Please tell me what to get through my daughters new sleep issues?

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Please tell me what to get through my daughters new sleep issues?

    Out of no where my 2 year old refuses to go to bed. In the last year getting her to sleep has not been a problem. We go through our night time routine then she goes to bed and goes to sleep. 4 days ago she decided this wasn't happening. She screams, flops, throws herself around, screams some more. Nothing has changed except 2 weeks ago she stopped napping. She hasn't been over fussy during the day. normal bedtime is 8, I just got her asleep at 10:15. Help!

  2. shanmarie profile image67
    shanmarieposted 11 years ago

    Have patience, it won't last forever.  It might just be a phase she has to try. Perhaps it is just extra crankiness from lack of a nap.  My kids act that way around bedtime sometimes when they are extra tired, especially with the time change.  I hate daylight savings time for that reason.  Keep up with your normal routine and maybe make sure she isn't drinking caffeine or more sugar than normal.

    1. shanmarie profile image67
      shanmarieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I just came across your question again and i was it possible something else has changed in your daughter's routine, not just the night time routine, but the entire day's routine?  Maybe  a new daycare or caregiver, separation anxiety f

    2. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing has changed which is why we are so confused. I'm a work from home mom so the schedule is pretty much the same every day. I hope this phase ends soon! Shes in a big girl bed so there is no keeping her in it during these fits.

    3. shanmarie profile image67
      shanmarieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It will get better.  I wish I could tell you the fits will end altogether, but unfortunately, they will just change to fits about something else  As Sarra says, all kids learn to push the buttons, and they will test your patience and resolve.

  3. profile image0
    Sarra Garrettposted 11 years ago

    Be patient my friend.  Maybe lay down with her and read a book to calm her down and get interested in going to bed and staying there.  I used to read to my son every night and we would talk and giggle.  Once the lights were out he was ready to go to bed as he was relaxed enough.  I did have a nightlight on for him and kept his door partially open as well.    Maybe a nap once in a while during the day may help her.  Sounds like she is learning to push buttons like all children and it can be so frustrating.  Only give her water to drink after dinner this way she's not getting extra sugar.  Crossing my fingers for you

  4. Li Galo profile image77
    Li Galoposted 11 years ago

    I have three kids.  It sounds like normal 2 year old testing behavior to me.  She's testing you.  UNLESS something has changed.  New people living in the house?  Change in lifestyle or schedule? Move to a new home?  Something that has switched her life in a major way may create upset and lack of stability for her, which you would want to comfort and soothe her over.  If nothing's changed, she's just being a 2 year old.

    There are two major schools of thought on this one:

    (1) Do a bedtime ritual and sit near them - not in the bed - but nearby, reading a book silently to yourself and avoiding eye contact until they fall asleep (you might be falling asleep, too, if you take that route).  I did this with my first born and it worked but he didn't sleep on his own for about a year!  So, I basically gave up every night of the week for a year.  It was awful.
    (2) Do a bedtime ritual and let them cry it out.  If they aren't in a crib, keep silently walking them back to bed until they stop coming out of their room.  The first night takes about 50 trips back to the room - not kidding.  If you do this every night for a week, by the end of the week, when you say good night, they don't come out of the bedroom anymore because they know you will always walk them back to bed and leave again.  The second one is only for the tough moms.  I did this with my second and third and wish I had done it with my first.  One week of silently suffering their crying (okay, I cried too sometimes but in the living room, where they didn't see me) and their tantrums and then it was back to the 8pm bedtime with no tears.  I had my nights back again! Joy!

  5. Aupriann Myers profile image60
    Aupriann Myersposted 11 years ago

    I would suggest Keeping the naps if possible. That could be a factor. Another possibility is growing pains. My son had them for a week and was only fussy at bedtime. That's when they bothered him. You could also try a warm bath with Mentholatum, or eucalyptus oil. It's calming and soothing. Has her daily activities changed? if she isn't getting enough stimulation during they day it can make her restless at night.

  6. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    Hi peeples.

    Yes, a 2 year old has the capacity to drive a mother mad. You, me, and many others. The good news is, they don't stay 2 for long. Don't lose sight of how quickly a little one grows up.

    My word of advice is not to fall into the trap of your child joining you in your bed. If you do, you can kiss goodbye your personal space. There's so many things that can disrupt a little one; teething, growing pains, something they've watched on a tv cartoon.

    I used to sit on the bed and read a story, saying "This is a really good story, and you're missing it. If you get up here quickly enough I will start it again for you. " But I wouldn't stay on the bed. If my kids needed company while they settled, I sat on the floor. If they were sick, I tossed a pile of bedding on the floor next to their bed and slept there if necessary for a night or two. That way, they could hold my hand if they needed to, and I could rub them if I wanted, but they didn't get used to my warm body in the bed with them.

    I am wondering, peeples, is there any chance that you've introduced some kind of new food to her diet lately? Has she tried something for the first time, even if your family normally eats it?

    My current obsession is undiscovered food allergies that can create changes in behaviour. I wrote a hub about it. (Food allergies testing for anger management in children.)  If I had my years over again, I'd be paying particular attention and probably keeping a food diary when my kids were really young.

    Might be helpful for you.

  7. profile image0
    Deepes Mindposted 11 years ago

    Melatonin. It works. it is a natural sleep aid. slip a little to her and let nature take course.

  8. DommaLeigh profile image61
    DommaLeighposted 11 years ago

    I know that one of my sons became afraid of the dark at two, so we bought him a night light. I also stayed in the room to make sure they where lying still and sang to them (I had two boys and one girl at the time) till I was sure they where asleep. Sometimes I would take him downstairs and rock him.

  9. lupine profile image65
    lupineposted 11 years ago

    At two years old, children become more aware of their surroundings. They are curious about everything. They stop taking naps because they don't want to miss anything...eventhough they look very tired. This is normal, so don't worry too much about it. Keep to your normal schedule as much as possible, avoid anything sweet about 2 hours before bedtime. When she screams and flops, be patient, calmly let her know not to do this. Try giving her a favorite blanket and riding her in the stroller, then put her in bed. Another idea is to use "lavender scent" baby oil or baby lotion on her before bedtime. Also sold in a spray, to help those that can't sleep, but it is sprayed on the pillow/bed area, not on the person.


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