What are some good measures to do do that children learn not to urinate on bed d

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  1. ahmed.b profile image67
    ahmed.bposted 12 years ago

    What are some good measures to do do that children learn not to urinate on bed during sleeping?

  2. krillco profile image85
    krillcoposted 12 years ago

    Several things can be done, but it is important and essential to understand why the problem is occurring, and not shame or punish the child. In most cases. Most children outgrow the issue as their brain develops as they get older. Most children simply do not have the 'brain alarm' that wakes them when their bladder is full. Limiting fluids after the evening meal is a standard measure. Then be sure to put waterproof sheets or better yet, and waterproof cover over encasing the entire mattress so that the mattress is not damaged. Then, place several layers of old blankets onto the bed, and cover with the bed sheet. Should the child wet, it is then easy to strip off the sheet and remove the layers of blankets that are wet, replacing a fresh sheet. In the morning, have the child wipe down the plastic mattress cover with antiseptic spray and take their wet blankets and sheets to the laundry. Then, have them bathe. Do not do this in a punitive manner, but in a matter-of fact way. The entire process becomes tedious to the child, serving to act as a natural consequence that can motivate the child to learn to stop the behavior. If these measures do not work, there are medications that can help.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Just use pull-ups. That way if they have an accident, the entire bed isn't wet and smelling bad.  Generally speaking, their body will mature to the point of awareness and ability to get to the bathroom.  You can also try taking them to the bathroom before you go to bed. 

    Never make they feel bad or guilty.  You do want to be sure there isn't a bladder infection involved so a visit to the dr. might be a good idea.

  4. Ciel Clark profile image70
    Ciel Clarkposted 12 years ago

    Don't make it a big deal.  Everything I've read and heard points to this-- when kids are stressed about this issue, it tends to happen more often.  My older son (who is now 13) never had a problem with it.  When he was about 2 1/2 we were on an island and I had him go without diapers-- it took him only a short time to figure out what to do.  He rarely had an "accident" but I was always careful to make it matter of fact.  I've had friends who would wake their kids up to go to the bathroom, but I never needed to do this.  Most important I think is to not make it stressful for the child-- treat it as a non-event.

  5. bettynj profile image38
    bettynjposted 12 years ago

    During the day-time, You tell  them squat to urinate,
    That will be their habit. The habit forming needs around 21 days.
    They lie when they are  sleeping,  if they want to urinate ,they will feel uncomfortable,  and they will make a sound.

  6. lindiesl profile image61
    lindieslposted 12 years ago

    My oldest went right to using the potty at 2 and never had an accident (she is now 9). Although, she did sleep walk if she did have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but she outgrew that. My middle child who is almost 4 was quickly potty trained but she does not have little alarm that triggers her to wake. She is a really heavy sleeper, so she is still in pull ups. We tried everything No drinks after this time, going to potty before bed, trying no pull ups hoping it would be uncomfortable for her, etc. Nothing worked! Finally the Dr. becaame involved and said some children just develop that later than others and not to worry because she will eventually grow out of it. What else can you really do. She doesn't want to do it, she knows she shouldn't but it is out of her control. I do know though, that my oldest hated having a wet or dirty diaper, she wanted it changed right away and you knew it. Now the one with accidents never cared when she was an infant, she wouldn't let you know, she didn't cry or fuss, she would sleep right through it. I always wonder if there is some kind of correlation between the two.

    1. krillco profile image85
      krillcoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There may be, in fact,  correlation in that different brains work differently...each of us has variations in our tolerances for certain kinds of stimulation, including discomfort.

  7. umbertoobrian profile image60
    umbertoobrianposted 12 years ago

    Patience is essential.  The child is not to blame for wetting the bed, that is essential to remember.  Waking the child about 30 to 45 minutes after they have first gone to sleep and escorting them to the toilet and praising them for urinating will teach them to feel the fullness in their bladder that heavy sleeping can mask. 

    Training and patience will pay off in the end.


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