What frightened you the most when you were growing up?

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  1. wiserworld profile image85
    wiserworldposted 8 years ago

    What frightened you the most when you were growing up?

  2. profile image49
    zeerak zahfaqposted 8 years ago

    When we are growing up we are frightened of that may Allah save us from satan and show us the right path

  3. unvrso profile image84
    unvrsoposted 8 years ago

    Two words; the idea of infintity and eternity.

  4. annart profile image82
    annartposted 8 years ago

    In reality, planes flying low overhead as I walked home from school for lunch.  Also an aged great-aunt who was prone to sudden attacks or fits and that used to scare me silly; I was always waiting for the next one!
    Regarding stuff in my head, I used to jump into bed quickly on dark nights so that a hand under the bed couldn't grab my foot; that was over a couple of years when I was about 5 or 6.  I also saw all sorts of horrible faces and shapes in the wallpaper which I knew weren't real and I couldn't see in the daytime, but they still scared me!  I've always had a vivid imagination.
    I think what puzzles me most is that we know when things aren't real but they still frighten us.  Reality, in effect, is more frightening.
    Great question!

  5. profile image58
    Netty netposted 8 years ago

    I was in a vocational school were I was told if I didn't get away from the sewing machine these kids would beaten me up.

  6. Rochelle Frank profile image89
    Rochelle Frankposted 8 years ago

    I really can't think of anything frightening-- maybe spiders, but not too much.
    I grew up in a loving home. We were no where near being rich, but Mom and Dad were there, they loved each other and us. We had grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, who spent time together and liked each other.
    Actually, I was far into my teens before I understood that not everyone lived in a similar family.

  7. poleflux profile image61
    polefluxposted 8 years ago

    cake and ice cream dreams would have me waking up screaming for years.    not so tasty and sweet like on birthdays but nightmares of climbing a sugar cone atop another cone to the very top cone out into orbit and it was my mothers ice cream cone and I ate it.  The cake was a view of the earth with someone who resembled chef boy ardee showing me the world from space and I was to bake a cake over it and my mother was still on the earth I was to cover with cake.  Both dreams were recurring nightmares that scared me the most as a child.

  8. WordCrafter09 profile image66
    WordCrafter09posted 8 years ago

    I think I pretty much went through many of the "standard" fears that come as kids go from one stage to another.  My parents were warm and loving, and we had a peaceful home; so I was a pretty secure kid.  As a preschooler I had one uncle that I hated but wasn't afraid of.  He was just loud and thought that the way to relate to little kids was to tickle them.  He didn't visit often, but when I'd hear that he had shown up I'd hide (and of course, not respecting little kids, he'd come looking for me.)  I was cautious with some outsider adults because so many had a tendency to talk to me as if I was (as I thought of it) "one year old".  I wasn't afraid of them either.  I was just cautious because I didn't know how to reply to what seemed like "stupid talk" to me.

    I went through my being afraid of burglars thing.  Then there was a fear of the house catching on fire.  When a hurricane came I worried about flooding.  There was fear of my parents dying, but mostly my mother.  Kids around five/six often fear that.  It didn't help that my mother was hospitalized for several months with an infection.  Here's a weird one:  Because my father would occasionally say he'd seen a really big rat near the place he worked, I guess that's the reason I went through a thing when I wouldn't hang my arm over the edge of the bed "in case any rats came".   (lol)   To this day, I really haven't seen any rats "in person".   (lol)    Since it was the 50's I did go through a thing when I worried about planes dropping bombs )my father explained they were commercial flights.  Oh...   I went through fear of sidewalk plows.  Once I was ten or so I actually got mildly fearless and daring for awhile - not a big thrill-seeker, but kind of fearless in my non-big-thrill-seeker way.  Went through a temporary fear of nuns and priests when  it was time for Sunday school (because I didn't think it was "normal" for them to dress in black and "all live together".  That was when I first started Sunday school, and they were all "foreign" to me.  and my mother thought I'd be fine just going in alone (the way I'd been with starting public school).  She learned better. (lol)

    Oh - I did develop a fear of getting hit in the chin with a baseball; but that was kind of learn-from-experience type of thing.   smile


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