How would you best promote and market a new singer launching his first album?

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  1. Linda Bliss profile image85
    Linda Blissposted 12 years ago

    How would you best promote and market a new singer launching his first album?

    Assuming he doesn't have the backing and support of a big record label, and his marketing budget is relatively small? yikes)

  2. Angela Blair profile image69
    Angela Blairposted 12 years ago

    For a virtual unknown one has to depend on friends and associates in the music business itself so arrange for as many "new release" parties as possible. If the entertainer has a couple of regular club gigs, etc. approach the club owner about throwing a "new release" party at the club where you've got a built-in following.
    Establish a website and make sure you've got a slideshow of the musician and his/her music playing in the background -- pick the tune you'd consider "the A side" and play enough of it so visitors to the site will have a sample of what your Cd/album is all about. Pick out five radio stations in your area that play your genre of music.  As far as tours marketing an unknown entertainer -- it's been my experience that's money ill spent. If however, the entertainer can sign  on as an opening act for someone with a higher public profile that's a good thing. Lastly but certainly not least -- make sure the entertainer has a knock-out promo package. This can be hugely expensive if one hires it done. It's relatively inexpensive if done by oneself. Always be alert to new sources and keep a bit of merch with you every time you leave the house -- promotion can come from some most unlikely and unexpected places. Good luck!

  3. SheliaC profile image59
    SheliaCposted 12 years ago

    I would launch a massive online campaign; i.e., join as many social networking sites as you can (Facebook, MySpace, myYearbook, etc.), have your own YouTube channel with videos of performances that feature a link to the website where viewers can by the CD, consider utilizing the talents of a web marketer, and last but not least, look into putting the CD online with ITunes.

  4. Fullerman5000 profile image56
    Fullerman5000posted 12 years ago

    book as many local shows as you could. then go from there. all bands were once local bands.

  5. Grime Remix profile image61
    Grime Remixposted 12 years ago

    One method bands are using is to do covers on youtube.  This works only if the covers sound really good and they know how to Name the title with the cover band name, song, and their band name.  If the covers are popular, over time start adding their own songs. 

    If your video view counts are large it acts as proof your band has a following and relevant. 

    Another tip is release a CD using CDBABY.  You can release a single or album for mp3 download.  With each video provide the link to your album in the description box.  This could generate independent sales.  That's another big indicator that would help the group seal a major deal.

    Set up profiles on social media sites and keep them active.  Share your videos and personal updates.  You could also release single that's exclusive to your mailing list. Use aweber or mailchimp to manage your email list.  These services also provide you the means to create an email opt-in form so it's easy for people to join your list.  The html for the form can go on your blog, facebook pages myspace, and any site that accept html.

    You should also make use of press releases to the media and music related blogs. 

    Boyce Avenue is a band that's used this method and many others.  Check them out and how they landed their deal for a direct area to research.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  6. Linda Bliss profile image85
    Linda Blissposted 12 years ago

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to write such good and detailed answers.
    There's a wealth of information here and I will make sure I pass it all on to my friend who I'm sure will be very happy yikes)


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