How much time should a child be allowed to watch tv/play video games a day?

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  1. hotnewmama profile image60
    hotnewmamaposted 13 years ago

    How much time should a child be allowed to watch tv/play video games a day?

    My husband and I disagree about what the answer is. I dont feel kids need to watch tv or play video games, there are so many other things to do in a day! I could see like 30 min every other day... What do you think? Our son is 7. What age would you increase the time?

  2. abdihendra profile image59
    abdihendraposted 13 years ago

    Emotional experience usually occurs at age 0-7 years. At this age, self control, patience, cooperation, empathy, and others more easily trained and ingrained in the brain dibandin arithmetic, reading, or other calculative activities. Do not forget, this is more emotional maturity to determine your child's success in the future than the ability to count and play computer.
    In this case, I actually Television is the positive and negative. Yes, depends on us as parents, we must have consistency for the child.

    TV can be helpful if we ...
    ? - Watch educational TV programs
    ? - Selecting TV programs (not all cartoons worth watching)
    ? - Schedule a balance between watching TV and other activities. ?     Determine the weekly deadline
    - Facing the TV programs with violence. Watch at least one session of your child watch a movie. If there is a scene of violence, discuss with the child (about why occurs, pain, and there are other ways than violence to solve the problem).? Explain the scenes of violence on TV is fake / engineering
    ? - Encourage the child to watch a show where the characters help each other, caring and cooperating with its surroundings.
    - Apply the TV in real situations. Asking children to compare what is viewed with something that children already recognize before (either from experience or what has been learned)
    ? - Explain to children what is real and engineering on TV show
    ? - Use TV to explain the norms and values, especially related to drugs and alcohol.

    Benefits of Video Games to cognitive development (Given, Understanding, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Creating (creativity)
    -Select Type of Video Games that are played, the type of video games that require problem-solving strategies to improve cognitive abilities (cognitive ability / intelligence:
    "Adaptive behavior of the individual usually characterized by Some element of problem
    solving and directed by cognitive processes and operations. ") children
    -The men and women who were trained to play video games for 1 (one) month to show improvement on tests of memory, and ability to perform various tasks (multi-task).
    -Video games can make players to sharpen their thinking.
    - "Playing video games with their children is also a very good idea."
    -Social interaction along with physical exercise and intellectual challenges also can improve cognitive abilities in older people.
    - Note the time spent playing video games.
    Finally, my message is do not make your house like a prison for children.
    Please discuss again with your husband, a good strategy for the good of children, strategies that do not harm your child's psychological development, I hope my answer can help. Greetings for your family. Thank you

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    My answer won't be as robust and complex as abdihendra, but I think that a child should be allowed to play daily--Games you approve and for a limited time.  30 minutes after school or in the evening is fine.

    As abdihendra writes, TV can be very educational if watched as a family and things are discussed.

    I do not think children should be sat in front of a TV or video game to keep them out of parents' hair. I have never understood the idea of a computer or TV in the child's room -that is asking for trouble and an invitation to remove themselves from the family.

  4. mommyneal6 profile image70
    mommyneal6posted 13 years ago

    I think 2 hours tops  for both combined if it's winter and during the warmer months, at most an hour.

  5. skeeter747 profile image61
    skeeter747posted 13 years ago

    1 hour a day for T.V but if your 7 year old is in doors alot then maybe you should find something else for him to do! Gaming is not the same thing cause he will inter act with the set so allow him a hour on this also..

  6. Monisajda profile image61
    Monisajdaposted 13 years ago

    If it was up to me I would say no to TV. I don't watch at all. But given the fact that I sometimes must have a few minutes to myself I use TV to occupy my daughters. Have I lived with my parents or close by I would be involving them in raising my children and thus probably getting some time to myself, too. In that case I doubt they would need to watch much.
    On another hand, TV is not all bad as long as we take time to get to know what we are letting our children watch. There are some cartoons on TV that I don't allow them to watch and if we choose a particular family movie that contains violence or anything that is in opposition to our values, I sit with them and discuss it. We also talk about how commercials are made to lure us to buy products or create desire for them.
    To answer your question, I allow them to watch for an hour and a half per day. But there are days when we are out and they don't get to see anything. We don't play any computer games at all.

  7. br14nwall profile image59
    br14nwallposted 13 years ago

    Should be an hour will do. I like to keep it that way

  8. HennieN profile image61
    HennieNposted 13 years ago

    I believe this can be answered in the context you are in.

    I am a firm believer that children need to do things like reading and playing outside. As long as some of these things are also done and the kids are not in front of the TV/Games the whole time, it is not that bad.

    It also depend on the games played or the programs watched. With regards to games, certain games ie on WII allows certain small motoric skills to develop. I stimulates both the left and right hand side of the brain.

    Lastly, as a n example I once played WII with my 2 boys (7 and 9) for about 4 hours. We played in a team. The value added to my parent child relationship went off the radar.

    I believe there is a place for everything, given certain rules and boundaries are agreed by both parties.

  9. jjackson786 profile image73
    jjackson786posted 10 years ago

    One hour, tops. Two hours on weekend days and holidays. That is the recommended time for children and it covers all screens (iPad, television, computer, etc.)

  10. Lady Guinevere profile image65
    Lady Guinevereposted 10 years ago

    No video games until older.  TV..that depends on what they are watching.  Educational things is good, Health, Discovery, History, Science and the like are good ones to watch over an hour with.


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