billions of dollars to care for people who go to prison for minor pot use.

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          No, the money won't be made from a hemp tax, but rather saved by not spending all those billions on enforcement, interdiction, and incarceration. (Yes, some money would be made from the tax, but not nearly as much as all that.)

    3. Mr_Frugal profile image60
      Mr_Frugalposted 13 years ago

      Agree with para on this one. If it's legalized then it would make a huge income. And not only that, it would also cut out dealers, who are usually not the nicest of characters, though there's exception to the rule.

    4. Zaiden Jace profile image65
      Zaiden Jaceposted 13 years ago

      Right! Weed would make a huge income. The government would tax the hell out of it and it would probably be more expensive but it would bring in money for people who sell. Could you imagine seeing pot on store shelves? If that's in the future I would be a happy camper lol.

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        A weed tax wouldn't be that big of an income generator, but the money saved on enforcement and incarceration would be huge.

    5. SandyMcCollum profile image63
      SandyMcCollumposted 13 years ago

      Here in Oregon we have Cannabis Cafes. You walk in and there's all different kinds of weed and in different strengths. There's also pills, oil, butter and all kinds of things. But only those with a marijuana card from their doctor can get it there. People who need it get it from their caregivers (growers) also, and if it's not given away, it's like $50 an ounce.

    6. kmackey32 profile image53
      kmackey32posted 13 years ago

      Although I do not do pot. I dont think its any worse then alcohol.

      1. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        It's no better either.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image61
          Randy Godwinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Completely untrue, of course!  No one has ever died of an overdose of pot nor had their liver destroyed because of using it.  Where do you get your info?

          1. days leaper profile image60
            days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            People go nuts on it.  Seriously, become criminals.
            Where do I get my information?  I've seen long standing acquaintances, kids with their whole life ahead of them turn into all I can describe as monsters or zombies.  Hell bent on crime, always wanting, even needing to cause others trouble!
                Where do I get my information you ask!  I've lived it mate!
            Perhaps no liver has been harmed with this crack Pot craze, but this is because it isn't in drink form.  And for the record I know alcohol is no good either.  All are piosions.

    7. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      People who say legalise it, are invariably on it!
      When they get into cliques that do such things, they become accustomised, aclimatised to the groups they are in.  And no-one can see within said groups how distinct they are becoming, or how it is affecting them detrimentally.
          I'm not saying there aren't benefits, but like with steroids the harm done long term far outweighs the temporary benefits.
      Keep it illegal, I say.  And give people forced cold turkey rather than similar drugs that keep their hook going and cost the tax payer insurmountably when you consider all the side effects.

      1. profile image0
        klarawieckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Not everyone who thinks it should be legalized is on it. I've never done it in my entire life, and I think it would be a great idea to make it legal. People who want to use it are going to find it anyways.

        1. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          So, let me get this straight.  You're telling me.  Your not on it, have no intention to be on it, you don't know any-one who is who is in your life.  You don't distribute it, sell it etc.  You have no wish to do this etc.  You don't ship it or have anything to do with it.
          Yet, you want other people to feel free to have it, therefore leading them to false hoods that there's nothing wrong, no risk of health issues, no warning of personality changing effects etc. 
          Well, either your lying or you want to see the world in a dependent state so as to be able to sell other things.
          ...In Any case, sounds fishy to me!

          1. profile image0
            klarawieckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You are right about everything on the first paragraph. The only thing that's going to keep people from doing drugs or alcohol is education. You educate as many people as you can and hope that they make the right choices. Keeping it illegal won't keep those that want to smoke pot from doing it. It will only cause more crime, and the money will end up going to the crooks that are trafficking. I rather see cops spending their time looking for killers, child molestors and rapists, than spending months planning a raid on someone who's growing the illegal herbs in their garage. Yes, if you find someone wasted driving, stop them and put them in jail. No one should be behind a wheel if they are impaired, but as a whole, the police should be concerned about greater problems... among these, the dealings of more lethal drugs.

      2. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "People who say legalise it, are invariably on it!"

        I call BS. I say legalize it, and I'm not a user.
        There's more you can use that plant for besides getting high. Once upon a time most paper was made from hemp fibers. Heck, the friggin' Constitution was written on hemp-fiber paper.
        Hemp rope is good stuff, as is hemp fabric--oh, yeah, you can make fabric out of the stuff and it's more durable than cotton.
        The seeds produce an oil that can be used as biofuel.
        And the stuff grows like, well, a weed--it doesn't need all that petroleum-based fertilizer that king corn uses every year.
        But we don't tap this resource because ignorant people like to pretend that none of this stuff is true and the only reason anyone would want to legalize the growing of this plant is because they're a pothead, or a drug dealer.

        1. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I knew about rope, but rope isn't illegal!

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Rope isn't illegal, but we can't make it out of hemp in the US because hemp is illegal, no matter what you use it for.

            Prohibition of hemp is a seven layer stupid cake with idiot frosting and bonehead on the side to dip it in.

            1. days leaper profile image60
              days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this


              1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
                Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                1) the fibers of the hemp plant are useful to make rope, cloth, and paper, among other things.  Hemp rope is stronger than manila and worn out hemp rope biodegrades, which worn out nylon rope doesn't. Hemp cloth is cheaper to make than cotton (cheaper to grow, easier to spin and weave), just as comfortable, and more durable. Hemp paper doesn't decay as quickly as wood pulp paper does (and hemp grows back a lot quicker than pine trees).
                2) Hemp oil is an excellent biofuel (better than other vegetable oils or ethanol) that requires practically no petroleum-based fertilization.
                3) The drug that everyone is so worried about is safer for most people than alcohol and practically impossible to overdose on, and we waste billions of dollars to enforce laws that take otherwise peaceful and more-or-less productive people and turn them into a drain on society's resources.

                There is no good reason to prohibit the growing of hemp for industrial purposes, and there's really no good reason to outlaw the recreational use of the drug (especially when we have learned that outlawing alcohol, a more destructive drug by any measure, was a colossal blunder).

                If we'd legalize hemp, we'd get a biofuel that would help us out with renewable domestic energy production, an alternative to cotton fiber for textiles and industrial purposes, and we'd save a ton of money (not to mention lives) that we currently waste on punishing a victimless 'crime.'

                But instead, we insist on not taking advantage of this crop because someone somewhere might get high. Stupid.

    8. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

      ....don't bogart that joint  lol

      btw - don't smoke the stuff either!  i don't see anything wrong with smokin'/eatin' the herb....

    9. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 13 years ago

      Who would admit to using in America. I see doors busted off their hinges for a bag of dope on American TV all the time.
      If I lived in a place where police behaved in that way towards it's citizens I would leave.
      The laws against dope are hysterical and hypocritical from what I can see.

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You see with crystal clarity, Earn.

      2. Donna Suthard profile image61
        Donna Suthardposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with you!  This is really a mixed up world!  No wonder the kids are all mixed up.. The War On Drugs has never worked..Children learn from their teachers, and I've known school  teachers who smoke pot....

    10. knolyourself profile image60
      knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

      The latest I hear is that big crackdown from the us gov threatening to prosecute medical pot
      workers. Reason: the pharmaceutical  corporations
      are planning to take it over after it is legalized.

      1. Jonathan Janco profile image61
        Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, they are the only reason it is still illegal. Big Pharma is only different from a cutthroat career drug dealer because the illicit dealer dosent own a piece of the usgov. If Kimberly Clark invested in hemp instead of sections of forest, pot would never have been outlawed in the first place. Around 1900, there were Turkish hash parlors and what we in the 21st century would call bong clubs or weed cafes in every major US city. Our Founding Fathers didnt do oxycontin or zoloft, they smoked tons of cannibis. They regarded hemp and cannibis in such high regard, they made they made the original US flags out of it.

    11. Rafini profile image81
      Rafiniposted 13 years ago

      Seeing as how tobacco will soon find its way into the illegal department I cant see that marijuana would replace it, especially since the long term effects of marijuana are worse than with tobacco alone. hmm

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Tobacco won't be illegal anytime soon. The tobacco lobby won't allow it.
        It will remain legal and tolerated, if barely. There's no reason marijuana shouldn't be as legal and as barely tolerated as tobacco, with driving under the influence as harshly (or more harshly, really) punished as driving under the influence of alcohol.

        1. Rafini profile image81
          Rafiniposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          (soon in a monumental sense - 55 years is sooner than 250)

          I believe Tobacco will be illegal soon because soon the only place you'll be able to smoke is in a bubble where there is no possibility of it bursting.  Think about it - can't smoke in any public building, and many public buildings have "designated" outside smoking areas because smoke drifts into the nostrils & lungs of non-smokers - heck, ya can't even smoke at a bus stop!  I believe t's illegal to smoke while driving in California (or else I've been misinformed) and where I live landlords have the right to refuse a lease to someone on the basis that they smoke. 

          Insurance rates are higher for smokers (auto, home, & health ins) and I've even heard of people not being hired for jobs because they smoke. 

          Do you honestly expect everyone to believe that the Health Crazed Public of the USA will not eventually find its way into the capacity to outlaw Tobacco? 

          btw - marijuana is worse than Tobacco, because MJ does double duty in that it affects the body as Tobacco does and as Alcohol does.

    12. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 13 years ago

      I have never smoked it myself, but I know a lot of guys who do. And, it gets very annoying. Because their idea of a great time with their friends is sitting around getting high, instead of getting up off their asses and doing something fun.

      I once got great tickets to a Janet Jackson concert. And, what do you think the pot smokers did? They decided that they would rather sit at home and get high rather than go see a music legend. So, I said fine, and a got together with another friend, and we sold their tickets, and went to the show anyways.

      It was an amazing show, with Usher as the openning act, and Janet was awesome doing almost all of her best hits. While lamo and lame ass sat around my apartment smoking what little weed they had. I can't imagine that ever being fun. They bore the crap out of me.

      One reason why I often end up going to amusement parks, clubs and the beach alone. because the rest would rather get high. Very fricking sad.

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sounds like you need to make some new friends.

        1. brimancandy profile image78
          brimancandyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I have made a lot of new friends in the last couple years, the only problem is we all live long distance from each other, and I can only see them on summer weekends. But, we at least get to chat on Facebook.

          I don't get out as much as I would like, and most of my friends where I used to work were women. Not a whole lot of buds.

    13. psycheskinner profile image78
      psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

      I don't have strong feelings either way, but marijuana does have known deleterious effects on the brain, both short and long term.

      1. Donna Suthard profile image61
        Donna Suthardposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        should we get rid of alcohol too?  Marijuana helps people with cancer, control pain..alcohol is known to destroy lives, and brain cells.. It creates horrendous emotional and physical illnesses for humans.

    14. knolyourself profile image60
      knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

      There is a difference between the marijuana and Hemp plant. The latter won't get you high. Hemp is a great industrial product and a threat to existing industrial institutions. In America the root of almost everything is economics.

    15. Donna Suthard profile image61
      Donna Suthardposted 13 years ago

      pot is a plant which grows naturally in our world..It is no different from all the chemical drugs that are prescribed every day, to alter mood.. All legal drugs have side effects, so why the big need to incarcerate people for pot, peyote, or plants that grow in the wild?..The drug and alcohol industry is a gigantic money maker in this world... My cousin Susie once worked as a page in the 60's. She walked into her boss's office one day.  He was a senator, and he was smoking pot?  She was stunned by the Washington Elite..who could smoke pot, while everyone else could be sent to prison for the offense..later she became a social worker in Colorado

      1. Donna Suthard profile image61
        Donna Suthardposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Pot is something I personally prefer not to use. I know my brother got my father off a 40 day alcoholic binge, by giving him a joint.. It was too late, by then my dad had developed cancer of the liver....people are going to always have their addictions, until they decide they've had enough pain, sickness and suffering.  All people who are addicted to anything, are needing some kind of help, and that includes pot... If you need anything, that you crave desperately..then you have a problem.

    16. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      1.  How much will it cost to educate?
      2.  There's people that take no notice in class, show hatred to any-one who tries to help them etc. - "Hey!  ..Perhaps they're on pot!!!"
      3.  Education exists already and there are still those looking to get a 'quick fix'.
      4.  Part of the appeal to some is the illegality.  And once these idiots realise it's illegal for a reason there should be places to go for cold turkey as methodone programs don't work as they keep them addicted!
      5.  If legalised, people will say it is suddenly OK.  Even the bad experiment in UK where cannabis was downgraded to class c from class B.  There was a bandwagon to the same effect.  They had to reclassify it to B. for similar reasons as keeping this stuff illegal.
         A mute point:  To some decriminalised means legalised.  It doesn't it means it's still illegal but the police won't act unless a person is seen to be causing trouble.  This would be too hard to police though here because some of the negative effects are delayed and don't happen straight away.

      What makes any-one think that the price would go down if legalised?  The people selling it would still want their money, it would be taxed, and most likely, more often than not it would be the same people pedalling the stuff.

    17. knolyourself profile image60
      knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

      I remember when an ounce of marijuana cost ten dollars.

    18. cheaptrick profile image75
      cheaptrickposted 13 years ago

      Here's a fun fact.The DEA budget the year of it's inception was 8 million.The DEA budget this year is 28 Billion,That's Billion!60%of which is aimed at Pot.Now the fun part,there is more Pot coming into America now than Any time in History.The drug war is a dismal failure.When your teen is walking into the hypothetical Marijuana outlet,the owner of that store does not want to get your kid hooked on Heroin,crystal meth,etc,etc.You can bet that corner drug dealer sure Dose!He'll give it to em for free until their addicted,then he'll introduce em to the wonderful world of teen prostitution and those neato games they are forced into playing.Very few of the posts on this thread show any real knowledge of pot,it's effects,or cost to society in terms of destroyed teen lives.Destroyed buy the fact that they now have a Felony hanging around their necks that will severely limit their future and therefore ability to contribute to society.That felony is a life sentence,it comes up in job interviewers searches,not to mention student loans etc.If you want to know the truth about Pot,Weed,MJ,you must first be Objective,O-B-J-E-C-T-I-V-E in your mind set.Look at B-O-T-H sides,then decide.Some folks here have done that,Great,good for you.Others have posted a hurricane of bullshit that really has me wanting to send you a case of toilet paper to clean out your prpaganda filled minds so you can fit a fact or two in there.I challenge you to find out who the top three financial contributors are for"A partnership for a drug free America".If that doesn't open your should start smoking Pot cause you clearly already have brain damage anyway.I'm not even going to apologize for this long ass post cause it was caused by a huge cup of Espresso.That's right,Caffeine,a drug,Bet that's OK with you anti pot people isn't it?

    19. knolyourself profile image60
      knolyourselfposted 13 years ago

      "The DEA budget this year is 28 Billion." I heard a mafia guy on TV say a long time ago,
      who was in the business, that the drug trade could be shut in ten minutes if every aspect of the enforcement from cops to judges to politicians were not all paid off.

    20. recommend1 profile image60
      recommend1posted 13 years ago

      I hear people screaming about 'freedom' in these threads all the time - where is the freedom in this issue.  Why must any of these substances need to be illegal at all.  If someone wants to live their whole life in one day and blow off into the sunset at the end then the normal basic freedoms that everyone bleats about should mean it is nothing to do with anyone else.

      Making all of them legal and available at 'licensed' premises would just remove the widespread corruption and the cancer of it that eats away at society, and nothing elde would change, those who want it get it now anyway and prisons are full of the wrong people involved in the resale process while the actual criminals run the country.

    21. ddsurfsca profile image71
      ddsurfscaposted 13 years ago

      I believe that we, as intelligent and informed, or even stupid and uninformed citizens of this country have the right to decide for ourselves whether or not we want to do something, especially if we are only involving ourselves.
      If we were to compare pot with alcohol, having done both myself and knowing first hand what they do to a person, there is no comparison.  Drinking is so much more mind altering, able to incompacitate a person, black outs, and making it possible for a person to be in the state of mind to run someone over and kill them and not even know it--- and there is no way this would ever happen to someone who smokes pot.
      It should be legal, not just because we would and should b e allowed to smoke if we want, but because it would give our economy a kick in the butt and help us climb out of this "slump" we are in.
      There is nothing wrong with pot, and it would improve our society giving us the medical benefits we could extract plus a better after work relaxer that is by far better than drinking.
      This is one vote for pot here.

    22. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 13 years ago

      I liked the government report denouncing pot, it said that it was an overwhelming problem, and that over 60% of people in the US have used weed recreactionally and regularly at some point in their lives.

      Now what I don't understand is this, is America not a Democracy? If teh majority is in favor of pot, then shouldn't it be legal?

      1. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        60% wow! that's a lot of Americans, no wonder it seems 'normal' to you.
        It explains though why americans are generally considered to be Crayzey with a capital C,  Why there's so much war mongering in the world, ...Who else builds a house on known hurricaine territory?  Not only that tries to rebuild after every storm!
        -hey!  Perhaps Americans should be illegal!!!!!!!!!!

    23. thisisoli profile image80
      thisisoliposted 13 years ago

      For the record I am not a smoker, it doesn't suit me and leaves me completely silent when in a social situation.  I do however think that it should be a persos own decision, plenty of people handle it fine.

    24. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      What's more stupid?
      if you don't prohibit something that can be misused, then and this page is full of enough evidence, stupid people are going to be hell bent on mis-using it!
      Rope made from hemp can be imported just not listed as such in case some fool decides to try to smoke the rope!

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "If you don't prohibit something that can be misused, then ... stupid people are going to be hell bent on mis-using it!"
        By gum you're right. Let's get started.
        Gasoline can be misused. Ban it. Cars can be misused. Ban them. Alcohol can be misused. Ban it. Electricity can be misused. Ban it. Guns can be misused. Ban them. Etc. Etc. Etc.

        "What's more stupid?"

        1. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Sounds like this banning stuff would lead to world peace!!!
          On top of that less accidents on the road, less pollution.  I think you've hit oon a very good idea there!!  Well Done Mr. Berndt

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I bet you thought "A Modest Proposal" was a really good idea, too.


    25. dutchman1951 profile image59
      dutchman1951posted 13 years ago

      Great, yea legalise it, and we can all have more things to dodge and duck for. Texting drivers high on pot....just  a great all around idea! Hell why dont we have a portable Bar as an accessory to in our Green crossover vehicles to!

    26. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
      mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

      I used to smoke up to 7 joints a day, and I don't mind admitting it. I did this on and off for about 10 years as an adult in my 20's to 30's. I am just fine in terms of not being mentally deficient, can still have a sharp wit when the occasion calls for it, and honestly don't have a big issue with pot. Cannabis comes from a plant, a product of nature, not a man made chemical drug. I have never been tempted to try any other illegal drugs, e.g. Heroin, Ecstasy, Cocaine etc. I have no criminal record, have never had a fight and am generally living a life consisting of gardening, being happily married, enjoying my cats etc.

      Pot simply relaxed and de-stressed me for a number of years. When I chose to stop smoking it I had no withdrawal symptoms, no anguish, and simply got on with my life. Sure, there were occasions I thought 'I would love a joint now', but then I thought, 'oh well, I haven't got any, so I'll do without, no biggie'.

      Too many people condemn this 'herb' with little or no experience of it. To be honest I totally agree with other posters who point out how much more dangerous Alcohol and Tobacco are. I stopped smoking cigarettes over two and a half years ago, (Cannabis over 6) which was a thousand times harder than stopping Cannabis. Alcohol is worse still, and I still should get my intake lower, but again this is harder than it sounds. Given the choice I would scrap the alcohol and have the cannabis. Far better for your health overall!

      1. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Propaganda,  the nature of psychosis is the sufferer doesn't realise there is anything wrong with them.  'never got in a fight'?  Where do you live?  Up a mountain, in the countryside, less likely for a woman to fight usually.
           Not adicted but you sometimes wish you had it.  That sounds like a sort of craving.
        Oh, and I'm not sticking up for alcohol or cigeretes either, I'm saying you / I, any-one and every-one can do without them.

        I concede there may be rare exceptions that don't get addicted.  Better to keep it under wraps for the many that would!
        2.  How are you going to pursuade some-one to legally sell it on the basis 'it isn't adictive', even fizzy pop leaves you wanting more before too long!

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
          mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          LOL, no I don't live up a mountain, but I do see many women getting into fights in pubs and bars, or even on the local Council Estates. It is a sad fact of today's world that many girls have a 'lad'ette' mentality, and want to all the things blokes do, get drunk, have fights etc. I am pretty sure that anyone reading my work would not suspect I was suffering from Psychosis.

          I have seen, known about, watched documentaries on etc, many people who smoke pot for relaxation or for pain relief, accountants, Headmasters of schools, Doctors etc. In other words professional people who are in responsible jobs that they carry out perfectly well day to day and are clearly very normal well adjusted individuals. They are not addicted, simply enjoying a smoke of something that helps them relax after a stressful day in a high pressure job.

          I sometimes fancy a fillet steak or a roast chicken, that doesn't make me addicted to them though.

          I really don't understand what you were trying to say in point 2, unless it was aimed at another commenter here. Of course we might want another fizzy pop before too long, in fact you can say this about every food or drink item on the planet that you enjoy. If pot was on sale, I don't know whether it would be marketed on the basis it was 'not addictive', but I don't think it would be misleading advertising if it was. There are plenty of drugs that even Doctors prescribe for us that are both legal and addictive e.g. Tamazapan, but no-one seems too bothered about that.

    27. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      Mistyhorizon2003:  Point taken, and well put.  Wasn't calling you psychotic -for one thing I don't know you well enough.
      You're right about women wanting to be the same as rather than complimenting and appropriately contrasting men.  I still think some form of drug plays its part!
      As with doctors and teachers, i really have come across a lot of strange people, and of course don't know them well enough though there are similarities with those who I do/did know.  People who very muchanged after awhile on cannabis.
      I know it has benefits, it makes people who work out get tronger and bigger more quickly, it is a relaxant, and if the scientists can one day take away the negatives from it then no qualm, but this underlines that medical supervision and guidance IS very much required!  The attempt to declassify it caused many social and mental problems in uk, and it has had to be regraded from c to B. Again.  This shows it isn't harmless and would be irresponsible to decriminalise it, let alone make the ruddy thing legal!  -as though there weren't risk with it -As you admit, society has had enough problems with alcohol which is thought to be harmless if taken responsibly...  And I do actually think you were lucky if you really don't have any side effects, and perhaps are stronger willed than average in getting off the stuff.

    28. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years ago

      1. Druid Dude profile image60
        Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I'm from OREGON. Pretty darn green here. I can smell the flowers. Oooh! look at those sea-lions. (live near the beach) We use it for headaches, bad backs, pains in the butt, lotsa uses. I'm in heaven...I'm in, di, da

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ten worst things about cannabis

          It's illegal x 10

          Yes, there is some side effects with cannabis yet, the net up sides far out weight  the gross down sides.

        2. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Only qualm is in the manufacture and mis-use, not normal living.

    29. psycheskinner profile image78
      psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

      Is there any actually evidence 'big pharma' has anything to do with it?  It seems to me that drugs we (western nations) have a long tradition of using socially are legal, those we don't are not. There are plenty of things about as risky as booze and smokes that are also illegal like E or khat--just because there is no great social license keeping them in use even when the general good (in terms of health and orderly conduct) would probably be served by suppressing it.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Suppressing is fine if it is harmful,  if you take too much of anything it can be harmful, cannabis is low on that scale.

        How about free it up,  it's just a  plant, god or nature made it . Why suppress 50,000 better products?

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "it's just a  plant, god or nature made it ."
          Well, that's not great logic either. I mean, deadly nightshade is a naturally occurring plant, and it'll kill you dead. Same for many mushrooms. I guess the difference is that there's no recreational use for deadly nightshade or the poisonous mushrooms, so there's no need to ban them. But a plant that won't kill you that you can make stuff out of, and also produces euphoria? That can't be allowed!

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            In context I said also
            -if you take too much of anything it can be harmful, cannabis is low on that scale.

            The non drug related cannabis plants is the larger plants

            The  quantity of cannabis plants of products and variation are far greater than the non drug related cannabis plants also

        2. psycheskinner profile image78
          psycheskinnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I would say that the the aw is roughly logical, if harsh, except where it comes to tobacco and alcohol.  And tobacco is gradually coming into line with the tendency it make psychoactive drugs illegal across the board.  If anything the inconsistency is alcohol which does massive damage.  MJ used at similar levels would probably have similar effects.

          Personally I have no problem with people using anything they want, but I have watched a few kids throw their university education out the window by abusing psychoactive substances of various sorts, legal and illegal.  I don't think any of them are completely harmless. At the same time I saw a kid lose his chance of an education from a drug bust for growing weed.

          The trick is trying to strike a balance.

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            " I have watched a few kids throw their university education out the window by abusing psychoactive substances of various sorts, legal and illegal... At the same time I saw a kid lose his chance of an education from a drug bust for growing weed."
            There's a difference there: the kids who used and neglected their studies were self-punished; their crime was against themselves only, and it's the same punishment someone would get if they neglected their studies in favor of, I dunno, going to comic-book conventions, or surfing, or playing Dungeons and Dragons. The kid who was busted was punished for a non-crime by an outside authority. Maybe the pot-grower would have neglected his studies and flunked out, maybe not. But he's now kicked out of school, regardless of his academic performance, for doing something that harmed nobody. This is not just.

            1. days leaper profile image60
              days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              "harmed nobody", kids lose education from buying from a grower/pusher.  And you say it harmed nobody.
                I think your getting a bit desperate to push this stuff here.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                It's a matter of less harm in the long run. Nobody will ever beat out, drug pushing Doctors ever, many will fill your pill cup until you kill yourself,and  then wear those mask, so you don't know who did it.

              2. Jeff Berndt profile image73
                Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                "kids lose education from buying from a grower/pusher."
                No, they lose education by not studying, not going to class, etc. They don't lose education by buying a commodity.

                If a kid chooses to cut class, blow off studying, etc, then the punishment is that he doesn't learn the stuff and gets a lousy grade, and this is perfectly just.

                If a kid goes to class class, studies, learns the material, etc, but is kicked out of school for selling a plant to people who want to buy it, that's an unjust punishment for a non-crime.

                There's no desperation to push pot; rather, I'm tired of the gov't wasting billions of dollars and destroying thousands of lives through the so-called "war on drugs."

    30. kmackey32 profile image53
      kmackey32posted 13 years ago

      Legalize it. lol

    31. profile image0
      klevifushaposted 13 years ago

      It is much safer than alcohol.  As a matter of fact its also a medicine, and a very effective one.  Legalize it.

    32. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      Lets not get into ill mannered assumptions about the others personality, we don't know each other and this most likely for the best!
      -  Only if I also wanted to be "funny": 1.  I might ask When you say 'too', are you implying your own interest?  I had never heard of it and frankly was better off for not knowing.  I'm not into any mis-use of children whatsoever, but if you are then 2.  I might suggest you heed "Frank's" Warning about your precious weed causing Psychosis' and see if you can't prize yourself off your mind altering addiction -'soory'; "hobby".  I could go on but I've pretty much had enough of the 'anything goes' drug mob rule mentality.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I know everyone’s names and addresses on this thread. JUST KIDDING!!!
        Treat Cannabis laws just like Alcohol with a few cigarette laws added in for the ones who do not like the smell of cannabis in which you can get busted so easy for anyways.

        We are our own best Doctors in the world, I don't trust most of the huge high profit companies to care about my health.

        1. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          An interesting thought came from this.  If they allowed it in prision, all the criminals would sign up to go in and the streets would be safer, what you think?
            As far as health less worry for vulnerable people may lead to better health for all!

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Tighter laws do not work, cannabis laws in Canada are tougher than Holland and in many of the USA States. Cannabis laws and duch kids in school smoke per capita about half of what our Candian kids smoke. Canada  is the number one cannabis smokein nation in the world.

            For most part harder laws do not work nor dose the war on drugs. Look at America 4% of the world population with 25% of the prison 2/3 narcotic over weed ,world.and half of the world war budget.

            Take away the Drug cartel from pot and you will see crime drop and over all health get better. Portugal legalized all small amounts of drugs , then crime and drug use went way down

          2. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            "If they allowed it in prision, all the criminals would sign up to go in and the streets would be safer, "

            Comedian Louie Anderson proposed a similar idea. "Oh, you can have all the drugs you want. But you gotta stay in this building."

            It's a funny idea, but really, nobody's seriously going to sign up for prison (and basically give up their lives) just so they can smoke pot.

      2. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "I had never heard of [A Modest Proposal]..."
        That doesn't much surprise me, really.

        "...and frankly was better off for not knowing."
        This statement doesn't surprise me much either.

        Let me ask you this: are you aware of the existence of a concept called 'satire?'

        "see if you can't prize yourself off your mind altering addiction -'soory'; "hobby"."
        Which addiction/hobby would this be then? Trying to educate the ignorant? Oh, that's right: you assume that anyone arguing for the legalization of hemp must necessarily be a drug-user. You're utterly wrong, but I doubt any further evidence will convince you of this.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Jeff Berndt
          "I had never heard of [A Modest Proposal]..."

          I guess you don't know much about the history of cannabis; it was once produced to save America indepenance from the British invasion.
          Cannabis was banned1937 and labeled as the greatest danger to mankind, in which is complete nonsense as the lies never seize to amaze me. Far greater unhealthy products such as high profits Alcohol cigarettes and Pharmacia companies are far greater danger and science is on the cannabis side.    

          The real greater reason is huge corporation companies such as  oil plastic, clothes, food construction material and hunred of others cannot be competitive with cannabis products on the market as the most diverse plant on earth ever,
          Cannabis means green power to the people or Rich vs. nature

          Jeff Berndt

          "see if you can't prize yourself off your mind altering addiction -'soory'; "hobby"."

          If you can get up coffee you can get up cannabis most likely as an addiction with less side effects too.

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I think our signals got mixed somehow: I'm in favor of legalization, for many of the reasons you cite above.

    33. cheaptrick profile image75
      cheaptrickposted 13 years ago

      I see Y'all are still at it.Pot Is The Most Dan...cough cough...gerous drug in...cough caugh...the...caugh cough...World!Seriously though folks,In an effort to help the DEA get pot off the streets of America,I'd like to encourage you all to send me your pot so I can properly dispose of it...really...honest,I mean,it's Bad for ya.Your concerned friend(((cheaptrick)))

      1. earnestshub profile image73
        earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Kind of you Cheaptrick! You are a generous soul. smile

    34. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      Your last half whitted comment proves most that you don't know me.  Though speaking of Satire, if you think you're funny you must be on something!!!
      No, not necessarily a user, possibly a pusher or making money from the sale.  But having said this have you heard of the term hypocrit.  I won't reference it as I'm sure you will enjoy looking it up for yourself.  As far as being personal about my education goes; if you weren't so intent on trying to bad mouth me, (and here's another word you might want to look up) PROJECTion of your hatred, failings etc.  And you have failed because one of the pushers/campaigners on these pages were actually clever enough to earn some respect from me.  -Though I won't be joining them come wakky-backy night!- they avoided bringing the conversation down to such insults.  School failed me; maybe the teachers were too busy worrying about their next fix or sneaking off to the staff room when they were supposed to be taking the responsibility to teach classes.  (typical -another word you might want to look up!)
          To try to bring the forum back to the point at hand after your slandering and attempted character assasinations.
      clever; using the term "hemp".  If you bother to look I have not said anything against rope.  Which is about its only honorable use, but licensing rather than legalisation is slightly better -even though it is still open to mis-use.
          And by the way.  The Euphoria it produces is wholly false; people are drawn to try it because they feel down.  But there is no solution in there life that would give the true high, just a temporary hit and as this seems to be the only way they think they'll feel better about themselves they repeat use; therefore that is what is called "Addiction" -look that up too!

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Your last half whitted comment proves most that you don't know me."
        If you say so.

        "Though speaking of Satire, if you think you're funny you must be on something!"
        Heh, that's mildly amusing, and false.

        "No, not necessarily a user, possibly a pusher or making money from the sale."
        Now you've accused me of committing a federal crime. That's a pretty serious accusation. You got some evidence? Produce it. Otherwise I expect an apology and an admission that you made an unfounded accusation.

        "But having said this have you heard of the term hypocrit.  I won't reference it as I'm sure you will enjoy looking it up for yourself. "
        No need to look it up; I know what it means. I wonder, however, if you do? Because it looks as though you've misused it here. How have I been hypocritical?

        "As far as being personal about my education goes; if you weren't so intent on trying to bad mouth me,...."
        Well, you'd never heard of one of the most famous examples of satire in literary history, and your first comment on it sounded as though you thought Swift seriously advocated eating kids. What conclusions are we supposed to draw, then?

        "School failed me;"
        Are you sure it wasn't vice-versa?

        " maybe the teachers were too busy worrying about their next fix or sneaking off to the staff room when they were supposed to be taking the responsibility to teach classes."
        Waitwait: you didn't learn anything in school, but it's everyone else's fault: they must have been on drugs? Okaaaaaaay....

        "To try to bring the forum back to the point at hand after your slandering and attempted character assasinations."
        LOL, that's especially funny; I'm not the one accusing people of being drug dealers...

        "clever; using the term "hemp".  If you bother to look I have not said anything against rope.  Which is about its only honorable use,"
        So, biofuel is somehow dishonorable? Clothing is dishonorable? Paper is dishonorable? Or do you disagree that hemp can be used for those things?

        "And by the way.  The Euphoria it produces is wholly false; people are drawn to try it because they feel down. "
        Mate, I don't care about the euphoria. Alcohol is also psychoactive and it's legal for adults to buy and use. Public drunkenness, however, is illegal. Seems to me a similar solution would work for cannabis: buy it if you want, smoke it if you want. But don't walk around in public being high, and you better not get behind the wheel while you're using it. Do that, and you're in big, big trouble.

        BTW: I am very serious about your false accusations. You accused me of either using or dealing drugs, or both. I neither use nor sell drugs. I require and expect an apology for that slanderous accusation forthwith.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Jeff Berndt

          I did not get all your mix satire too, although days leaper said a few things about you that I thought were out of forum order.

        2. days leaper profile image60
          days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Term "hypocrit"  MOD "hypocrisy:  the assumption or postulation of 'moral standards' to which ones own behaviour does not conform".  In explanation.  I was responding to your own admission that though you are for the legalisation of the drug yet you claim not to take it.  Something that would be free to happen enmass were it made legal.  The logic there is you would be happy to give it to others yet avoid it yourself.  -Though I also would suspect; and I am surely allowed to suspect or is a detective slandering some-one when he suspects -in this case- some-one for something would say they don't take it, and perhaps even manage to avoid it for awhile in order to avoid being subject to the laws of their land.  Although I admit you would have to be clever.  This is not in doubt.  Though you are not doing yourself justice with half whitted comments about calling a person "ignorant" etc.  This is actually which I will come to later.

          No.  I have not even attempted to make any kind of accussation whether false or otherwise!  You in fact accussed me of thinking you were a 'user' and I merely tried to set you straight on what I would consider a possibility stating again that we don't know each other as I have before.  I consider that every-one is free to make guesses about any-one and every-one they come across be it on HubPages or anywhere else for that matter.  And so to communicate the thought when you clearly indicated interest is therefore merely for the sake of communication; perhaps my real mistake is trying to know better whom I have bothered thus far for reasons unknown now I look at it!
              But, I will ask don't try to make things look like what they are not, especially when you brought the subject up in the first place.  And while we're on assumptions; I now assume that by accussing me of making an accusation that you are trying to use the law as a blunt weapon seeing that was the next thing on your agenda.
              Having said all that, Please indicate what exactly is your interest in legalising harmful narcotics if, as you say you neither use, grow, push nor have any interest in doing so were they legal.  -Though I cannot promise to believe you as you have shown yourself to be a manipulator.

          OK.  Perhaps my generic term "drug dealer" is offensive to you, I might suspect truth hurts, but in any case.  It is not my purpose to hurt any-one and so as you and any-one else will see my relative newness to forums; what would be the preverred term, preferably brief as this is a lot of writing.  "Druggie" perhaps?  I know some-one wrote "Pot Head" and wasn't questioned...
              Furthermore CastlePaloma wrote that he thought some of my comments were out of Forum order.  It is pretty much my first forum.  And as I say inexperience may have led to some questionable comments.  I hereby appologise to any such references to any-one who feels that way.  My sole intention was to produce interesting and entertaining comments, Hubs to promote the good idea that is HubPages.  And did not intend to bring it down in any way.

          Speaking of questionable comments:  "Swift"!  I read enough of the article to see that it seems to say Americans thought he was being serious, I therefore realised he wasn't.  I had not heard of it having not studied history at school, I chose instead to take Geography so no matter how bad schooling was and speaking of satire I feel wholly educated in telling you where to go!!!!  As far as blaming every-one else for my lack of education.  That is a slander, and your misconception.  And it is no secret that I am educated to University standard, and were it not for serious and life threatening chronic illness would have been able to complete a Psychology Bsc Degree!  -So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!  Despite such I have not been weak minded enough to turn to drugs.  And as far as your slight on my aptitude goes Tests from both Education and Mensa proved a very high potential.  So yes, schooling did let me down.  I learnt much upon leaving school!

          As far as the comment about Rope,  it has a safety value so the stronger the better.  We already have clothes and paper -again not in manufacturers interests to make them stronger as this would mean they lasted longer and so people would buy less; this would in turn harm the economy.  -And you actually have the nerve to call me ignorant!  If it was in the best interest of those people I'm sure they would have it by now! -some way or another.  Paper is slowly being replaced for the most part anyway, why feel the need to bring that up?

          I could in turn demand an appology for slanders, I managed however to take it with a pinch of salt (which perhaps is also addictive!)

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Alrighty. The post above is kind of all over the place, but the main thing is this: you did not retract your assertion that I must be selling drugs. Indeed, you underlined your accusation ("I might suspect truth hurts, but in any case.").

            Therefore, I conclude that further engagement with you is futile, and I will not waste my time debating with you in the future.

            1. days leaper profile image60
              days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I reciprocate.
              You claim accussation, I made an assumption based on evidence read here.  As I have no evidence contrary then how can I possibly withdraw my assumption?  Even some-one building a house freely admits he is drawn to taking.  All I can say to him is bravo for his honesty.  And wish him the best of luck with his housing project.  But as for safe.  I've seen so much trouble caused as a direct result I cannot possibly agree that it is "safe", though he said safer than others, that's different.
              But do please heed this genuine heart felt warning that the institutions are full of people in trouble through taking it.  This I have on good authority.
              Please don't direct any more comments my way.  I am turning off alerts so any comments about me now would be deemed as underhand as well as cowardice.

            2. days leaper profile image60
              days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Because this IS my first Hub Forum, And as I repeat it is not, has never been, nor ever will/would ever be my intention to upset another HubPages user in any way shape or form.  I looked again at my previous answer; going so far as asking for advice on the Questions pages, as I've never before been accussed of making a 'serious accussation'.

              What constitutes an accussation?
              And what makes the difference between above and merely communicating ones assumptions of a person in a speculative way?
              asked by days leaper 98 minutes ago

              mdlawyer says
              An accusation is a negative statement about someone or something and the same is not supported by any evidence.
              When it is supported by any evidence, it becomes a fact.
              If your communication of your assumptions of a person in a speculative way has any negative effect on the person, it becomes an accusation.

              I hereby am willing to make the required retraction, on the grounds that 1.  It clearly had a negative effect on the recipient.  2.  That it was carelessly written.  I meant to simply communicate that in my defence to certain statements made by the recipient as to what I thought of him.  That I am, was open to many possibilities but in my inexperience went straight to some examples without clearly defining what I was doing and now see that this is what caused the negative effect on the recipient.  On this point however, I do see a possibility whether accidental, incidental or otherwise that the recipient in projecting such an assumption thereby accussing me of something seems to have been prompting or looking for such a response that would lead to such dialog as occurred, ever since his mention of Satire that he has not seemed to have taken to so well when it has been redirected back to him.  Though I accept retrospectively that the comment re. possible/potential occupation was off the mark or in bad taste.  On reflection of this and other considerations such as that "the recipient" did not take the lead in admitting that some of his comments being incendary and inaccurate did not help the mood therefore contributing to the negative direction of the interactions.  I thereby uphold his conclusion that any further dialog between ourselves would indeed be futile.
              As far as being "all over the place", I use the forum, hubPages when suffering insomnia, I don't just sit around..., I do something with my time.  It shows there are alternatives!  Besides this I answered in as near order as "the recipient" known as Jeff Brendt. wrote his prior correspondence.
              i hope this covers everything, as I hate not being thorough.  Having said that I am withdrawing from this forum.
              To conclude:
              I feel I have covered everything I possibly can on this.  I am still not recieving emails on it, but will look in a week or two to make sure there is nothing further to sort out with a view to bringing this matter to a complete close.  For what it is worth, I won't be rushing to comment/read forums.

    35. txngalMT profile image60
      txngalMTposted 13 years ago

      Medically it could help people to eat, that's just mainly in California!  I would not legalize or vote on it.  Weed, pot is a dangerous drug and makes you stupid.  I don't do drugs, but I have been surrounded people who does weed, pot, whatever you call those things.  It makes stupid and made them have no common sense.  Most people rely on pot to just make them feel good, that's all it it.  As for the medical part, I am sure there are other alternatives for people to eat more because of their health or lack of nutrients.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        About 64% of Canadians approve cannabis for recreational purposes and 92% approve for medical purposes, are you saying most Canadian thinking is dangerous and stupid? I find the politician is breaking the law by going against the people who hired them.

        Alcohol/tobacco kills more people than all other drugs combined. One in every hundred marijuana smokers may lead to harder drugs
        Cannabis or Hemp makes 25,000 to 50,000 products for example wood, clothing petroleum food, construction material and including plastics. Canadian hemp farmer claim it is a rotation crop and is substituted for almost any harvests worth more two to three time than soy or corn. Hemp produces paper 4 times greater per acre than 20 year growth of trees. Henry Ford invented his car made from hemp and power by hemp.

        1. txngalMT profile image60
          txngalMTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          so is that why Canadian's economy are so well off than the U.S.?  Interesting point about cannabis in products.  I did hear about a small amount of hemp (manjuana) being used in U.S Dollars in the news some dod years ago.  I had bad experiences with certain people who smoke pot and they done stupid things so I apologize for being offensive!

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            The vas majority of people are good, it's just most people do not study the facts, wail science and history is on the cannabis side.

            The people you met, may have given you a negative experience. Just get rid of negative people in your life and vote out the drug cartels A street dealer could easily lace your pot with anything and sell it to you and you wouldn't know ...

    36. profile image0
      Muldanianmanposted 13 years ago

      Pot has been shown to lead to pychiatric problems, as well as causing cancer.  I think it should however be available on prescription for those who are terminally ill, and for whom no pain killer works.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        At this time, it is not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or reflects an attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence.  Too much of anything will be harmful like a ton of cannabis falling on your head from 10 stories.

        If you truly want to be fully honest and forth right about the whole health issues. Grab your anti protest posters and pick forks and chase down every fast food and supermarket because they are cause of the ultimate harm to your body and utimate killers too.

      2. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I have nothing against, though hope the scientists and the big corporation might use their vast wealth to iron out the nasty, deadly, counter productive side effects.

    37. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 13 years ago

      How can you so blatantly miss the one which causes the other.  People don't just grow a plant, they cultivate.  I am honestly suspecting you miss the point on purpose so that you can push your position/point.  And cannot honestly see why you would make the point if you didn't have something to benefit from it.  This is not slander but logic.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I'm immune to slander,
        I hope Jeff can see you are new and that you notice some of your own comments were a little rash,

        I rarely use any kind of drug for play or medical, Pot seems to be safest and works best for the odd sleep problems and little excape too.

        My main personal purpose for growing hemp is for construction materials and food.Cannabis grows much faster and stronger than all other products for my eco village housing project

    38. Jonathan Janco profile image61
      Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

      It amazes me the people who go on about keeping pot illegal trying to go on about side effects when they obviously never experienced it themselves to find out. EVERYTHING has side effects . . . even chocolate. It makes my head hurt listening to hogwash about pot being illegal for the past 75 years (thoroughly unconstitutional, btw) and the same people never seem to want to mention the drugs that are ruthlessly pushed on them everyday. Just because some business criminal a**hole puts a brand name on it, you think its safe. Oxycontin is about as safe as heroin, except you just swallow it instead of using an iv. So you could od on that stuff at the drop of a hat. And then there are those drugs that are SOO dangerous but Big Pharma is  SOO eager to get them on the market that the FDA just passes them through and they deal with the consequences after many people die. And yet side effects from pot (side effects you refuse to summarize) are the big danger. Yeah, sure it is . . .

    39. Cardisa profile image92
      Cardisaposted 13 years ago

      When I first showed signs of endometriosis, that is exessive bleeding I was told to drink the tea. I did and this is what it did.

      1. The world slowed down

      2. The bleeding stopped

      3. I could now eat without vomiting my guts out

      4. I felt happier while the substance was in y system

      I never experience any of the symptom that alcohol would give. I never wanted to smoke it. It helped me.

      Here in Jamaica it is illegal and is grown by farmers. It is believed that if legalized it will lose it's $ value as it will not be in demand that way it is now as more peopel will be inclined to farm their own.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        These are true brave and successful stories

        1. Absent Friend profile image60
          Absent Friendposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Here's another story:  Hope you like it, more of a metaphor really.
          A pilot and his co-pilot were taking cargo from A. to B.  The plane they were flying got into some kind of difficulty and they had to bail out.
          These men had a canteen of water each when they landed in the middle of a very vast, huge desert.  Furthermore were blest with a report of their approximate location before leaving the plane, and compass.
          Basically, these men have a chance of surviving and getting out of the desert alive, if they play their cards right.  It would be futile to wait for rescue.  So each man sets off in hope.
          The first man does not realise he is thirsty until he gets very dry and drinks, forgetting where he is he tips the canteen full and takes big gulps of the water; he feels very refreshed.
          The second man takes a small sip or two at occassional intervals.
          Which man is most likely to escape that desert alive?


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