Do you believe that Global Warming is just a swindle?

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  1. profile image0
    KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years ago

    Do you believe that Global Warming is just a swindle?

  2. micadeolu profile image46
    micadeoluposted 10 years ago

    Global warming is not a swindle friend. Look everywhere around you and see! This is even a tip of the ice berg. The worse are yet to come.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Say say it is but some say its not. According to some scientist what is happening today had already happened before and it was just the alteration of climate.

    2. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Core samples from the Arctic have proved there have been significant temperature changes over the centuries. We know the earth revolves around the sun. Is the whole solar system moving? I do not know, but such a variable could affect the climate.

  3. profile image0
    Lizam1posted 10 years ago

    Absolutely not - the scientific evidence is here for all to see.  What is a swindle are the leaders and nay sayers trying to sweep the facts under the carpet.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have the point but some say it's just a propaganda for "Money Making purposes"

    2. ptosis profile image70
      ptosisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It's true that any policy pushed by a corporatocracy invovles profit. Perhaps a way to withhold funding developing countries and being self-righteous about it via rationalization and denial that USA is the #1 contributor!

    3. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If you accept that corporations are causing global warming for self-rightious reasons, want these so-called self-righious suffer the same problems. When extremist debate, a conclusion cannot be reached. Ptosis--should corps. not be profitable?

  4. JRScarbrough profile image65
    JRScarbroughposted 10 years ago

    Yes. It is unproven and used to get the “green” industry going by passing laws and such to encourage reward from government for being more “green” in every day life. There is absolutely no evidence whatever of anything such as global warming. Al Gore and certain other politicians were heavily invested in green products and pushed this scam to line their pockets. That’s all it is or ever has been, bogus science that has now come out as such.

    1. profile image0
      Lizam1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh my goodness, how very sad that you choose to ignore actual scientific research and the reality that is showing up within habitats.

    2. JRScarbrough profile image65
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What research? What’s showing up in habitats?

    3. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have the same point from the man that I have met on bubblews before and he he told me that it was just a swindle so I become curious about whats really true.

    4. JRScarbrough profile image65
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, there is no proof of anything like global warming, in fact, evince exists that the earth has cycles and nothing happening now is the first time for it. The arctic thaws, then refreezes. Temps raise and fall. Nothing new happening.

    5. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ken, you really should read some serious science about it. The book I recommended is excellent. My brother is a professor, and he recommends it because he knows what is serious scholarship and what is not. JR has the right idea!

    6. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The key to this issue is for people to read material from both sides because both sides have some valid points and both sides are putting out some trash. Companies selling windmills and solar panels will blame oil and gas for all ills--its not.

  5. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 10 years ago

    Yes, for the most part. If you are truly serious about discovering why, please read Climate: The Counter-Consensus - A Palaeoclimatologist Speaks by Professor Robert M Carter.
    Global warming, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with merely "looking around." It has to do with serious data that meets high criteria.for scholarship. You should also know that the IPCC hand-picks their scientists and that more serious scientists who do maintain high standards for investigating data go unrecognized by the IPCC, as their findings do not meet with the vision of the United Nations. By the way, even the NASA website is funded by the IPCC.
    This post may disappear soon. Those who disagree with me usually see to it that my statements are banned.--sort of like the IPCC when dealing with scientists who beg to differ with them. (Lol) Consequently, you might want to look into the book sooner rather than later.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the recommendation. I would read that book, is there a pdf of that book online so that i could read it on my own time. You have the points and you have stated several facts

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi KenDean. The whole book is not on pdf, but here is something.

  6. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 10 years ago

    I'm going to take the middle ground. I do believe there is some basis in fact to say the earth is getting warmer. On the other hand, I don't think it's as bad as they say it is and won't get to hazardous levels even if we don't change the way we live.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Some issues are exaggerated and it seems it is mixed with money making motives. It's a propaganda of the government to make money.

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sheilamyers, the middle ground isn't a bad stance to take. On ways to better use our money while respecting our planet, you may wish to read "Cool It," by Bjorn Lomborg. My concern is with the billions of dollars we are spending in impractical ways.

  7. Diana Grant profile image95
    Diana Grantposted 10 years ago

    No, I don't believe Global Warming is just a swindle.  In fact rather the opposite - I believe that global warming scepticism or downright denial is the swindle.

    We have only to look around, and we see the climate change which has taken place in 2013.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, we can't deny the fact that our surrounding is getting warmer, and most of us experiences it.

    2. Diana Grant profile image95
      Diana Grantposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Our climate is more extreme,  both warmer and colder - today's news says that USA and Canada are experiencing the coldest weather ever recorded yet in London the temperature at 12 degrees is warmer than normal but rainfall & flooding is worst eve

    3. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You have to look at 100 years or data or more to draw reasonable conclusions. A single volcano eruption can have tremendous impacts on climate conditions.

  8. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 10 years ago

    Been down this route before. I believe in climate change with global warming being a part of that. However, I question the historical data use to base theories of global warming because the instrumentation used in 1914 is crude by today's standards and the protocols are different. Today we record temperature by the minute, instead of checking a few times a day. Next we have cover a lot of the earth with cement which reflects heat and finally, the global population has grown tremendously, which generates more heat. Many just want to blame industry. Thus, by making it a subset of climate change, we may get a more accurate picture.

    1. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I also believe Larry, the earth is getting hotter and hotter and things are getting worst.

  9. ptosis profile image70
    ptosisposted 10 years ago

    YES! To keep USA as the top maor user of all resources so don't have to share with other countries by withholding developing funds "for the good of us all" crap.

    In the 1970's the front page of TIME magazine warned about the growing mini -ice age akin to the 1500's. Global warming is a misnomer and it is not as predictable as a simple overall gradual phenomenon.

    "The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the axial tilt, and and precession of the equinoxes are called Milankovitch Cycles and are used to calculate very long term climate changes. The current trends of the tilt and precession cycles should be making the Earth colder" - … 52638.html

    So what I think is after a very intense heating up, human population collapse that the Earth will go into a super deep Ice Age and whiplash back and forth like to each extreme until it settles down again.

    But hey my theory is unsound because 2013 ranks as one of the least extreme US weather years ever. (no hurricanes!)

    1. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      There were plenty of hurricanes off the coast of Africa--they just never reached the U.S.  I live in Louisiana, we do not have hurricanes every year, but there are cycles when there are more hurricanes than would normally be expected.

    2. profile image0
      KenDeanAgudoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow that is impressive. You have your own prediction.


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