Name the TWO MOST TERRIFYING horror movies which made YOU cringe,

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago
    sleep with the lights on, made you go into your subconscious religious recesses, or asked a friend or relative to stay with you to allay your fears?

    1. Meisjunk profile image73
      Meisjunkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hellraiser! When I was a kid, I made the mistake of sneaking back downstairs under the guise of "needing a glass of water" so that I could see the movie from the kitchen! I was traumatized! To this day, I cannot watch it!

      The Saw movies also make me cringe, though it's due to all the gore. All I can think of is that really happening to my body, any of those awful limb-tearing, dismantling things, and I swear I can feel it actually happening! Gives me the creepy crawlies everywhere haha.

    2. cfin profile image62
      cfinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      1. "Splice!" - Oh dear god!!! That movie was disgusting.

      2. The original Nosferatu movie when I was about 6. I remember seeing it from the hallway of my grandparents house. I was disturbed for weeks after seeing him climbing through the window in that black and white jumpy framed movie.

    3. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Reaching back as a child the media presentation that scared me and still affects me today was a broadcast on the Twilight Zone. I looked it up on Wiki and its episode is titled "Little Girl Lost" broadcast March of '62. In '62 I was in the second grade.

      Essentially the little girl passes through an invisible portal in a wall. Gone . . . poof! The parents wake up and hear her in the room, yet nowhere to be found. I was afraid of under the bed because of that. Also, would not ever get between the bed and the wall if mom or day wanted my help moving it or breaking it down to move to another town. I think I still have reservations with touching walls still today like scrubbing them and painting. There were other episodes that were scary then too.

      Somewhere in life I stopped attending any 'horror' flick unless accompanied by someone. I do not know why or remember what film caused that. The 'Omen' kept me on edge. The Exorcist I laughed because that is a nervous reaction. So, I would say that had an affect on me too.

  2. JasminRace profile image60
    JasminRaceposted 10 years ago

    I recently watched the new texas Chainsaw massacre 3D It was awful from the get go! Then following that I watched another called Dark touch, it started well but by the end it was CRINGE!! Shocking acting with a awful ending sad

  3. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    The original "Amityville Horror" got me bad when I was a kid.
    More recently, my wife and I revisited "Pet Sematery" for the first time in many years and it freaked us both out. The events in that movie play on the absolute worst fears a parent can have.

  4. stclairjack profile image76
    stclairjackposted 10 years ago

    as a kid my aunt drug me to EVERY creepy crawly horror/sci-fi picture we could see at a drive-in,.. yes, im old enough to have been to a drive in,.. you havent really lived if you havent experienced campy tacky horror of the late 70's early 80's at a KC MO drive-in,.. the hoots and boo's,... the INSANE inspropriate laughter at the tacky silver screen antics,... the crowd sized gasps and screams at the "scary part"..... i still have very vivid memories of "night of the living dead".... "humanoids from the deep".... even such classics as "attack of the killer tomatoes".... "the blob".... and of course Vincent Price in "the tingler"........ all from the tailgate of a station waggon with a cooler full of beer and liver cheese sandwiches and big bag of popcorn from home, having hid under the cooler in the floor boards because we were sneaking the smallest of us in without paying.....

    the one that scared me most back then,..... "the children"..... a school buss full of kids rolls through a toxic cloud of gas and are transformed in to scary murdurous creatures of DOOOOOOM!..... it scared the hell out of me because it contained familar things like school busses and children,.. it was to familiar to me,... litteraly freeked me out propper!

    in later years i dont like horror movies,... they are not campy or fun any more,... the sadist vision that todays horror has become is a complete turn off,.. ive never seen the "saw" serries,... just the premis is enough to tell me i dont want to see it,.... ive lived enough, experienced enough and seen enough to know what man is capable of doing to his fellow man,... no

  5. profile image0
    Motown2Chitownposted 10 years ago

    I've seen a trillion horror flicks:  Hack and slash, demons and spirits, etc...Two stick out to me as the most horrifying.

    The Exorcism of Emily Rose
    House on Haunted Hill (most recent with Geoffrey Rush and Famke Jannsen)

  6. grand old lady profile image83
    grand old ladyposted 10 years ago

    Carrie. Life was never the same, especially when her hand came out of the ground and grabbed the girl's arm.

    1. rebekahELLE profile image83
      rebekahELLEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I watched Carrie alone one night when we lived out in the country.  We had no neighbors.  My husband was gone.  I was paralyzed to the chair.  Since then I haven't watched that many scary/horror films.  I've never watched a chainsaw movie, no thanks.

  7. Anna Haven profile image69
    Anna Havenposted 10 years ago

    Nightmare on Elm Street and The Exorcist. Horrible films. I didn't really watch anymore after The Exorcist and that was 15 years ago!

  8. Richawriter profile image83
    Richawriterposted 10 years ago

    The Grudge was horrifying and left me unable to sleep with the lights off for two nights - as a twenty-something-year old! I kept seeing the ghost and all her hair sprouting from the corners of the room ... and those eyes, oh God! Then there's the part where she climbs under the covers ....!!!

    Candyman was also a terrifying movie that leaves you fearing mirrors for a week or so afterwards. Just imagine standing in front of the mirror and repeating the words "Candyman" three times. The ending is also utterly terrifying. The darkened bathroom, the horrible face in the mirror .... ughhh cold shivers!!!

    Watch them if you dare! haha


  9. profile image0
    Beth37posted 10 years ago

    Ok, this wasn't a horror movie, but it made me cringe. Last night I ordered the Tilapia... I thought it was a filet, but it was the whole fish... eyeball to tail. Like a backwoods yokel I asked them if they wouldn't mind removing the head and tail for me. They were so kind to me... loser that I am, but I felt really bad.

  10. profile image0
    hlwarposted 10 years ago

    I watch a lot of horror movies, but I can only recall one that made me scared enough to forego sleep and wake up a family member to sit with me: Ring (リング or Ringu).

    I was lucky enough to see the original Japanese film before the subpar American remake, and there was just something disquieting about the overall ambiance. It didn't rely on big-budget computer effects, fast paced adventure scenes, or thrown together pointless facts to reach an outcome. It was simple, straight-forward, and believable.

    The clincher? That realistic moment of the ghost crawling out of the TV. Because it was filmed with a real creepy girl crawling out of a real TV, not CGI. Freakish!

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The Exorcist and Black Sunday SCARED me when I was younger.   I recently bought Deliver Us From Evil and FELL ASLEEP during the movie.  NO horror movie scares me; in fact, I use horror movies to fall sleep, a quite fitful sleep I might add.


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