How many different languages would you want to know? ( whether you could learn t

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  1. suncat profile image60
    suncatposted 14 years ago

    How many different languages would you want to know? ( whether you could learn them easily or...

    not ). Which ones?

  2. barbergirl28 profile image78
    barbergirl28posted 14 years ago

    I speak English, but I want to become fluent in Spanish (since I already kind of know it). I also want to learn Sign Language. I just love that form of language. I know it is a necessity for some, but I just find it a beautiful way of expressing oneself.

    Other than those, I guess I wouldn't mind learning German... just because I think in general the language sounds mad all the time... so when my husband pisses me off I could just yell at him in German.

  3. tomsum profile image76
    tomsumposted 14 years ago

    I am currently learning to speak Dutch.

    English is my native language. If I could snap my fingers and learn any language I want, well, I would learn them all smile

    Once I learn Dutch fluently though I would like to learn Spanish.

  4. Rimzim profile image58
    Rimzimposted 14 years ago

    I know Hindi & English also want to learn Urdu.

  5. deak profile image60
    deakposted 14 years ago

    I speak Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, English, German and would love to learn French, Japanese and Chinese languages.
    One is worth as many people as the languages one knows.

  6. viplove09may profile image60
    viplove09mayposted 14 years ago

    i want to learn spanish and french and i know english,hindi and gujrati

  7. profile image50
    chinesebirthchartposted 14 years ago

    I know English, Russian, Ukrainian. I would like to learn Spanish.

  8. badegg profile image78
    badeggposted 14 years ago

    I would like to be able too speak enough different languages just to be able to drive across this country and understand everyone that I encounter.

  9. guy1973 profile image54
    guy1973posted 14 years ago

    I'm tri- lingual, i speak English, french, and creol, i can understand a little bit of italian. I was learning portuguesse when i was in brazil, and was getting quite good at it, and it was such a big dissapointment when I had to move away. as i love travelling I love meeting new people and learning new languages. I have a friend of mine who can speak 11 languages.very impressive.

  10. arb profile image75
    arbposted 14 years ago

    I know one proficiently and spend half my time dazed,confused and misunderstood. Can't imagine the mess I would be in if that were multiplied by different languages. Tried sign language once and that damn, one finger, kept gettin in the way. The only time I wish I knew another language is when she says, "we need to talk", but, my experience tells me that she would speak it fluently.

  11. Dachusblot profile image61
    Dachusblotposted 14 years ago

    Whether I could learn them easily or not makes a difference! If I could do it, I'd want to learn every language there is (even the dead ones!). However, at the moment I am only fluent in English, though I am able to carry on basic conversations in Spanish, Italian and Russian. I would really like to perfect my knowledge in these languages, and also learn Hindi, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Portuguese!... Oh and German too.

  12. fundguru profile image60
    fundguruposted 14 years ago

    Well my mother tongue is German, in school I learned English, French and Latin, during my university studies in addition I learned some Dutch. And I am a native Frisian and so also speak Frisian.

    Some of my relatives live in Spain so that I learned over the years a few sentences and with French and Latin I already can read a lot of Spanish, so probably the next language will be Spanish.

    But I am also interested in exotic languages like Hebrew and Arab. These languages use totally different letters and write from right to the left.

    I think it is good in business to know many languages.

  13. hannah08 profile image58
    hannah08posted 14 years ago

    I want to learn French, mandarin and Italian languages.:-)

  14. dingdondingdon profile image60
    dingdondingdonposted 14 years ago

    Mandarin would be good! Failing that, Spanish. That would definitely come in useful.

  15. profile image60
    Earthmother Maraposted 14 years ago

    I would like to speak and understand all languages. I communicate in several, all of them Indo-European, but am aware of how inadequate I am in all. I believe that language is a wonderful tool to forge friendships with. Next, I would like to learn a language from a different root such as Arabic or Mandarin. I believe each language we use allows us to form different thought patterns.

  16. Rev. Akins profile image68
    Rev. Akinsposted 14 years ago

    I would like to learn how to speak Spanish and Chinese, but I would like to learn how to read in Hebrew, Ancient Greek, German and French. I am a minister and a significant amount of the literature that i would like to read to increase my biblical knowledge was written in German (by Martin Luther) or French (by John Calvin). I grew up in the southwest and would like to know Spanish, as it is spoken frequently in shops and businesses. I would also like to learn Chinese because I personally see that being the language that the all international business will be using in the next few years and while not a business person I would like to know what is going on beyond my own backyard. Nice question, looking forward to reading all the answers!

  17. KimberlyAnn26 profile image61
    KimberlyAnn26posted 14 years ago

    I would love to learn to speak Spanish and Portuguese!!

  18. poorconservative1 profile image60
    poorconservative1posted 14 years ago

    Every language that there is, wouldn't that be cool. But that's not gonna happen. Does anyone have a universal translator for sale?

  19. indo smile profile image58
    indo smileposted 13 years ago

    I want to learn English more cause everyday I used Indonesion n Malay language


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