How do you think families can spend more time together?

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  1. rlaha profile image59
    rlahaposted 13 years ago

    How do you think families can spend more time together?

    How do you think families can spend more time together in this day and age of new technology and the internet?

  2. mistifields profile image59
    mistifieldsposted 13 years ago

    In my family, we find activities which are interesting to all of us. I also, forbid my kids to spend too much time on the internet or playing XBOX 360,etc. We have movie and game nights.

  3. ALUR profile image60
    ALURposted 13 years ago

    I often bring my children together for crafts: allowing the brilliance of color to splash onto our canvas without rules or worry of clean up afterwards. Even a short walk unites us. As a single mother my times with my daugthers' is more revered than once before.

  4. Alecia Murphy profile image68
    Alecia Murphyposted 13 years ago

    When I was a kid, my parents and I would play board games and in the summers they would take me to different places. But on an everyday level, we always ate together and with the tv on, we would discuss current events. I think now with the advent of technology, you have to limit children's exposure as well as your own exposure to technology when spending time together. Nothing riles me more than when someone pulls out their phone when I'm eating or talking with them. It's rude.

  5. Rev. Akins profile image70
    Rev. Akinsposted 13 years ago

    We like to find games that we can all play. Quibble is a great game that is like UNO (another good game for kids) except you use dominoes. However, some of the best games we have are on game systems. Wii resort has great games for everyone, especially 100 pin bowling. Little Big World on the PS3 is great for kids. Watching my son play the game (with me in co-op mode) is hysterical.
    Whatever you decide to do, it is a choice above all else. If you make it a priority to spend more time together, it will happen. What you do not plan, someone else will.

  6. Ruchi Urvashi profile image60
    Ruchi Urvashiposted 13 years ago

    Families can go for outdoor games and playgrounds. There is no distraction of internet or television. Then, we tend to talk with each other and quality time improves.

  7. naeemebrahimjee profile image64
    naeemebrahimjeeposted 13 years ago

    I think the simplest thing is bringing a "family" meal time every day (or at least every couple of days.)
    This means if you kids are young, eat with them early. If they are older ensure you all get in the habit of sitting down over the table for a dinner.

  8. Gabby G profile image66
    Gabby Gposted 13 years ago

    I believe you have to be very intentional with spending time with family. set a specific time every week that is exclusive family time.

  9. Porshadoxus profile image60
    Porshadoxusposted 13 years ago

    Turn off the technology that allows us to retreat or live in our private worlds and do pretty much anything together.

  10. cobrien profile image60
    cobrienposted 13 years ago

    Schedule family meal time at least five days a week. It opens lines of communication and promotes bonding. Children that regularly eat with their family do better in school and teens who eat with their family at least five times a week spend less time with boyfriend/girlfriend and have sex at later ages.

  11. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 13 years ago

    I think sometimes you have to ignore the new technology and the internet!  These things turn kids into zombies, who don't talk and forget how to..

    I find that craft activities are great for getting children to all sit round a table together, (or even adults too; it's also great for us to express our creativity).  We collect stickers, different coloured paper and shapes and scraps for sticking, and then they create lots of beautiful things!  Simply providing coloured pens and paper is also good, as are colouring books.

    Going for a walk to the park is another good way of bringing people together.  You get the fresh air and the exercise, and that also helps people relax and talk.  And of course food always helps, round the table at home, or out for a meal.

  12. eye say profile image69
    eye sayposted 13 years ago

    There lots of options for family time together, here are a few...
    Turn off the TV, limit internet time, have a family game night, spend time doing homework in the same room and help each other, take up an art form together - creativity can lend itself to great conversation and fun, read each night together - pass the book a round so everyone gets a chance to read a chapter in the book, cook meals together - we make sushi and pizza as a family and it's fun to make, eat and share, have family meetings and reconnect - discuss how everyone is doing in the separate worlds and help each other resolve problems.
    Reconnecting will strengthen the family unit and the kids will love it.


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