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Nibiru Planet X, May 26, 2013 Censoring the News Keeps the Public in the Dark

Updated on June 30, 2017

Nibiru Planet X and the UFO Connection

Because Full Disclosure of Nibiru Planet X will involve revealing the Alien/UFO connection the world's governments are unwilling to share what they know with the general public.
Because Full Disclosure of Nibiru Planet X will involve revealing the Alien/UFO connection the world's governments are unwilling to share what they know with the general public. | Source
Contemplating the term Cognitive Dissonance can be difficult but admitting to yourself that you actually engage in it, is much harder.
Contemplating the term Cognitive Dissonance can be difficult but admitting to yourself that you actually engage in it, is much harder. | Source

Censoring the News

Information is Power and those that don't have it usually end up paying for it one way or another, just ask any recent college student paying off their student loans. In this article, Nibiru Planet X, May 26, 2013 Censoring the News Keeps the Public in the Dark, I will show how the 'news' media in the United States censors any story that could provide information linking events to Nibiru Planet X and the ongoing Pole Shift.

There are dozens of stories every week in the 'news' that are shaped to prevent the public from learning the real cause of many events and natural phenomenon. However other nations such as Russia do not prevent their coverage of events from making the link to the ongoing Polar Shift and is some cases they actually make the link for them.

For years America has lead other nations in the massive coverup of 'Aliens and UFOs' and because of this they have a lot of experience in manipulating the public through the media. The single most important factor in keeping the public in the dark on any subject is to condition them into ridiculing the topic through the basic concept of Cognitive Dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance is term coined by the author Leon Festinger in his book When Prophecy Fails written in the 50s to describe how people react to news that is contrary to their preconceived world view or paradigm. He shows that humans will react to this kind of news in two distinct natural ways, fight or flight. This is a natural defense mechanism to preserve one's sanity and prevent a mental breakdown.

I have used the UFO phenomenon as an example because it is invariably linked to the topic of Nibiru Planet X in a wide variety of ways. Nibiru a.k.a. Planet X is the home planet of the nefarious Annunaki of ancient myth and legend. To paint a picture of our history by describing past events and knowledge as myths or legends it immediately places doubt into the minds of the people. This, the most common tactic used by The Powers That Be (TPTB), is used to spread fear, ridicule and scorn among reasonably informed people or the vast majority, which I describe as the 'sheeple'!

To be fair I too was one of the 'sheeple' earlier in my life, even though I knew of the planet Nibiru as early as the fourth or fifth grade, I was still on the fence as too whether or not it was real. It was only when I became sober and had a spiritual awakening of the educational variety, that I achieved enough clear thinking to then develop and educatioal awakening of the spiritual variety. This enabled me to get a college degree which lead me to question the truth, which in turn took me down the 'rabbit hole' of knowledge.

I will say, that the path to the truth has many obstacles and has changed my life dramatically in ways that I will never be the person I was before, the view is quite literally breath taking, staggering and mind altering. What I have come to realize is that EVERYTHING we have been taught in school is wrong.

When I realized this I also became aware that this was no accident and in fact could only have been done on purpose, through education, media conditioning and mind control. Now when I say 'mind control' I'm not attempting to persuade you that there is some nefarious plot to turn you into a Zombie, I'm talking about subtle conditioning of the human psyche.

Mind control happens everyday in the grocery store, on TV and even while you're driving in your car or reading a book. How many times have you bought an item on impulse in a grocery store, seen a billboard while driving or an ad on TV and had the impulse to get the advertised topic, read a line in a book describing drinking or smoking and had the urge to get a drink or light up a smoke, the point is 'mind control' is taking place everyday but we just don't recognize that it is.

All addicts and alcoholics know in their heart that what they are doing is not good for them but the 'mind' is capable of justifying any behavior to get what it wants. This is how it preserves its paradigm or world view by creating either an argument against new information (fight) or simply denying the information altogether (flight).

By understanding how the mind works, it becomes quite literally child's play to manipulate it. One of the most common themes I see over and over again that helps to prevent the sheeple from recognizing the truth is the conditioned fear of being wrong. How often do you hear the words "I Don't Know" it doesn't happen often, pay attention to this theme now that you are aware of it. Everyone has an opinion and many are more than willing to share it regardless of whether it makes sense or is even close to the truth.

The fear of being wrong prevents more adults from realizing the truth than any other factor, children use the phrase often but adults simple do not want others to think they don't know or are dumb!

TPTB know this and promote it, so do advertising executives, ask a neighbor, fellow employee or friend a difficult question that might portray them as dumb or ignorant and then see how many of them say 'I Don't Know', very few people are willing to say 'I don't Know'.

With that in mind let's now look at some recent 'news' stories that although have reasonable explanations to them, when we look a little closer don't quite add up!


Earthquakes in the New Madrid Fault Zone are usually down graded one point on the richter scale as soon as the appear.
Earthquakes in the New Madrid Fault Zone are usually down graded one point on the richter scale as soon as the appear. | Source
This large earthquake off the coast of Russia was originally reported as a 8.3 but quickly downgraded, as if no one noticed.
This large earthquake off the coast of Russia was originally reported as a 8.3 but quickly downgraded, as if no one noticed. | Source
When earthquakes happen in remote areas of the world they don't get much media attention.
When earthquakes happen in remote areas of the world they don't get much media attention. | Source

Train Derailments, Bridge Collapses and Floods

How many more train derailments, floods and bridge collapses will it take to convince anyone that these kinds of events are not caused by Climate Change, poor craftsmanship or normal wear and tear. These types of events are now taking place on a weekly basis, these are not freak accidents, human negligence or extreme weather, so the question is what do all three of these events have in common?

The answer of course is tectonic plates shifting and moving on a continuous basis as the common denominator that links these three events together. Earthquakes and tremors cause structural failures in bridges by stretching the ground upon which they are built. Even small tremors that move the Earth's surface several inches can cause trains to derail. Of course as sea levels rise and coastlines sink it causes rivers to back flow. Then if any appreciably rainfall occurs this will cause instant flooding.

Notice that all the major flooding that is occurring around the world is happening near coastlines, around the mouth of rivers or in areas that are at sea level.

That being said let's look at how the Washington state bridge (I-5) that spans the Skagit River connecting Seattle to Vancouver collapse is being reported in the 'news' media.

"We had a collision between a very heavy vehicle traveling at probably not a small amount of speed crashing into not just one but probably multiple girders, and it failed," Washington Governor Jay Inslee told an afternoon press conference in Mount Vernon.

Yet no mention that this area of Washington sits on ten active seismic fault zones, in which recent studies have shown could compromise the structural integrity of the many bridges spanning the islands and rivers in the Puget Sound region.

"Based on our inspecting, the bridge is not structurally defective," said Lynn Peterson, state secretary of transportation. "We do take hits on almost every one of our bridges. This is just bad luck where and how it was hit."

Is it just bad luck that no one in the media or any state officials are linking the ten active fault zones to the numerous landslides in the region and now the structural collapse of one of the many bridges in the area?

Does anyone else believe it is just a coincidence that a bridge in Western Washington would collapse the same day a 5.7 earthquake struck in Northern California? According to a Wikipedia article the entire Cascadia Subduction Zone runs from Cape Mendocino in Northern California to Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

At least 22 aftershocks have struck following an earthquake in far northeastern California that was felt as far away as San Francisco and in two other states.

Is it just bad luck as well that a train derailed in Chaffee, Missouri and the overpass in which it was traveling under collapsed as well? According to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources this is not a case of just bad luck as Missourians experience earthquakes ranging in size from 1.0 to 3.0 on a daily basis, mostly in the southeastern part of the state in which Chaffee is located.

This is the second accident in less than six months on the same section of track, the last one happened in January and was blamed on weather . . . since when does weather affect train travel? Again no mention is made of the daily earthquakes this region of the United States experiences on a daily basis, this alone keeps many people from making a connection to the Polar Shift and the presence of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.

This why articles like this one, Nibiru Planet X, May 26, 2013 Censoring the News Keeps the Public in the Dark are so important as they reveal the reasons for these events, the media is unwilling to disclose

Is the flood in/near San Antonio, Texas just an unfortunate set of circumstances and bad timing? If these were just isolated incidents we could easily pass them off as nothing more than bad luck but when these events happen day after day week after week month after month under the same conditions just in different parts of the country and the world, surely we can see a pattern?

"This year has been unlike any other for us," said Michael Bennett, Regional Chief Executive Officer for the American Red Cross. "Just when we think we can catch our breath, along comes another disaster.

Because the ground around this region of Texas is already saturated due to a lack of adequate run off and the San Antonio River can no longer dump its large volume of water into the Gulf that is rising steadily, flash floods and back flow is causing the massive flooding in this area.

Island nations in and around the Gulf of Mexico are already experiencing the direct result of rising ocean levels and now it is affecting the areas of the United States that are at or near sea level along coastal areas. This trend will only continue as the Pole Shift moves closer to completion. More and more people are already moving away from coastal regions as they are no longer livable regions.

Media Censorship

Even the internet is subject to censorship as is apparent by the USGS downgrading of the size of earthquakes within hours of the first report.
Even the internet is subject to censorship as is apparent by the USGS downgrading of the size of earthquakes within hours of the first report. | Source

Reading Between the Lies

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An article in National Geographic seems to have made the connection but blames all these once in a hundred years events on Climate Change, the notion borders on the absurd. Yes, without a doubt Climate Change is real but what is really causing it, man made pollution, get real!

Every single event world wide from the 74 million acre wildfire in the Siberian tundra to the massive flooding in Ireland and Great Britain to the huge Hurricane Sandy that ravaged 7 countries killing hundreds and leaving thousands homeless to the too numerous to count volcanic eruptions in the Ring of Fire all have one common link and it ain't Climate Change, baby!

It is without a doubt the increase in tectonic plate movement caused by the augmented Earth Wobble due to the strong magnetic force of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.

Do I need to draw you a picture, hello anybody home?

How many more wildfires that can be seen from space (Perth, Australia), earthquakes that cause bridges (Washington, USA) and buildings (Bangladesh) to collapse hundreds of miles away, volcanoes spewing ash thousands of feet into the atmosphere (Alaska, Mexico, Costa Rica, South America, Indonesia), floods (Great Britain and Australia) and sinkholes, natural gas explosions (USA) and meteors (Russia, Florida, Cuba) does the public need to make the connection?

In the last ten years, since Nibiru Planet X entered our solar system the planet Earth has been experiencing one continuous natural disaster after another and yet we are still being told this is all due to Climate Change caused by man made pollution.

People world wide are now convinced Climate Change is real however what is still open for debate is the reasons for it. Because these natural disasters are increasing in size and frequency the public is now making the connections to tectonic plate movement and the Earth Wobble. Even though Cognitive Dissonance is a reality and we are aware that it happens this does not prevent reasonably informed people from practicing it.

The only true debate left is whether our governments will fully disclose the real reasons this is happening to the planet Earth. I hope this article Nibiru Planet X, May 26, 2013 Censoring the News Keeps the Public in the Dark has helped to clarify what is being left out of our national media reports.


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