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  1. MickeySr profile image76
    MickeySrposted 12 years ago

    Everybody knows "The Exorcist" & "The Sinning" are great horror films. Many know "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" & "Night Of The Living Dead" to be genuinely scary. Some go more for the classics, "Psycho" & "The Haunting". And Hammer Films has devoted fans. But what do you count to be a horror film that deserves more attention and respect than it seems to get? What horror film, that you don't see others commonly naming, do you think ought to be included in the lists that list the films above - what horror film do you suggest as a largely forgotten gem?

    I often suggest to horror fans that they watch "Shock Waves" - the best underwater Nazi zombie movie of 1977. It's very low budget and with a goofy sounding premise (underwater Nazi zombies) - but it works. Whatever money the filmmakers had they spent getting John Carradine & Peter Cushing, and they are worth it. The other actors (including Brooke Adams & Luke Halpin from "Flipper") are all fine, the sets are all on location and fine, etc - but if you don't half-watch it, like for camp, but actually turn out the lights late at night and get into it, something about it really works and it's authentically creepy and with genuine scares. We watch it at my house every few years - it's a great horror film.

    1. Captain Redbeard profile image60
      Captain Redbeardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Obessed 2009 with Beyonce and Ali Larter. That movie terrified me. If I ever did before I sure as Hex make sure I don't flirt with women that arn't my wife now. Highly under appreciated for the fear factor of the crazy chick coming for you!

      1. huba90 profile image61
        huba90posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I pretty much agree with Captain Redbeard, "Obsessed 2009" movie was more scarier for me than any other movie, also "Orphan" and "The Good Boy" had good stories.

        1. Captain Redbeard profile image60
          Captain Redbeardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          How about Peter Pan.......seriously. Think about it. A pre-teen is peeping in on your daughter and eventually kidnaps her. He also has cut off a hand of a pirate and fed it to a croc. The idea of this flying delquent should make us shudder.

  2. MystMoonstruck profile image67
    MystMoonstruckposted 12 years ago

    It's too bad that these seem to remain so obscure:
    Link (1986)
    The Asphyx
    Shanks (1974)
    Eye of the Devil
    The Gate (1986)
    Crowhaven Farm
    The Godsend (1980)
    The Eighteenth Angel
    Roadgames aka Road Games
    I Sell the Dead ~ horror comedy
    Die! Die! My Darling! aka Fanatic
    Close Your Eyes aka Doctor Sleep
    Full Circle aka The Haunting of Julia
    The Iron Rose aka La rose de fer (1973)
    Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural
    Curse of the Demon aka Night of the Demon
    Frankenstein: The True Story (TV miniseries)
    Chronicle of the Raven aka Jennifer's Shadow
    The Dark Secret of Harvest Home (TV miniseries)
    The Changeling (1980) ~ Recent airings are stirring interest in it.


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