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Stacy Harris (barbergirl28)

Joined 13 years ago from Hemet, Ca

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    Are You In A Pickle? Pickle Themed Gift Ideas

    11 years ago

    If you are in a pickle this holiday trying to find the perfect gift, look no further. These Pickle Themed gifts can be fun and unique and get you the gift giving attention you deserve!

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    Keysocks: The First and Only No Show Knee High Sock

    11 years ago

    Love your shoes but hate that socks aren't an option? Well, now the time has come. Keysocks are the key to shoe freedom and the latest fashion trend to hit the market. These Knee High No Show Socks are a must have for every woman's wardrobe.

  • 30

    Alcoholic Slush - A Drink For Adults

    11 years ago

    Every year, it was a tradition for the women adults in our family to fill their glasses with this wonderful alcoholic slush. This recipe is easy to make and provides a great drink for any large gathering of people.

  • Are You Lying to Yourself - How the Truth Will Set you Free to Lose Weight

    Are You Lying to Yourself - How the Truth Will Set you Free to Lose Weight

    11 years ago

    Losing weight is not easy. Yet when you have done it in the past, only to find that once again you are riding on the same trail but this time without any success, it can get frustrating. So here are some reasons you could be holding yourself back!

  • Creamy Avocado Chicken Wrap - Quick and Easy Recipe using Leftover Chicken

    Creamy Avocado Chicken Wrap - Quick and Easy Recipe using Leftover Chicken

    11 years ago

    Sick of the same old menu ideas. This avocado and chicken recipe is a great way to use leftover chicken for your lunch menu or for a light dinner. This wrap is not only tasty, but good for you as well.

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire --- Completing the 12 weeks

    11 years ago

    Turbo Fire is an intense cardio kickboxing class created by Chalene Johnson. It is a 12 week program that not only includes cardio, but also includes High Intensity Interval Training, and strength and core work. It will be sure to get you sweating and feeling stronger in no time!

  • Faulkner Winery - A Fun and Romantic Activity While Visiting Southern California

    Faulkner Winery - A Fun and Romantic Activity While Visiting Southern California

    11 years ago

    If you have never been wine tasting, Faulkner Winery offers even the novice wine tasters a chance to relax and have fun. Whether you live in the area and you are looking for a romantic afternoon away, or planning a vacation, this is a destination sure to please.

  • Help Me I am Homeless: Are you the first to judge or the first to help?

    Help Me I am Homeless: Are you the first to judge or the first to help?

    11 years ago

    With economic hard times, there may be more and more people sitting on the side of the road begging for your help. Are you someone who turns the other cheek or do you offer your assistance?

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    How to Dye the Ends of Your Hair Fun Colors: Tips From a Pro

    13 months ago

    Have you been looking to do something fun with your hair? How about adding tips to the bottom? Here is a guide on how to get a fun, colorful style that everybody will be talking about!

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    Pudding Shots - This is NOT Your Grandma's Pudding

    11 years ago

    Pudding shots are a great adult recipe for any backyard BBQ. If you are looking for something different to bring, this recipe will be the talk of all your drinking buddies.

  • Mock Strawberry Banana Cream Pie - A Pudding Recipe

    Mock Strawberry Banana Cream Pie - A Pudding Recipe

    11 years ago

    If your in the mood for pie but not in the mood for making the crust here is a perfect mock pie recipe that will kill the sweet tooth and yet provide a cool dessert for summer!

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire Day 19 - Day 30

    12 years ago

    Do you know what kind of results you can expect with Turbo Fire, created by fitness expert Chalene Johnson? After one month, here are the results.

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire - Day 17 and 18

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is an intense program, created by Chalene Johnson, that lasts 12 weeks. Without your recovery days, you might be risking overtraining. Do you know what the symptoms of overtraining are?

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire - Day 15 and 16

    12 years ago

    Turbo Fire, created by Chalene Johnson is intense cardio conditioning. Not only will you feel the burn, but you will start to see results quickly, whether it is on the scale or just what you see in the mirror.

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire - Day 12 - Day 14

    12 years ago

    Chalene Johnson is the master mind behind the intense cardio kickboxing class TurboFire. TurboFire, when following the schedule, will become a big part of your life. So how do you plan on sharing your healthy lifestyle with your family?

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    You Are Not Tired! --- Turbo Fire - Day 11

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is an intense cardio kickboxing class. The great music and Chalene Johnson's killer moves will keep you coming back. How do you stay motivated to stay in shape?

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    You are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 10

    12 years ago

    Don't get burned out with your workouts. TurboFire is an intense cardio kickboxing class and so you should take advantage of the scheduled recovery days!

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 9

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is a high intensity, high impact cardio kickboxing class created by fitness expert Chalene Johnson. High Interval Intensity Training classes are one of the many classes you will come across. What does a short class mean to you?

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 5 to Day 8

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is an intense cardio kickboxing class created by Chalene JOhnson. Remember even on the holiday weekend, you can keep up with the burn and make smart choices. Today is result day!

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 4

    12 years ago

    TurboFire, created by Chalene Johnson, is an intense cardio kickboxing DVD program. The classroom type setting offered will help motivate you. Do you believe having a workout partner motivates you to push harder or do you prefer to workout by yourself?

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 3

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is an intense workout program. Naturally, after putting your body through some of these workouts, a rest will be necessary. This is Day 3 of my personal journey. So on this day of rest, I am thinking about goals.

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 2

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is an intense cardio kickboxing program created by Chalene Johnson. High Interval Intensity Training, or HIIT, is just one of the many workouts you can expect on this journey. Will you join me on my personal journey?

  • Bring It: P90X YogaX Workout Review

    Bring It: P90X YogaX Workout Review

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is one of the many workouts offered by BeachBody. YogaX however, should not be taken lightly. This is a great workout, and will help you reach whole new fitness levels.

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    You Are Not Tired! --- TurboFire - Day 1

    12 years ago

    TurboFire is a high impact, high intensity, cardio kickboxing class. This is a documentation of my personal journey as I go through it. Day 1 is just the beginnning.

  • You're just a friend

    You're just a friend

    12 years ago

    A poem from a difficult time in life, used as a way of sorting my emotions.

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    Turbo Fire 5 Day Inferno Plan - What Results Can You Expect!

    12 years ago

    If you found a program that promised results in a short five days, could you make the commitment? Here are real results from the Turbo Fire Inferno Plan!

  • Creating The Perfect Birthday Cake for An Artist

    Creating The Perfect Birthday Cake for An Artist

    11 years ago

    Birthday's are a special time and they only come once a year. If you know of an "artist" who is having a birthday soon, this is the perfect cake to make for them.

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    Cheesy Party Potatoes With Corn Flakes: Crock-Pot Recipe

    20 months ago

    This recipe for cheesy potatoes is a definite crowd-pleaser. If you have company coming over, don't hesitate to put this on the menu. Your guests will be full of compliments.

  • Pistachio Eclair Dessert - Drool-worthy dishes

    Pistachio Eclair Dessert - Drool-worthy dishes

    12 years ago

    A delicious dessert that will have you craving for more.

  • Bring It: P90X Shoulders and Arms Workout Review

    Bring It: P90X Shoulders and Arms Workout Review

    12 years ago

    P90X consists of 12 different DVDs to be used over the course of 90 days. Shoulders and Arms is just one of the workouts. Read the review to see if this is a workout you want to commit to.

  • Top 5 Things that can sabatoge your

    Top 5 Things that can sabatoge your "Get Healthy" Groove

    12 years ago

    When it comes to losing your motivation, there are several sabatogers out there. Which ones have effected you, and do you know how to combat them?

  • Bring It: P90X The Aftermath

    Bring It: P90X The Aftermath

    12 years ago

    P90X is a 90 day long journey. With the end of one journey, begins the start of another. After completing 1 1/2 rounds of P90X, here are my continued results!

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    Toilet Paper and the many other optional uses

    12 years ago

    Toilet paper isn't just for doing your dirty business. There are many other optional uses for that fluffy roll that spends so much time hanging around in the bathroom.

  • Urgent Care in a Not so Urgent Way

    Urgent Care in a Not so Urgent Way

    12 years ago

    When you are sick and you have no other options, the Urgent Care might be the next logical choice. However, don't mistake the name for what they do. There will be no urgency used here.

  • Dogs in a Sweater! Seriously?

    Dogs in a Sweater! Seriously?

    12 years ago

    Dogs in a Sweater may sound a little silly. But, once you try it, your kids will be asking for them over and over again.

  • Bring It: P90X Plyometrics Workout Review

    Bring It: P90X Plyometrics Workout Review

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. Out of the 12 DVDs, Plyometrics is the second you will come across when starting the program. This is considered jump training and is high impact. Do you have what it takes to complete this workout?

  • Facing Fear - Don't just do a toe check

    Facing Fear - Don't just do a toe check

    12 years ago

    Do you avoid adventure because of your fears? Now is the time to get over it. Don't just do a toe-check, jump in with both feet. What you were once afraid of, might change into your greatest joy!

  • Peanut Butter Balls - Melt in your Mouth Good

    Peanut Butter Balls - Melt in your Mouth Good

    12 years ago

    Looking for a snack that is easy and delicious to make?Peanut Butter Balls will give the sweet tooth a run for it's money! Be warned - you can't eat just one!

  • Bring It: P90X Chest & Back Workout Review

    Bring It: P90X Chest & Back Workout Review

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, consists of 12 different DVDs. The Chest & Back workout is the first workout if you follow the program guide. It will get you pushing and pulling til you fall over.

  • Bring It: P90X Total Program Review

    Bring It: P90X Total Program Review

    12 years ago

    After 90 days on the P90X journey, it is time to give my thoughts about this program. Is this your next adventure?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 90

    Bring It: P90X Day 90

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is a 90 day journey. After 90 days you will see a complete transformation. Are you ready for the 90 day results from my personal journey?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 89

    Bring It: P90X Day 89

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is an extreme workout. The journey will take you far, but without the support of others, success will be hard to attain. Thank You to all who have helped me on my personal journey!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 88

    Bring It: P90X Day 88

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. With all that extra energy you will be using, make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. Did you the amount of sleep you get can directly relate to the amount of weight you lose?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 87

    Bring It: P90X Day 87

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is about extreme workouts. Yet, not only will you feel physically stronger, you will feel mentally stronger as well. Do you have workouts that make you feel a certain way?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 86

    Bring It: P90X Day 86

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. However, that doesn't mean you are going into the new year not setting a goal to get healthier. When setting goals, it is important to be specific. What are your "Get Healthy" resolutions for the new year?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 85

    Bring It: P90X Day 85

    12 years ago

    P90X doesn't take a holiday. However, us humans do. With Christmas goodies tempting me all weekend, I was a little nervous to see the results. Do you think I was able to push through?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 84

    Bring It: P90X Day 84

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is all about extreme fitness. Hope you had a chance to take a break and enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 83

    Bring It: P90X Day 83

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, does not take a Holiday. Even though it is the start of Christmas celebrations, you still have to get up and push play. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 82

    Bring It: P90X Day 82

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton is a tough workout. With two days left until Christmas, you may find yourself stressing about your workout time. So here are two exercises you can do easily to get in a little extra burn.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 81

    Bring It: P90X Day 81

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout, but with the holidays right around the corner, occasionally you have to treat yourself. So what foods should you indulge in this holiday season.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 80

    Bring It: P90X Day 80

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is a daily committment... even when you are feeling under the weather. With the holidays around the corner, getting sick is not an option. What other gifts would you like to avoid this holiday season?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 79

    Bring It: P90X Day 79

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is a daily committment. By the time you have completed your own personal journey, you will become a glorified Health Nut. Do you know any Health Nuts on your holiday list? Here are some good gift suggestions they are sure to love!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 78

    Bring It: P90X Day 78

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton promises results. So, are you ready to see some results?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 77

    Bring It: P90X Day 77

    12 years ago

    Even a tough workout like P90, created by Tony Horton, gives you a very deserving break. On my day of rest, it gave me time to think about all of the things I am thankful for during the holidays. What are you thankful for?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 76

    Bring It: P90X Day 76

    12 years ago

    P90X is full of a variety of workouts. Yet, on a Saturday night, it is the right time to enjoy some holiday movies. Remember, there is only 8 days until Christmas.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 75

    Bring It: P90X Day 75

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton is made up of 12 different DVDs. The workouts average about an hour long. With the holidays around the corner, lengthy workouts can be a detering factor to staying motivated. Here are 9 reasons to stay motivated during the holidays

  • Bring It: P90X Day 74

    Bring It: P90X Day 74

    12 years ago

    YogaX is an important part of the P90X program created by Tony Horton. When I think of yoga, I immediately think relaxation. However,with the holidays right around the corner, Christmas music also helps me relax. Here is my top 10 Christmas Song choices!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 73

    Bring It: P90X Day 73

    12 years ago

    P90X, an extreme workout created by Tony Horton, encourages you to push play everday. But with the holidays here, who really has the time? So, if you can't push play, try these tips for Holiday Fitness Shopping!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 72

    Bring It: P90X Day 72

    12 years ago

    P90X is still on the agenda ... with only 12 days of left are you in the Holiday spirit. Well get into the mood with the 12 Days of Fitness.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 71

    Bring It: P90X Day 71

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton, yet 11 weeks later, I am still seeing results. Today is the big reveal... ok, so it isn't big... but it is the reveal!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 70

    Bring It: P90X Day 70

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton, but when the end is in sight, it is time to push harder than ever. Here are 20 reasons to keep pushing play!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 69

    Bring It: P90X Day 69

    12 years ago

    With extreme workouts, tweaked muscles can sometimes happen. Yet, when it does, who is going to be the winner of your battle?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 68

    Bring It: P90X Day 68

    12 years ago

    Do you know where you are going in life? P90X might only be one step in the journey, but it is important to set your goals so you know which path to choose when you get there.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 67

    Bring It: P90X Day 67

    12 years ago

    Yoga is a big part of P90X. There are so many benefits to doing yoga, as you will learn from the program, but there are also many fun facts you may not be aware of.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 66

    Bring It: P90X Day 66

    12 years ago

    Of all the P90X workouts, Back and Biceps is the one that chisels out your glamour muscles. So, if you are ready to push through this Tank Top workout, maybe you are ready to add a little glamour in your life. Do you know how to be glamorous?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 65

    Bring It: P90X Day 65

    12 years ago

    You might as well jump. After all, P90X is an extreme workout and fulling of jumping moves in Plyometrics. Yet, if you are not a jumper, there is always the option to modify. So now there is no excuses!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 64

    Bring It: P90X Day 64

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, promises results. So, if you have been curious as to how the program works, don't miss out on the results after 64 days on the program.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 63

    Bring It: P90X Day 63

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout, yet it still includes something so important as working on your flexibility. Did you know that not only can flexibility reduce injury, but it directly relates to your heart health.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 62

    Bring It: P90X Day 62

    12 years ago

    P90X, created by Tony Horton, is tough as nails. However, are you tough enough to make it through the holidays this year! Christmas is only 22 days away!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 61

    Bring It: P90X Day 61

    12 years ago

    P90X is one tough workout... to the point where it may cause exercise induced sickness. Have you ever suffered from exercise induced sickness? Is it good or bad for you?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 60

    Bring It: P90X Day 60

    12 years ago

    P90X has been a tough workout. After 60 days of constantly pushing play, it is time for some results. If you want to see the changes, here are the pictures!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 59

    Bring It: P90X Day 59

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. It takes you on a journey every single day for an entire 90 days. So, how do you continue to stay motivated on a daily basis to ensure you keep pushing play!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 58

    Bring It: P90X Day 58

    12 years ago

    P90X is a 90 day program created by Tony Horton. After a short amount of time, you might find it hard to come up with something motivational to say. Here is a list to give you some help!

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    200 Things To Make You Happy

    12 years ago

    Being happy is a perspective; the way you veiw life and all it has to offer. What makes you happy?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 57

    Bring It: P90X Day 57

    12 years ago

    It's that time again! It's time to reveal the results after 57 days on the P90X program. Do you think the holidays and mini-vacation affected my outcome?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 56

    Bring It: P90X Day 56

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by P90X, but does it really give you the results you want. If you are willing to put in the hardwork, you will start seeing the physical changes. Yet suddenly, you will start feeling stronger. It just happens!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 55

    Bring It: P90X Day 55

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout, but if you are too exhausted, you might find modify it by switching days will make it mroe effective for what you need. Good thing it is Recovery Week!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 54

    Bring It: P90X Day 54

    12 years ago

    Heading off to Vegas, but there is no excuse not to get in my P90X workout. So, I am feeling good and about to go to the city that never sleeps! It's good to have rewards!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 53

    Bring It: P90X Day 53

    12 years ago

    P90X doesn't take a holiday and I didn't either. The Thanksgiving holiday might have been a busy one, but I still decided to Bring It. Yet, I didn't forget to reflect on what I was thankful for. Did you take time to think about what you are thankful for?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 52

    Bring It: P90X Day 52

    12 years ago

    P90X can get you the results you want, but with the holidays right around the corner, are you going to throw it all away to overindulge? How about making a pledge to listen to your body. You don't necessarily make the hard choices, just don't overdo it!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 51

    Bring It: P90X Day 51

    12 years ago

    If you are sick of that flabby gut protruding over the top of your jeans, maybe it is time you had a little talk with your core section. That is what I did! With P90X, created by Tony Horton, you will be tightening and toning the whole core. Painful, but well worth it when you can show off those...

  • Bring It: P90X Day 50

    Bring It: P90X Day 50

    12 years ago

    After 50 days the results are in. Sure, the entire P90X program isn't over yet, but keeping track of your results can keep you in check. Remember the scale is just a tool. The scale won't call you beautiful, but it can be an invaluable in any weight loss program.

  • The Scale Doesn't Call You Beautiful

    The Scale Doesn't Call You Beautiful

    12 years ago

    The scale can not measure what is on the inside. It will only give you the numbers in black and white. It is up to you to see it as it is... nothing more than a tool.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 49

    Bring It: P90X Day 49

    12 years ago

    Stretching is a vital part of any workout program. Throughout P90X, created by Tony Horton, there are two different varieties of stretches used - Static and Ballistic. Do you know the difference?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 48

    Bring It: P90X Day 48

    12 years ago

    P90X has changed my life, yet my journey isn't over yet. The workouts I used to dread, I now look forward to. Thank you Tony Horton for making me stronger.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 47

    Bring It: P90X Day 47

    12 years ago

    Do you find it hard to fit working out into your life - maybe it is time to schedule it. Join me on my personal journey through the 90 days of P90X and see me transform!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 46

    Bring It: P90X Day 46

    12 years ago

    Yoga X is an essential part of the P90X workout, created by Tony Horton. Information on some background of Yoga and how it does not relate to any religious beliefs.

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    Knocked Up - A Sonnet

    12 years ago

    A sonnet describing how sometimes fate has a different plan.

  • Bring It: P90X Day45

    Bring It: P90X Day45

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. The workout is intense but in the end it will transform you into a whole new person. After 45 days of the workout, you will be half way through the program. What results will you be seeing?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 44

    Bring It: P90X Day 44

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. P90X may not be for everybody, but the key to success is to find a workout you find fun!

  • Stacy - Past and Present

    Stacy - Past and Present

    12 years ago

    Everybody was involved in an English Class while growing up. Some of those assignments may have seemed corny at times, but after awhile, they become a fun treasure to share with family and friends. Here is just one of the treasures recently found.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 43

    Bring It: P90X Day 43

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. If you are curious to see what results an average person can expect, look no further. After 43 days of consistent workouts, the results are in!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 42

    Bring It: P90X Day 42

    12 years ago

    Even with as extreme of a workout as P90X, it is important to take a day off to either rest or stretch. The stretching is vital to P90X as in it increases your flexibility, but also decreases your chance for injury as well!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 41

    Bring It: P90X Day 41

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. During your fight to get healthy, struggling is normal. What are your biggest struggles?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 40

    Bring It: P90X Day 40

    12 years ago

    As a veteran, P90X can be a very comforting workout program. It may be intense, but it will remind you of the times spent in the service. Happy Veteran's Day!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 39

    Bring It: P90X Day 39

    12 years ago

    YogaX is just one of the workouts in the P90X DVD series created by Tony Horton. Achieving a completely clear mind takes practice. After 6 weeks, I was able to find this peace.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 38

    Bring It: P90X Day 38

    12 years ago

    Adding in an abdominal workout is a great way to push your workout one step further with the P90X DVD series. Just one little extra change can show the difference in the results.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 37

    Bring It: P90X Day 37

    12 years ago

    Starting off your morning with a great workout will make you feel great all day. With P90X, and extreme workout created by Tony Horton, jumping to it will no longer be a problem once you get into the habit.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 36

    Bring It: P90X Day 36

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton, but even with an extreme workout, it takes small steps to get to your goals. See the results after 5 weeks of Bringing It!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 35

    Bring It: P90X Day 35

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. However, even the most extreme workouts give you a day of rest. On your day off, make a list of differences that you have noticed since you started working out!

  • The Early Years - Past and Present

    The Early Years - Past and Present

    12 years ago

    Looking back is something so many of us often do. So how do you interpret what childhood is.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 34

    Bring It: P90X Day 34

    12 years ago

    When you are worn down, working out can be a little difficult. Are you one to skip the workout or push through the cold. During my P90X journey, I pushed through KenpoX, but I am taking the rest of the day off!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 33

    Bring It: P90X Day 33

    12 years ago

    Squats and lunges are hard. Unfortunately, they are effective and a big part of the P90X workout system as part of the Back and Legs DVD. Are you ready to push it a little harder?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 32

    Bring It: P90X Day 32

    12 years ago

    YogaX is a great way to improve balance. It is just one of the DVDs included in the P90X system created by Tony Horton. However, if you find you are having troubles staying on your feet, do you know what could be causing your balance issues?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 31

    Bring It: P90X Day 31

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout taking you through 90 days of intensity to transform your entire body. After completing Phase 1 of the journey, it is nice to know some new workouts are in store during Phase 2.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 30

    Bring It: P90X Day 30

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout, but does it deliver results. After 30 days of following this program, I have shown you what I have accomplished? Now is the time to decide, is P90X for you?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 29

    Bring It: P90X Day 29

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. This is my personal journey through the entire 90 days. After completing the first phase, I am seeing my results.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 28

    Bring It: P90X Day 28

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme fitness program, but even with the toughest programs you get a day of rest. Rest is beneficial, but sometimes it is just needed so you can live life!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 27

    Bring It: P90X Day 27

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme fitness program created by Tony Horton. Once you start the program, you will start noticing the differences in what you do on a daily basis.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 26

    Bring It: P90X Day 26

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme program. If you are serious about working out, you need to be serious about getting a support group. While some may have the support from family and friends, don't forget about the online support group specifically designed for P90X and all the BeachBody workouts.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 25

    Bring It: P90X Day 25

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. Yet, part of the system gives you an hour long of stretching. Nothing helps you to achieve better flexibility and clear your mind than that.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 24

    Bring It: P90X Day 24

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. The workouts in this DVD series will get your heart pumping and the sweat pouring. Are you ready to Bring It. Join me on my personal journey.

  • I Wrote Today

    I Wrote Today

    12 years ago

    The day and age of sending a simple letter through the mail seems to have left us. Now we are left with instant communication, whether it is email or text messaging. But, don't forget, your handwriting is still very important.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 23

    Bring It: P90X Day 23

    12 years ago

    Working your core muscles is an important aspect in everyday life. If you are looking to find that six pack - Core Synergistics is what you have been missing. It is just one of the 12 DVDs included in the P90X workout system.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 22

    Bring It: P90X Day 22

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. Even recovery week can be a bit on the difficult side. If you would like to follow my journey and see my results, I will show you whether this is the right program for you!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 21

    Bring It: P90X Day 21

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. As part of the workout, you are encouraged to do a day of nothing but stretching. If you are ready to Bring It, this program will get you into shape.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 20

    Bring It: P90X Day 20

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. If you are ready to Bring It and take your workout to the extreme join me on my personal journey!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 19

    Bring It: P90X Day 19

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. The legs and back workout will have you doing plenty of squats and lunges. Do you have what it takes to bring it today?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 18

    Bring It: P90X Day 18

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. This is my personal journey. Join me to see if this is just another fad or something worth investing in.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 17

    Bring It: P90X Day 17

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program that will get you in the best shape of your life. But, don't stay too focused on the workout, food control is also important

  • 25

    Make your child's birthday special: How to Make a Race Car Track Cake

    12 years ago

    Making your child's birthday cake is a great way to not only make the day special, but save a few dollars. Try this creative way to make your own Racecar Track Cake.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 16

    Bring It: P90X Day 16

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. This is my personal journey to test whether the system works or is just merely an advertising gimmick. Join me to see if there is enough bang for your buck!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 15

    Bring It: P90X Day 15

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program created by Tony Horton. In this series, I am trying to see if the success stories are true or just another gimmick. After completing a full 2 weeks, here are my results!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 14

    Bring It: P90X Day 14

    12 years ago

    P90X is an intense workout program created by Tony Horton. After a full week of working out till you can no longer move a muscle, a day of rest is much needed. How will you choose to relax?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 13

    Bring It: P90X Day 13

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program that promises to get you in the best shape of your life. If P90X isn't for you, there are many other options out there to get your workout in. So, what ways can you get moving and still have fun?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 12

    Bring It: P90X Day 12

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. Once you have finished, you should be in the best shape of your life. So, why not set some goals for yourself now and get healthy!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 11

    Bring It: P90X Day 11

    12 years ago

    Yoga X is one of the many workouts included in the P90X workout program designed by Tony Horton. However, whether you take your yoga to the extreme, or you just practice a few at home, yoga is something that is not only beneficial both physically and mentally, but can be taken anywhere you go!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 10

    Bring It: P90X Day 10

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. In the Shoulders and Arms workout, you will be targeting your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Can you think of any reasons you would like to keep that area in shape?

  • Bring It: P90X Day 9

    Bring It: P90X Day 9

    12 years ago

    The extreme in P90X Classic is the plyometrics workout. This workout is all about the jumping. If you have no access to this workout, here are a few ways you can incorporate plyometrics into your workout... in a fun way!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 8

    Bring It: P90X Day 8

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. The first week can be tough, but once you get through it, starting week 2 doesn't seem nearly as bad!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 7

    Bring It: P90X Day 7

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. After a tough week of grueling workouts, the final day is nothing but stretching. Definately not a workout to miss out on.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 6

    Bring It: P90X Day 6

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program. After following the P90X classic workout, Day 6 will have you doing martial arts moves with KenpoX.

  • CarMax - Is this really how car buying should be??

    CarMax - Is this really how car buying should be??

    12 years ago

    After dealing with numerous problems with a vehicle, CarMax has not lived up to their promise. Yes, it is really that easy to purchase a lemon!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 5

    Bring It: P90X Day 5

    12 years ago

    If you are looking for an extreme workout program, P90X might be the solution you need to get into the best shape of your life.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 4

    Bring It: P90X Day 4

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout program to get you in the best shape of your life. Part of the program uses Yoga X. This is not your Grandma's yoga!

  • Bring It: P90X Day 3

    Bring It: P90X Day 3

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. This is my journey in how far I can go in the 90 days. Follow me on my personal journey.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 2

    Bring It: P90X Day 2

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. During the 90 day adventure, following me on my progress, my ups and downs, and my thoughts as I complete this program day to day.

  • Bring It: P90X Day 1

    Bring It: P90X Day 1

    12 years ago

    P90X is an extreme workout. Follow me on my journey through the next 90 days.

  • The Redneck Dryer

    The Redneck Dryer

    12 years ago

    With these tough economic times, sometimes you just have to make due with what you have. Is your dryer out of commission, or do you just want to save some money? If so, the Redneck Dryer might be the solution for you!

  • The Ugly Pink Package

    The Ugly Pink Package

    12 years ago

    The Ugly Pink Package was packed with care and even though it had been beaten and taped, it just goes to show it is what is inside that really counts.

  • Excuse Me - Have you seen my knife?

    Excuse Me - Have you seen my knife?

    12 years ago

    Lives are an integral part of your kitchen supplies. Yet, it is only when you have lost your knives, you will realize how important they are.

  • Never Take Tomorrow For Granted

    Never Take Tomorrow For Granted

    11 years ago

    After the terrorist acts of Sept. 11, 2001, not only have we come together to be stronger but we learned a very important lesson - never take tommorrow for granted.

  • I Don't Need A Pet - I Have Kids!

    I Don't Need A Pet - I Have Kids!

    12 years ago

    Do you know the reason why so many people feel the need to have pets? Well, after 4 good reasons, it has come into perspective that kids can do just as good of a job at filling that void!

  • Sleepy Head

    Sleepy Head

    11 years ago

    When you are getting sleepy, and you want to go to bed. Know that grabbing a dew might bid you some time instead!

  • So You Think You Can Save

    So You Think You Can Save

    12 years ago

    Going back to school means retailers everywhere are pulling out all the stops so you will shop. Loaded with coupons and doorbuster deals, finding a sale isn't hard. Yet, are you really saving anything?

  • The 3 P's to Successful Writing Online

    The 3 P's to Successful Writing Online

    12 years ago

    If you are looking to be a successful online writer, start practicing the 3 Ps... patience, persistence and participation!

  • 216

    Introducing the Shrek Smoothie

    11 years ago

    Are you eating a balanced diet full of the nutrition you need? Are you getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables a day? If not, this green smoothie might be the perfect healthy choice to add to your recipe collection. Add Shrek to the name and even your children will want a taste of...

  • A Home of Our Own

    A Home of Our Own

    12 years ago

    The listing had been on Craigslist for almost a week and half. We had been closely monitoring it because it seemed perfect. Enough room for the family in a decent neighborhood with a price we could easily afford. We had been calling the owner...

  • Top 10 Ways to Snap Back into The Creative Zone

    Top 10 Ways to Snap Back into The Creative Zone

    12 years ago

    Are you feeling the ping of writer's block? Here is a list of suggestion that will help snap you back into the creative zone.

  • Status Update Overload

    Status Update Overload

    11 years ago

    Social Networking seems to be the norm. However, do you find that it is adding stress to your life as you feel the need to update your status constantly on all of these venues?

  • How can Happy be spelled without U?

    How can Happy be spelled without U?

    12 years ago

    Changing Happy to Huppy seems to make sense because Happy should never be spelled without you. Poem about loving someone else.

  • Attractions in Southern California: 800 Miles of Fun

    Attractions in Southern California: 800 Miles of Fun

    11 years ago

    Southern California offers tourism opportunities and is therefore a great vacation spot for those who live in or outside of the state. Hollywood, Griffith Observatory, Knott's Berry Farm, La Brea Tar Pits, Corona Del Mar, and Newport Beach are just a few places to visit. How many miles will you put...

  • Did you ever wonder? Is there a story behind Aladdin's Genie?

    Did you ever wonder? Is there a story behind Aladdin's Genie?

    13 years ago

    My two daughters love watching movies, particularly the Disney Princess movies. While all young girls love the story behind the princess, there are so many other characte’s in the movie some of us have grown to love. Aladdin was the 31st movie...

  • Simply Human

    Simply Human

    11 years ago

    So many of us fantasize about the lives of the rich and the famous. We wonder what it would be like to be them; we wonder if there life is somewhat like ours. Yet, even though they are simply human, just like us, it is hard to figure out what it...

  • Spies Among Us

    Spies Among Us

    13 years ago

    Spies have many different skills that allow them to do their job well. We have all heard of the famous ones, but what about the ones you have never suspected!

  • Stranded at the Drive-in

    Stranded at the Drive-in

    6 years ago

    Going to the Drive-in movie theater is a great experience for the entire family. Unfortunately, it seems that it is a dying trend, as most Drive-in Theaters have closed their lots for the more traditional excursion. In the height of popularity,...

  • The Night the Playstation 3 Died

    The Night the Playstation 3 Died

    13 years ago

    In the heat of a dueling battle In the land of the Video Games When the Playstation 3 died And now it needs to be replaced When a man named Eli Tried to make that game his very own And he called his wife to fight With the forces of the PS Move ...

  • Plates, Plates, Plates

    Plates, Plates, Plates

    13 years ago

    Variety is the plate of life. If you are sick of your old dinnerware and want something new, here are a few suggestions to get rid of the old!

  • I wish I had a Love Sac

    I wish I had a Love Sac

    13 years ago

    I am a 31 year old female and I can honestly say I have never had the joys of owning my very own Love Sac. It is a sad reality, and I am pretty sure many others can relate. The soft cushiony feel of these Love Sacs are truly something I am missing...

  • Changing it up - Stuffed Bell Peppers for supper

    Changing it up - Stuffed Bell Peppers for supper

    13 years ago

    Are you sick of the same old dinner ideas? Stuffed Bell Peppers can be a great way to change things up.

  • Exercise Your Write to Use the Bathroom

    Exercise Your Write to Use the Bathroom

    12 years ago

    Why is it that the best ideas always come to you when you are in the bathroom? So how about taking your writing space to the room were inspiration strikes! It wasn’t long ago, when the idea of taking your writing to the bathroom seemed a bit...

  • The Urge to Write

    The Urge to Write

    13 years ago

    As a writer, we all know this sensation. The pain in our fingertips until we can finally touch the keys on the keyboard. The sting in our hands, longing for the simple touch of a pen aching for paper. It is the urge to write. An urge so strong...

  • Living in a dream world

    Living in a dream world

    11 years ago

    Living in the dream world, not a care in the world. But, is the dream world everything you were hoping for?

  • Fate at 47 and 15/16 inches

    Fate at 47 and 15/16 inches

    13 years ago

    The adrenaline punch everybody hopes for... a big loop in the middle of the track! Barbergirl28 My family lives in Southern California. One of the benefits of living in Southern California is the excessive amount of amusement parks. Between Six...

  • A Journey into the Subconscious - A Guide in Hypnosis

    A Journey into the Subconscious - A Guide in Hypnosis

    12 years ago

    Hypnosis is a great way to clear your head and take a journey into the subconscious. With a few little tricks, you can teach yourself self-hypnosis and reap many benefits of this altered state of consciousness.

  • Writer's Withdrawal

    Writer's Withdrawal

    13 years ago

    Only a writer knows how serious a writing addiction truly is. After a bet is made, the withdrawal symptoms are almost too much to bear.

  • Songs that take me back

    Songs that take me back

    13 years ago

    As I was cruising down the freeway a few weeks back, a song popped on the radio that I hadn’t heard in years. It immediately brought me back as I belted the lyrics out in complete tone-defying loud screeches that only I, as the singer, could...

  • 149

    How to instantly look slimmer

    13 years ago

    Everybody is always looking for the quick fix when it comes to weight loss. Do you know how to get results instantly?

  • Beware - Danger is lurking in your backyard

    Beware - Danger is lurking in your backyard

    13 years ago

    Are you aware that at this very moment, you might be in danger. This article will help keep you alert and prepared if the need ever arises.

  • Chocolate martini

    Chocolate martini

    13 years ago

    Chocolate Martinis are sophisticated drink that is easy to make at home.

  • Meat Loaf - The Sunday Night Dinner Anytime of the Week

    Meat Loaf - The Sunday Night Dinner Anytime of the Week

    13 years ago

    A meal that orginated from the Great Depression, meat loaf has become something all Americans are familiar with. Try this recipe and your family will be asking for it weekly.

  • The Many Faces of a Tipper

    The Many Faces of a Tipper

    12 years ago

    Did you ever realize how many different types of tippers there are out there? Well, now that you know the different types... which one are you? Barbergirl28 Working in the service industry means a portion of your income comes to you by the generous...

  • How I met my husband!

    How I met my husband!

    12 years ago

    Everybody has their own version of their Cinderella story. Sometimes it is unexpected and sometimes it is like fate has meant you two to be together. What is your story?

  • The Dating Theory

    The Dating Theory

    13 years ago

    This hub contains content that may not be suitable for those lacking a sense of humor. If you feel that you are easily offended, you might want to change channels. The Dating Theory - Are you Hot or Not? Have you ever spent the night sitting in a...

  • United We Are - Divided We Stand

    United We Are - Divided We Stand

    11 years ago

    When Osama Bin Laden was finally taken down, America celebrated. However, it didn't take long for the political parties to start dividing. In a time that we should stand together, we were obviously dividing.

  • Ninety-Eight


    12 years ago

    Can you think of something special about the number 98? If you can't, here is a whole list of why 98 is extraordinary!

  • Clickity Clack Ads - The Secret to Making Money with Adsense

    Clickity Clack Ads - The Secret to Making Money with Adsense

    11 years ago

    If you want to make money on Google but you are confused with how adsense works, here are some tips on how to earn money.

  • Writing Poetry - The Loneliest Poem

    Writing Poetry - The Loneliest Poem

    13 years ago

    Writing poetry is a beautiful art, but getting it the attention that it deserves is often times a challenge. How do you promote your poetry?

  • A Pudding Twist - Peanut Butter Banana Pudding

    A Pudding Twist - Peanut Butter Banana Pudding

    13 years ago

    Craving pudding. This treat will kill that sweet tooth and change things up for desert.

  • Linking hubs to your hubs - Why it is important

    Linking hubs to your hubs - Why it is important

    12 years ago

    Providing links to your hubs is a great way to enhance the overall experience found right here on hubpages! When reading a hub, often times I notice some have links and some do not. Now I am not talking about the links to other sites or the links...

  • Facebook - The Loneliest Friend

    Facebook - The Loneliest Friend

    11 years ago

    Facebook is not a new craze. We have all been in the habit to collect friends on the internet. Yet, surrounded by these "internet" buddies is it possible that we have never felt more lonely due to a lack of "likes" and comments on our what we think is our quirky status updates!

  • Fookin Mail

    Fookin Mail

    12 years ago

    Redirected browsers can send you to the craziest of places! I remember when I was a child. I used to run to the mailbox if I was expecting a letter. I was so excited to see my name plainly written out on that envelope. A letter addressed only to...

  • The Rest Stop

    The Rest Stop

    13 years ago

    When traveling, you will probably have to visit a Rest Area one time or another! My family is no stranger to a good old fashioned road trip. Since December, my family and I have traveled about 6,500 miles! We drove from the Green Bay area to...

  • Gunther Toody's - A Blast into the Past

    Gunther Toody's - A Blast into the Past

    13 years ago

    Gunther Toody's lit up for all to see. This is the store located on Palmer Park in Colorado Springs. Barbergirl28 Anybody who lives or has visited Colorado Springs, Co, knows there isn’t a shortage to the dining out experiences. Yet, when looking...

  • Making a packing list

    Making a packing list

    13 years ago

    Packing is one of the most dreaded parts of going on vacation. However, making a list can assure that nothing gets forgotten and make the tast much easier!

  • Drive-By Puking... Victim or Perpetrator

    Drive-By Puking... Victim or Perpetrator

    13 years ago

    It is a natural part of human existences that can be caused by so many reasons. So, what's your story!

  • Help! I have been attacked

    Help! I have been attacked

    12 years ago

    It's easy to be tough from behind a computer screen! As a writer, one of our main goals is to be heard. If our articles are read; we are elated. If someone comments and gives us their opinion; we are ready to open a bottle of champagne and...

  • iWrite - A personal journey

    iWrite - A personal journey

    13 years ago

    iWrite Because I was born to do so Flying out with a pen in my hand And a piece of paper as my diaper My mind already full of ideas Ready to be read iWrite Because I was taught the love of stories Before going to school While I...

  • 38

    Cinderella, Cinderella

    12 years ago

    A little poem on how it could feel if a person is being taken advantage of. Cinderella worked hard, and it was just expected.

  • Top 5 Signs You Work Out Too Much

    Top 5 Signs You Work Out Too Much

    13 years ago

    Do you live at the gym? Funny list to point out whether or not you work out too much. See if you fit into any of the categories.

  • Why do you ask so many questions?

    Why do you ask so many questions?

    13 years ago

    Curiosity. That is the simple answer. As humans, we have a thirst for knowledge, and the easiest way to quench this thirst is by drinking up answers. We get these answers by asking questions. People who answer these questions, satisfy our thirst by...

  • ABC's of me

    ABC's of me

    13 years ago

    A poem about getting to know the author, Barbergirl28, just a little better. Feel free to venture out into your own ABC version and see what you can learn about yourself.

  • All You Can Eat Buffet prime suspect in Willpower's Death

    All You Can Eat Buffet prime suspect in Willpower's Death

    13 years ago

    All You Can Eat Buffet is considered armed and dangerous. If you have any information that could help police in the arrest call 1-800-EAT-FOOD. Made by Me Willpower, 31, was found dead Friday night outside a local restaurant. Police officials...

  • 55

    Should I hire a personal trainer?

    12 years ago

    Losing weight can be a difficult battle. When it comes to finding motivation, is hiring a personal trainer the best option?

  • Working Out - The Best Form of Self Torture

    Working Out - The Best Form of Self Torture

    13 years ago

    After a good and grueling workout, you might find your muscles are tired and sore. This might seem self-defeating at first, but eventually you will get used to it. So go ahead and torture yourself!

  • How to Make the Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

    How to Make the Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

    13 years ago

    Making a hard boiled egg can prove to be a hard task to accomplish, even for the best cooks out there. Are you fumbling with all the different advice out there. Try this no fail, hard boiled egg recipe!

  • What's the Buzz? -- Beginner Steps to Learning to Play the Guitar

    What's the Buzz? -- Beginner Steps to Learning to Play the Guitar

    13 years ago

    Memorization of chords is important to build the base for learning the guitar. I have recently bought a guitar and set it as one of my many goals to teach myself to play. A difficult task, I will admit, but definitely one that comes with rewards...

  • 31

    Scarred for Life - Part 2

    13 years ago

    Emotional scars are sometimes worse than the physical scars that accompany them. Click here to return to Scarred for Life - Part 1 There is nothing that can be said that will take a scar away. There are no creams, there are no lotions and there...

  • 26

    Scarred for Life

    13 years ago

    Sometimes we go through tramatic moments. When a young women gets her stomach cut open, the effects can be traumatizing. Some may say, she will be scared for life!

  • Good Bed Bad Bed - Is your mattress the culprit for not sleeping like a king?

    Good Bed Bad Bed - Is your mattress the culprit for not sleeping like a king?

    12 years ago

    When it comes to your sleep, it really is just the difference between a good bed and and bad bed. If you want to know hot to sleep and get rid of those sleep problems, don't get sucked into the sneaky advertising gimmicks? Buying a bad mattress can having you waking up on the wrong side of the bed...

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