Good Death Metal Bands

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  1. Omnivium profile image62
    Omniviumposted 12 years ago

    Hey guys, I would love to hear about some death metal bands that are good, and you can find a few yourself in my hubs. Maybe we can help each other find the most awesome death metal bands out there.

    1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
      TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Reading your hubs Omnivium, you know many death metal bands that I don't.  However, I do know some underground OSDM bands that many have not heard of. I'm just going to start with a list of some for right now.

      -Demilich (Extremely good technical-ish death metal, and their stuff is free for download on the band's website.)
      -Phelgethon (Thrash metal influenced OSDM)
      -Abhorrence (Their stuff is also free on the band's website)
      -Sempiternal Deathreign (Death-doom)
      -Depravity (Unique band here)
      -Carbonized (Odd band, but good)
      -Unleashed (Fairly mainstream, but still)
      -Disgrace (Only their first album)
      -As Serenity Fades
      -August Moon
      -Old Funeral
      -Phlebotomized (This is awesome)
      -Cauteror (Death-doom)
      -Crystal Age

      Have fun with those! Sorry for the long post...

      1. Omnivium profile image62
        Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Wow that's a lot of bands I never heard of. It will take me a while to look up all of those, thanks!

        And I wrote some more hubs about death metal bands, but I haven't been posting them until I get approved for Adsense.

        1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
          TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          No problem, and I didn't realize my list was so long until I had finished.

          Perhaps I should review some of these bands/albums, what do you think?

          Looking forward to your other hubs!

          1. Omnivium profile image62
            Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I think you should review some of them. You won't even have to think of a topic for your hubs, you can just go down the list lol.

            1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
              TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              That's what I was thinking- just pick a band and write. smile

              It'll be fun, because some of those bands are very good and somewhat unknown.

              1. Omnivium profile image62
                Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                After looking through the bands, I guess I only like newer death metal. But thanks for taking the time to write all those down.

                1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
                  TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  No problem!  I always like discussing music with others, and I have a very long playlist with those bands and more so I just kind of copied it down here. wink

                  I like both new and old death metal.  The newer bands are often extremely talented and technically gifted, but they don't always have the same intriguing atmosphere as the older bands.  I also like the diversity of the 90s DM bands. 

                  I pretty much like any kind of metal to be honest, aside from nu metal and metalcore.

                  1. Omnivium profile image62
                    Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Hmmm I never really considered the atmosphere of the music. Maybe I'll listen to some of them again with some more patience this time. Usually I just listen to how skilled the instrumentals are and then decide if I like it.

                    I don't like nu metal either. I didn't even know what is was, so I looked it up, and it just seems like radio bands. I like some metalcore though. I like the early All That  Remains and the most recent The Human Abstract album.

      2. mythbuster profile image76
        mythbusterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, this looks like a list for writing prompts on dissent topics! smile

        1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
          TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Writing it, I was thinking the same thing. smile

    2. Shinkicker profile image53
      Shinkickerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Don't know if anyone has mentioned SYLOSIS

      Terrific young Melodic Death Metal band from England. They're supporting Lamb of God on their US tour.

      This song 'From the Edge of the Earth' is awesome.

      1. Omnivium profile image62
        Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I consider Sylosis more of a metal band than death metal, but yeah, they are REALLY good. One of my favorite bands, actually. Can't wait for Monolith on October 9th!

  2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 12 years ago

    i'm not sure what death metal for metal, i luv ACDC and listening to Megadeth; Dave Mustaine has a lot of talent...and can't forget Lemmie...that old British rocker and he's still hangin' in there - somewhere in LA i think.

    1. Omnivium profile image62
      Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yea Megadeth is pretty good, but I don't really like AC/DC. I could never get used to the singing. If you want to hear a death metal song, search Youtube for a song called "Ghosts of Silent Tongue" by Archspire. It will be a brutal surprise.

      1. mythbuster profile image76
        mythbusterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry but I didn't become an instant fan of the Archspire tune here. I checked out the title on youtube but I'm going to listen to a few more Archspire tunes to see if there's something I like. I liked the intro a lot and some of the guitar work, so I'll probably enjoy some other selections from this band. Thx for sharing.

  3. Omnivium profile image62
    Omniviumposted 12 years ago

    Hey guys, in case anyone didn't hear of these already, some of the more well-known death metal bands are Obscura, Necrophagist, The Faceless, Beneath the Massacre, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Crimson Armada(first album only; the second one sucks), Decrepit Birth, Opeth, and Origin. I wouldn't want to just tell people about unknown bands without telling about the known bands first.

    1. mythbuster profile image76
      mythbusterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Even if I'm not fond of all the music, I have to say that looking at band names, I love this genre! These are some of the most interesting band names, without a doubt! smile

      1. Omnivium profile image62
        Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yea the band names can be good sometimes, but other ones are just nasty. There are death metal bands called Cannibal Corpse, Brain Drill, Prostitute Disfigurement, get the idea. I try to avoid the nasty, gory bands and just listen to awesome ones.

  4. Omnivium profile image62
    Omniviumposted 12 years ago

    Ok guys, I just wrote some hubs about Aeon of Horus, Beyond Creation, Born of Osiris(most recent album only), Fallujah(most recent album only), Son of Aurelius, The Crimson Armada(first album only), and The Human Abstract(most recent album only). I think they are all pretty good, if you want some new death metal bands to listen to.

  5. vmartinezwilson profile image59
    vmartinezwilsonposted 12 years ago

    Alright, I'm going to throw out a group called Battlecross...they're currently touring, well, they're always touring.  Here they are:


    1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
      TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice group there!  I listened to the song "Push Pull Destroy", and it wasn't bad.  Kind of a more melodic and thrashy death metal band.

    2. Omnivium profile image62
      Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I just checked them out. They're pretty good, and I never heard of them before. Thanks for the contribution.

      1. vmartinezwilson profile image59
        vmartinezwilsonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I like some metal, but I wouldn't call myself a metalhead.  I do like their stuff and wouldn't have known about them if it hadn't been for my husband. The bass player is my husband's cousin...he's the one with the skullet and kind of looks like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror.  Apparently, they're really popular in Germany, lol.  Go figure.

        1. Omnivium profile image62
          Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Two of my favorite bands are from Germany, Necrophagist and Obscura. I never heard of Battlecross though, so maybe they are not as popular in America lol.

  6. Omnivium profile image62
    Omniviumposted 12 years ago

    I just heard this band called Within the Ruins that does this cool thing where they have short pauses between the notes. I'll probably write a hub about them next.

  7. TheHeavyReview profile image68
    TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years ago

    Found this video today... Obscura covers the classic DM song "Flesh and the Power it Holds" originally by Death.  Kind of sounds just like the original, but with different vocals.  I believe it is on their compilation album.  There's also a Cynic cover.

    1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
      TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this
      1. Omnivium profile image62
        Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That was a good cover, but I wish they just made a new album instead of an album of covers and old songs. Omnivium was so good, I want to hear more.

        1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
          TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with you there.  I'm a very big Death fan so I thought I would post  it.  They were one of the precursors to the tech death style.  Cynic too, although they are arguably more progressive than both Death and Obscura.  Omnivium was awesome.

  8. handsomegenius profile image60
    handsomegeniusposted 12 years ago

    As far as older Death Metal bands go, I find it hard to go past Entombed.  Especially Wolverine Blues and To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth.

  9. Omnivium profile image62
    Omniviumposted 12 years ago

    This is kind of off-topic, but for those of you who write hubs about death metal bands or topics that are not very popular, do you actually get any traffic? My hubs about death metal bands get about 1 view per day on average, but one of my hubs about Yu-Gi-Oh! gets like 45 views a day, and most of it is from search engines. Is it worth it to keep writing hubs about death metal bands?

    1. TheHeavyReview profile image68
      TheHeavyReviewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't write hubs exclusively about death metal, but mine are all metal or rock related.  Some of them get an average of 0-3 views per day, while others get much more.  I think you have to play with your keywords or write different types of articles.  For example, many of my top 10 lists are fairly popular when compared to my reviews.

      The bottom line is that if you like writing death metal hubs, then you should keep writing them.  I doubt that they will get as much traffic as your other subjects, but it all depends on what you want to write.  Your traffic will also likely increase with time.  I haven't been writing online for very long, but even I have noticed an increase in views with time and persistence.

      1. Omnivium profile image62
        Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yea I guess I should write different kinds of articles. It makes sense that "top 10 metal bands" would get a lot of traffic, while an individual band name would not. How much traffic do you get on your more popular music hubs?

  10. profile image56
    knowledgeismightposted 12 years ago

    German grindpunk Japanische Kampfhörspiele (split up), I'd recommend Bolt Thrower, Cephalic Carnage, Morbid Angel, Carcass (especially Heartwork), Arch Enemy (female fronted), The Black Dahlia Murder, Decapitated, Cynic, Dying Fetus, Obituary, At The Gates,...

    1. Omnivium profile image62
      Omniviumposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I thought this thread was dead lol. It's weird, I've heard some Arch Enemy songs more than a few times, and I never thought the singer was a girl. It's kind of hard to tell by the singing, but easy to tell from the music videos.

      1. profile image56
        knowledgeismightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Agree! It was an amazing impression to AE live for the first time some years ago. Thought it was fake or something but to see her singing like on cd was amazing. She looks like an angel, small, blonde, great body and then it sounds like some hellish being. Weird but great. :-)


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