Have you ever been in a formal setting and couldn't stop laughing?

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  1. Dexter Yarbrough profile image70
    Dexter Yarbroughposted 13 years ago

    Have you ever been in a formal setting and couldn't stop laughing?

    Have you ever been in a formal setting, for example, church, school, funeral, interview, etc., and couldn't stop laughing because someone said something (or looked) funny or you recalled something hilarious? How did you handle it?


  2. ThatFatGuy profile image61
    ThatFatGuyposted 13 years ago

    Yea, I can't remember if it was a true story or my grandma was just joking around but everyone else took the story seriously. My grandma was talking about how she knew this guy who had died of obesity, but because he was so fat his family had to buy a piano case to place him in. Still he was too fat so they had to "remove" his legs so he could fit nicely in the piano case they bought for him burial. The family decided to place the legs into a separate coffin. So at the viewing they had two coffins and two lines going to each coffin, one for his legs and the other for his upper body. Honestly, I could not stop laughing and my grandmother  went on to talk about my "dark" sense of humor. I ended up leaving the room.

  3. Sunny Barb profile image61
    Sunny Barbposted 13 years ago

    I think there is something within that seems to make us laugh at formal settings and inappropriate situations.  I think some of the top places and situations include church services, weddings, funerals, ...generally places were it is taboo to laugh.  I have found myself in those very situations, giggling, almost hysterically and the harder I tried to stop, the more bubbles came out of my nose.  I think it is a classic case of knowing you can't or shouldn't laugh, or, is it a defense mechanism to help us get through those uncomfortable situations?

  4. kakamano profile image58
    kakamanoposted 13 years ago

    i just cannot stop laughing if it gets started...
    many a times it happened and it really embarrassed me.

  5. zoey24 profile image76
    zoey24posted 13 years ago

    Yes i do this all the time and i find it really embarassing when i get stern looks from people, but i just cant help it. Whenever i get nervous or something is really serious i just start laughing, i don't know why i do it but i know a lot of others do the same.

  6. Shahid Bukhari profile image62
    Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years ago

    Not often ... but recently, when, someone, I thought was a gentleman ... invited me over, to discuss his family related problems, I went ... believing him to be in real need of solace and advice ...

    However, it turned out to be a meeting of the nefarious kind ... the really bad eggs of society ... and it dawned upon me that I had gotten myself into a very nasty situation ... by trusting the 'apparent' ... an apparent gentleman's looks, and words. 

    You might call it a personal weakness, but I, always, unconditionally extend a helping hand to anyone in need ... if I can ... if, he, or she, or even an animal, is calling for help, in need, and I can help..

    I say, "there are things, that have to be done in life ... If these can be Done ... then these should be Done !"

    Anyway, the scoundrels discussed their "business" plans, as I sat there, withdrawn, waiting for the right moment, to ask their leave ... but sooner than that, it was time for Isha [Night] Prayers ...

    The scoundrels, asked the host [the one, I thought was a gentleman] to lead the prayers ! 

    Imagine his stature, he must have been the top scoundrel, to be asked by the lesser to lead ...But I joined the prayers, believing correctly, that it was God I was praying to ... so I stood up in the second line of the Congregation, behind the head, and lesser scoundrels ...

    But soon as he began the litany ... doing so very seriously, as if what they were discussing a moment ago, was some holy stuff ... I could not hold my laughter ...  and laughed out aloud ...
    then ran out of the congregation ... the hosts house, leaving them, as they stood Praying ... To whom, I cannot say.

  7. Timetothink profile image59
    Timetothinkposted 13 years ago

    My brother and I were singing a duet on Christmas Eve at our church when we were kids.  His voice was beginning to change and he was nervous that his singing would be affected, and as a result he had bad gas.  Of course, his voice wobbled up an down, missing the notes entirely. That was ok, we kept going, then this odor surrounded us, it was awful.   I started to chuckle, then the congregation started to chuckle at us trying to sing through the laughter.  I was so embarrased at our complete FAIL until the following Sunday.  To my mom's delight, 15 or so of the congragation wrote to the church about that night and how it was one of the most memorable and enjoyable services they had ever attended.


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