Are we too old to have a 4th child? I'm 38 and hubby is 41. My youngest is 7.

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  1. profile image52
    peanut13posted 13 years ago

    Are we too old to have a 4th child? I'm 38 and hubby is 41. My youngest is 7.

  2. point2make profile image62
    point2makeposted 13 years ago

    Too! What you have to decide is are you prepared to do it all over again and have another child. Perhaps most have to ask yourself do you want to ...again?

  3. profile image52
    peanut13posted 13 years ago

    Hi point2make. smile   thank you for the response. Yes! I am ready.. I miss it... I had someone else tell me to find something else to do while the kids are in school. I am not looking for a hobby.. Then they said that I and my hubby will be close to our 60's when the child is in their 20's... and think about how strange that would be for them... i haven't thought of it like that..   Is it really that bad... I don't know...

      My husband has that concern as well... but I haven't had that thought cross my mind. I'm just thinking how it would be when we are older, and we have a bigger family-kids to look after each other when we are gone... you know what I mean...

  4. Carmen Borthwick profile image59
    Carmen Borthwickposted 13 years ago

    I was 37 [my husband was 31] when I had my son Nicholas and we don't regret for a second having made the decision. 60 is the new 40 and if you are healthy, happy and financially sound to have another child then I can't see any reason not to.

    My only caution would be, that depending on you doctor/obstetrician/midwife, certain tests may be recommended because of your age. Do your research so you can make an educated decision as to how you should proceed. My doctor made recommendations followed by the statement, "I'm required to mention them [ie: amniocentisis], but with this being your third pregnancy I don't see a need for them". These are tests beyond the usual ones performed during pregnancy like an ultrasound or urine test.

    Nicholas was born on schedule weighing in at close to 10 lbs. I just turned 58 in November and my 'baby' is now 21. My age has never been an issue with him, my other kids or anyone else. Stay involved, stay fit, always be young at heart and open your home to their friends to keep them safe.

    I hope this helps peanut 13

  5. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Others have already made the point about health, and as far as it being too strange for your kids to have parents that old -- I'd say definitely not! My husband is 51 now, and our daughter is now two months old. My son from a previous marriage is 5, so both of these kids will be growing up with a fairly old father. My husband's son from another marriage was born when he was 35, and he certainly doesn't see an issue with his dad's age...luckily, said son doesn't see an issue with my age either, which is in the other extreme since I'm only eight years older than my stepson and younger than two of my stepdaughters.

  6. profile image56
    rieomposted 13 years ago

    I do not think this age precludes having a child.  My kids father was 46 when we had a our last child.  When he was out with our youngest, people would tell him what a cute grandson he had.....

    The only other concern would be Down Syndrome as the ratio for having a child with this syndrome rises with the age of the mother.

  7. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    I don't think so. My Husband is 43 and I am 41, and in spite of having fertility problems we never give up trying for a child together. For what it is also worth my own Mother was about 40 when I was born, and my Father was 56.

  8. Viki Pan profile image31
    Viki Panposted 9 years ago

    It is never late to have children, I believe. I have an acquaintance who is 45  and she has not given up her attempts to get pregnant with the third child, even though doctors tell her that it may be too late for that. And  medical tests prove this as well.

    Children is what matters most in our life. they give us happiness, support, they love us just because we are their parents. They don't really bother about the way we look. They just love us and we love them. That is what matters most of all. So, if you and your husband are in a good physical shape and have the desire to have one more child, why not then give it a try? Good luck!

  9. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    Past 40 and the odds of health problems for you and defects for the child go up.

  10. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 7 years ago

    I think that you have your hands full already.  Concentrate on taking care of the children you already have.   It is so selfish and unwise to EVEN THINK about having ANOTHER child.  What is WRONG with you?  Three children are more than enough!


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