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Keep Warm w/ Christina & Ali Christensen

Updated on February 14, 2011

A Dream, A Mission, ... A Photo Shoot

Get into your PJs, pour yourself a cup of Hot Cocoa with some mini marshmallows, and keep warm with your favorite singing sisters, Christina & Ali Christensen. They are once again leaving a trail of evidence that their dreams are still alive, and their mission is not over. I take pride in keeping up with these two incredible & courageous girls, and I love sharing a piece of their story along the way. Since their appearances on television making it to the Top 10 on America's Got Talent 2010, there has not been a day gone by that was left idol. Thousands of new fans have jumped on board to support them in their journey, and they have touched the lives of fellow friends/fans who also have Cystic Fibrosis as well as those who admire their passions, their character, their talents, and their pure hearts. From interviews & other appearances to performances & studio time, Christina & Ali have done it all. I have to admit, I have been curious what new ventures have been in the works, like a little kid having to wait all day to open his birthday presents until his party. Now, I'm excited to see some new things come to the surface to blossom, leaving their fans with an enticing fragrance. And what better way to give us a little peak at what is to come than a fun, "freezing" but heart-warming photo shoot of the two.

This 2011 Photo Shoot of Christina & Ali Christensen was their first as a duo. What was so interesting and captivating about their photo shoot was the cold setting that some of us just associate with bad weather: slippery roads, car accidents, favorite stores shutting down due to weather, frost bite, wind burn, and this sort of human hibernation where some people just wanna put their whole lives on hold until they can sunbath in Spring. This is not at all the image that Christina & Ali bring to this setting. They bring life & color into the picture, even when everything around them may be frozen & lacking the vibrant colors that once existed. They show us how fun it can be to just play outside in the snow, making snowmen, and enjoying each others company... this is a concept that many in the younger generations do not grasp as well as those of us who did not have computers & cell phones as children. And I absolutely love the overall message that we can get from these wonderfully colorful photos. Just as Ali had spoken before Christina & Ali's first television performance/audition on AGT, "You can achieve your dreams; you can do anything you set your mind to." These photos give us an image of these two setting their minds/hearts on something that goes against the frozen condition around them. We see how even though the weather is cold and may be difficult to bare, all they need is each other holding onto their dreams & ambitions to enjoy every step of the journey (The couple cups of hot chocolate probably help a lot with that, though). Life deals us a lot of cold weather, metaphorically speaking, weather that may freeze the hearts and minds around us causing others to be down in the dumps. Regardless of how others react to the cold weather around us, we don't have to see it as bad weather just because it is cold. Christina & Ali give us a perfect example of how we can keep our color and warmth by pressing forward even in the midst of life experiences that try to bring us down. That's what I love about these photos, and that's what I love about these two... Through it all, rain or shine, they celebrate life to its fullest.


Kickstarting "Christina & Ali's Climb"

In addition to the photo shoot, a new project, "Christina & Ali's Climb," has surfaced, that we can get involved in, in a BIG way. "Christina & Ali's Climb" is an effort to raise money for Christina & Ali to continue "writing and recording in the studio", as well as to continue to "make appearances across the U.S., inspiring individuals to find strength & pursue their dreams."

In order for their project to grow and produce the fruit of us being able to hold Christina & Ali's ALBUM in our hands, we have to support them by giving them the nourishment needed for the project to branch out and produce fruit all around the world. The project is through the KickStarter website, which helps music artists to get moving with the funds needed to complete an album or other ventures, and it is our duty to donate and spread the word, so that others can become a part of this amazing project. And there are some wonderful incentives/prizes for jumping on board to help them, such as receiving an autographed photo, autographed CD, autographed Christina & Ali T-Shirt, getting your name in the credits of their album, and maybe even getting a phone call from the girls, thanking you for helping to further their dreams.

The GOAL for their project is to raise $8000 by March 10, 2011, at 11:57PM , which gives us 28 days from the time I have published this article. Even if it is a small amount, I urge you to join hands with these amazing girls by offering a helping hand through your donations. Become a Backer of Christina & Ali's Climb, and you will forever be blessed, knowing that your support has helped them to reach the thousands/millions of people they will reach.

Stay Warm & Cozy w/ Christina & Ali

Continue to support Christina & Ali Christensen as they do what they were designed to do. If you'd like to keep up with their recent musical ventures, with videos, news, pictures, etc, check out their official website,

You can contact them through the website, as well as find links to their myspace pages, view their recent video and performance appearances, such as their "My Dream For CF: Christina & Ali and Friends" video through the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a video of The Christensen Sisters Singing The National Anthem
at the Inauguration Ceremony for Governor Butch Otter., and much more.

Be encouraged by Christina & Ali, finding strength & hope to pursue your own dreams and aspirations. Find out what it takes to keep warm no matter how frozen the world is around us.

Love, Sevy


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