If you could write a song, what would you write about?

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  1. Charlotte B Plum profile image70
    Charlotte B Plumposted 13 years ago

    If you could write a song, what would you write about?

  2. downpourofwords profile image37
    downpourofwordsposted 13 years ago

    About Love of course. Even though I have written over diverse topics (my hubs have around 20 poems), I always hold Love as one emotion which is bereft of greed, selfishness, anger and anything negative. Love is one of the most powerful emotions for me. Being in Love has helped me write and dwell into the ocean of love and I haven't even tasted a few drops yet.

  3. Charlotte B Plum profile image70
    Charlotte B Plumposted 13 years ago

    Hey downpourofworrds!

    Yeah I too notice that there are sooooooo many love songs out there - it seems to be the most popular genre out there. Thank you for your answer, I will check out some of your writing

  4. Lenzdp08 profile image60
    Lenzdp08posted 13 years ago

    Changing the World. The world can always be a better place and I think music encourages people to be better people and do great things.

  5. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    ....it could change day to day, minute to moment......
    Right now, Id prob write about the experience of being free smile

  6. Wonder Referrals profile image38
    Wonder Referralsposted 13 years ago

    This is a pretty easy question.
    I would write a love song about "How To Love You Better'
    Love is something that is a process that must be worked
    on every day.

  7. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    I think an unsung hero ballad with a blues ring to it

  8. Richard Sirota profile image59
    Richard Sirotaposted 13 years ago

    I am a singer/songwriter and I usually find inspiration in the trials and tribulations of everyday life and how they affect me.  I always try to write from a universal standpoint, attempting to show the listener the commonality of this shared human condition.  Someone once told me that she writes "love songs".  When I explained my penchant to her she responded with "Oh you tackle the hard stuff".

  9. chasemillis profile image71
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    A song about the happiest time in my life, and I would make it a remembrance of all the good times, mainly because I just love listening to happy songs

  10. nicole902 profile image54
    nicole902posted 13 years ago

    I would definitley write about the fun things in life!! wink

  11. JLBender profile image68
    JLBenderposted 13 years ago

    A song about what I am going through mentally right now. Is it possible to have an early-life crisis? I don't really feel like I know who I am or even what I enjoy doing. I would, of course, mention how great my wife is in the song. I don't want to be sleeping in the guest bedroom.

  12. nenytridiana profile image57
    nenytridianaposted 13 years ago

    I want to write a song about my father, my kids, my friend and love.

  13. arsh dadwal profile image58
    arsh dadwalposted 13 years ago

    i ll write a song about confusions of life ............

  14. profile image55
    chris faulkposted 13 years ago

    I would write a song about Boy on Boy love.why is everybody against this topic?Feels so good.LOVE IS LOVE

  15. Silent Sinner profile image60
    Silent Sinnerposted 13 years ago

    I would write a song asking for a change.

  16. Xyddig profile image60
    Xyddigposted 13 years ago

    I would write about my life and people who influenced me.

  17. sir_tallest profile image59
    sir_tallestposted 13 years ago

    i would write a song about my life....like a biography

  18. sanchiting profile image61
    sanchitingposted 13 years ago

    about Friendship! because being with friend makes your life beautiful and memorable

  19. anu24 profile image61
    anu24posted 13 years ago

    I would write about missing someone badly...and how I want him back in my life sounds sad but will be about the distances between us...

  20. profile image0
    HERBERT ubaldoposted 13 years ago

    About love triangle of a boy, a girl and the demon. At the end the boy and the girl will be a perfect combination

  21. Arlynne profile image56
    Arlynneposted 13 years ago

    I will write about what my mind and heart is telling at the moment that I'm staring at a blank paper and holding a pen. smile Writing while your heart is in it is a masterpiece. smile

  22. Hunbbel Meer profile image78
    Hunbbel Meerposted 13 years ago

    I have already written some songs. So, I believe the best topic to choose at a given time, should be your current things and the state you are going through whether happy, gloomy, sad, ambitious, broken etc.

    Words come naturally then.

  23. Tracey Khan profile image60
    Tracey Khanposted 13 years ago

    A song about what happens once you have fallen in love and kept hold of the person you love. A song about appreciation and relationship.

  24. profile image56
    bcalahposted 13 years ago

    if i write song about love because love is amazing can make heart happines

  25. trecords0 profile image59
    trecords0posted 13 years ago

    I've written well over 300 songs and each one is weird in its own way.  It's just not in me to write a normal song, so I can't really say what I would write about, or what I will write next.  It just comes out and it is what it is.


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