Aesop's Fables

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  1. Arthur Fontes profile image74
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    Did anyone read Aesop's fables as children?  Did you learn any moral lessons from the fables?  If you have children have they been exposed to Aesop?

    1. gnrao profile image60
      gnraoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Aesop's Fables is a full of nice stories.

      Any child of five and above must be told these stories.

      If available on the net, the children can be exposed to these stories.

      The parents can tell these stories one by one and they can indirectly introduce the morals by asking questions.

      This is good topic.
      wish you all the best
      .Have anice day.

      1. Arthur Fontes profile image74
        Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I had a great time with these stories at bedtime with my children.

    2. DogSiDaed profile image61
      DogSiDaedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, No, N/A

    3. maggiebeans profile image62
      maggiebeansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I read the fables as a child and surprisingly I feel it contributed to shaping my perception of moral values similar to parables of the Bible which I was not exposed to as a child. Which ever format of teaching moral life lessons to your child you choose, be it religious or fables I am in agreement that it is a good idea.

      Aseops fables and biblical parables have shaped are vocabulary of describing human behaviour by comparing it to certain animals. If someone is called a snake or a fox we would make the assumption that this person is evil or sly. This is because these animals have been used in famous stories and be demonised to a degree, like the snake who tempted Eve or the cunning fox in "The fox and the crow".

    4. vox vocis profile image80
      vox vocisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      As a teacher of English language I used the Aesop's story: The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse, in teaching English language as a second language to pre-schoolers (aged 4-6). It was very useful and fun for kids. I had my own version for the story (there are many versions of his stories although the originals are better). I have two hubs on this topic.

    5. profile image0
      cosetteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yes, and i bought my son a little book of them when he was six.

  2. TMMason profile image60
    TMMasonposted 14 years ago

    Yes. Yes. No.

    1. Arthur Fontes profile image74
      Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I enjoyed reading Aesop with my children.  Was there a reason?

  3. TMMason profile image60
    TMMasonposted 14 years ago

    I never knew my Daughter till last year. By then she was 17 and having my grandchild. Her mother had took off when she was a month pregnant.

    So... it is not that I would, not have.

    I was just not given the opportunity.

  4. englightenedsoul profile image59
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    I am a big fan of aesop fables. Here is the link if anyone would like to read it online.

  5. megs78 profile image60
    megs78posted 14 years ago

    yes, yes, yes.  But, I rather find them a little dark as I am rereading them now.  But I loved them as a child.  Absolutely loved them.

  6. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    Aesops Fables are a awesome read big_smile

  7. torimari profile image69
    torimariposted 14 years ago

    Of course. Aesop was amazing...I wrote a paper about his stuff before. I sometimes look at my Aesop picture book. Has morals are practical yet its amazing how affective he makes them with his fables. smile

  8. marieryan profile image70
    marieryanposted 14 years ago

    Wonderful morals and easily understood. My favourite is 'The Hare and the Tortoise'. Guess which one I am?...(Clue: NOT the hare)

  9. Flightkeeper profile image66
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    Yes, what I liked about it is it gave you street smarts.

  10. Arthur Fontes profile image74
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    I read Aesop as a child and from there I started reading mythologies.  I have not stopped since.


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