Rainy is season is upon us this Fall, what do you do on those rainy days?

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  1. backporchstories profile image73
    backporchstoriesposted 12 years ago

    Rainy is season is upon us this Fall, what do you do on those rainy days?

    I want to hear what others do as groups of adults, individuals, and families.  What do you do for indoor entertainment to kick the boredom that comes on those rainy days.

  2. btrbell profile image86
    btrbellposted 12 years ago

    I am fortunate to currently live in sunny Arizona but I come from Chicago and still remember rainy season! We used to watch movies and make popcorn. Sometimes we'd play games. When the kids were younger, we'd have "marathons". it could be a game marathon or a TV show marathon, it didn't matter what. They'd get excited by the idea that we were going to watch as many of something that we could. We don't have rain too often in AZ but we have scorching 115 degree days. We turn up the ac, make popcorn, watch a movie with blankets and pretend we are back in the cold!

  3. melbelle profile image60
    melbelleposted 12 years ago

    Our rainey season is during the summer months. But I remember rainey season in NC when we would have a week of dreary weather.  As a kid, I did a lot of crafts during those rainey days, and was an avid book reader even back then.  As an adult I clean on rainey days, or crochet, cross stitch, quilt, and of course, read. smile

  4. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Reading books and researching online for info will definitely keeps me occupied without having the boredom.

    Other than that, I experiment with cooking. I love eating so with time on my side, I will experiment with cooking food for a healthy recipe.

  5. mvillecat profile image68
    mvillecatposted 12 years ago

    I love to cook and sleep on rainy days. I love cold, rainy days for making soup and chili and hot buttered cornbread. While the soup in cooking, I will be curled up with my pets and husband watching a great movie.

  6. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I am an indoor girl anyway which is strange since I live in Montana. I like looking at the trees from inside.  So I love jigsaw puzzles or I like to go into my craft room and scrapbook or create something, cards, notebooks for something like that.

    I also tend to spend way too much time on this darn computer in sun and rain.

  7. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    I LOVE the cooler rainy days as long as I don't have to drive in them. Falling rain is music to my ears and stirs my creatve juices. I enjoy writing, cooking, crossword puzzles, movie rentals, reading, or  working on my hobbies of vintage button and stamp collectioning.

  8. Trish303 profile image71
    Trish303posted 12 years ago

    I go to my sisters. with her3 kids soon to be 5 and my 3 we have a lot of fun, and me and my sister enjoy the time together and always got something to talk about. If I can not do that I read a book or cook something new, and clean my house.

  9. UMHiram profile image60
    UMHiramposted 12 years ago

    Watch family movies and/or play board games (e.g. Twister, Candy Land, Operation or Monopoly).  We may also cook some quick meals together - nothing too tedious.

  10. moonfairy profile image73
    moonfairyposted 12 years ago

    I love to light candles and put on low lights to make the house cozy and then I either write, cook, watch spooky movies, read and play on pinterest. Sometimes it's fun to be stuck indoors because of the weather!


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